- Not Official Pikud Ha-Oref
- Short Hebrew version can be found here: https://github.com/idodov/RedAlert/blob/main/hebrew.md
- This installation method relies on Supervised Add-ons, which are exclusively accessible if you've employed either the Home Assistant Operating System or the Home Assistant Supervised installation method (You can also opt to install the AppDaemon add-on through Docker. For additional details, please consult the following link: https://appdaemon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/DOCKER_TUTORIAL.html).
- Starting from version 0.15.2, AppDaemon has changed the location of its files. With this release, the appdaemon data folder will migrate/move out of the Home Assistant configuration folder into a dedicated folder for this add-on. You can access add-on configuration folders using SSH, Samba, VSCode, and similar add-ons by accessing the addon_configs folder/share. If you have this in your appdaemon.yaml file:
secrets: /config/secrets.yaml
You will need to adjust this to:
secrets: /homeassistant/secrets.yaml
- The latest appdaemon files are no longer situated in the config directory, causing add-ons like File Editor to be unable to access them.
- Using a Samba Share allows you to access and open these files with any file editor in your computer.
- In the provided screenshot, the VSCode add-on can be accessed by pressing ctrl+o and selecting the addon_configs folder.
This script sets up two new entities in Home Assistant:
- A binary sensor called binary_sensor.red_alert to store PIKUD HA-OREF data. The sensor can be used in automations or to create sub-sensors/binary sensors from it.
- A text input entity named input_text.last_alert_in_israel for storing the latest alert information, mainly for historical purposes.
The binary sensor provides a warning for all threats that the PIKUD HA-OREF alerts for, including red alerts rocket and missile launches, unauthorized aircraft penetration, earthquakes, tsunami concerns, infiltration of terrorists, hazardous materials incidents, unconventional warfare, and any other threat. When the alert is received, the nature of the threat will appear at the beginning of the alert (e.g., 'ירי רקטות וטילים').
While the binary sensor's state switches to 'on' when there is an active alert in Israel behavior may not suit everyone, the sensor is designed with additional attributes containing data such as cities, types of attacks and more. These attributes make it easy to create customized sub-sensors to meet individual requirements. For example, you can set up specific sensors that activate only when an alarm pertains to a particular city or area.
Why did I choose this method and not REST sensor?
Until we all have an official Home Assistant add-on to handle 'Red Alert' situations, there are several approaches for implementing the data into Home Assistant. One of them is creating a REST sensor and adding the code to the *configuration.yaml* file. However, using a binary sensor (instead of a 'REST sensor') is a better choice because it accurately represents binary states (alerted or not alerted), is more compatible with Home Assistant tools, and simplifies automation and user configuration. It offers a more intuitive and standardized approach to monitoring alert status. I tried various methods in Home Assistant, but this script worked best for my needs.By default, for testing purposes, the entities will contain data related to cities inside the Gaza Strip.
- Install the AppDaemon addon in Home Assistant by going to Settings > Add-ons > Ad-on-store and search for AppDaemon.
- Once AppDaemon is installed, enable the Auto-Start and Watchdog options.
- Go to the AppDaemon configuration page and add
Python package under the Python Packages section.
- Start the add-on
- In file editor open \addon_configs\appdaemon\appdaemon.yaml and make this changes under appdeamon section for
latitude: 31.9837528
&longitude: 34.7359077
&time_zone: Asia/Jerusalem
. You can locate your own coordinates (latitude & longitude) here: https://www.latlong.net/
secrets: /homeassistant/secrets.yaml
latitude: 31.9837528
longitude: 34.7359077
elevation: 2
time_zone: Asia/Jerusalem
type: hass
- Create a file named orefalert.py in the \addon_configs\appdaemon\apps directory.
- Paste the script code into the orefalert.py file and save it.
The script updates the sensors every 2 seconds, or more frequently if you specify a shorter scan
# UPDATE 03/01/2024 - Twicks & Bug fixes
import requests
import re
import time
import json
import codecs
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi import Hass
interval = 2
class OrefAlert(Hass):
def initialize(self):
self.run_every(self.poll_alerts, datetime.now(), interval, timeout=30)
def check_create_binary_sensor(self):
if not self.entity_exists("binary_sensor.red_alert"):
self.set_state("binary_sensor.red_alert", state="off", attributes={ "id":0, "cat": 0, "title": "", "desc": "", "data": "", "data_count": 0, "duration": 0, "last_changed": "", "emoji": "🚨", "icon_alert": "mdi:alert", "prev_last_changed": datetime.now().isoformat(), "prev_cat": 0, "prev_title": "מפוצצים את עזה", "prev_desc": "תישארו בחוץ", "prev_data" :"בית חאנון, בית לאהיא, בני סוהילה, ג'באליה, דיר אל-בלח, ח'אן יונס, עבסאן אל-כבירה, עזה, רפיח", "prev_data_count": 9,"prev_duration": 10, "prev_areas": "רצועת עזה", "prev_last_changed": datetime.now().isoformat()},)
if not self.entity_exists("input_text.last_alert_in_israel"):
self.set_state("input_text.last_alert_in_israel", state="ירי רקטות וטילים = בית חאנון, בית לאהיא, בני סוהילה, ג'באליה, דיר אל-בלח, ח'אן יונס, עבסאן אל-כבירה, עזה, רפיח", attributes={"min": 0, "max": 255, "mode": "text", "friendly_name": "Last Alert in Israel"},)
def poll_alerts(self, kwargs):
#url = "https://www.oref.org.il/WarningMessages/History/AlertsHistory.json"
url = "https://www.oref.org.il/WarningMessages/alert/alerts.json"
headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3',
'Referer': 'https://www.oref.org.il/',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
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icons = {1: "mdi:rocket-launch",2: "mdi:home-alert",3: "mdi:earth-box",4: "mdi:chemical-weapon",5: "mdi:waves",6: "mdi:airplane",7: "mdi:skull",8: "mdi:alert",9: "mdi:alert",10: "mdi:alert",11: "mdi:alert",12: "mdi:alert",13: "mdi:run-fast",}
icon_alert = "mdi:alert"
emojis = {1: "🚀",2: "⚠️",3: "🌍",4: "☢️",5: "🌊",6: "🛩️",7: "💀",8: "❗",9: "❗",10: "❗",11: "❗",12: "❗",13: "👣👹",}
icon_emoji = "🚨"
areas_alert = "ישראל"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=30)
if response.status_code == 200:
response_data = codecs.decode(response.content, 'utf-8-sig')
current_value = self.get_state("binary_sensor.red_alert", attribute="prev_data")
if response_data.strip():
data = json.loads(response_data)
if 'data' in data and data['data']:
alert_title = data.get('title', '')
alerts_data = ', '.join(sorted(data.get('data', [])))
icon_alert = icons.get(int(data.get('cat', 1)), "mdi:alert")
icon_emoji = emojis.get(int(data.get('cat', 1)), "❗")
if isinstance(alerts_data, str):
data_count = len(alerts_data.split(','))
data_count = 0
duration_match = re.findall(r'\d+', data.get('desc', '0'))
if duration_match:
duration = int(duration_match[0]) * 60
duration = 0
for area, cities in lamas['areas'].items():
if isinstance(cities, str):
cities = cities.split(',')
standardized_cities = [re.sub(r'[\-\,\(\)\s]+', '', city).strip() for city in cities]
lamas['areas'][area] = standardized_cities
city_names = alerts_data.split(',')
standardized_names = [re.sub(r'[\-\,\(\)\s]+', '', name).strip() for name in city_names]
areas = []
for area, cities in lamas['areas'].items():
if any(city in cities for city in standardized_names):
if len(areas) > 1:
all_but_last = ", ".join(areas[:-1])
areas_text = f"{all_but_last} ו{areas[-1]}"
areas_text = ", ".join(areas)
areas_alert = areas_text
if not current_value or current_value != alerts_data:
self.set_state("binary_sensor.red_alert", state="on", attributes={
"id": int(data.get('id', 0)),
"cat": int(data.get('cat', 0)),
"title": alert_title,
"desc": data.get('desc', None),
"areas": areas_alert,
"data": alerts_data,
"data_count": data_count,
"duration": duration,
"last_changed": datetime.now().isoformat(),
"prev_cat": int(data.get('cat', 0)),
"prev_title": alert_title,
"prev_desc": data.get('desc', None),
"prev_areas": areas_alert,
"prev_data": alerts_data,
"prev_data_count": data_count,
"prev_duration": duration,
"prev_last_changed": datetime.now().isoformat(),
"icon": icon_alert,
"emoji": icon_emoji,
"friendly_name": alert_title,
text_status = f"{alert_title} ב{areas_alert} - {alerts_data}"
if len(text_status) > 255:
text_status = f"{text_status[:252]}..."
self.set_state("input_text.last_alert_in_israel", state=f"{text_status}", attributes={"icon": f"{icon_alert}"},)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
self.log("Error: Invalid JSON format in the response.")
icon_alert = "mdi:alert"
# Clear the input_text and set binary_sensor state to off if there is no data in the response
"id": 0,
"cat": 0,
"title": "אין התרעות",
"desc": "",
"data": "",
"areas": "",
"data_count": 0,
"duration": 0,
"icon": icon_alert,
"emoji": icon_emoji,
"friendly_name": "Red Alert",
self.log(f"Failed to retrieve data. Status code: {response.status_code}")
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
self.log("The request timed out")
except Exception as e:
self.log(f"Error: {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}")
- With a file editor, open the \addon_configs\appdaemon\apps\apps.yaml file and add/enter the following lines
module: orefalert
class: OrefAlert
- Restart the AppDaemon addon.
After restarting the AppDaemon addon, Home Assistant will generate two entities. The first entity called binary_sensor.red_alert, is the main sensor. This sensor will be on if there is a Red Alert in Israel, and off otherwise. The sensor also includes attributes that can serve various purposes, including category, ID, title, data, description, the number of active alerts, and emojis.
The second entity, input_text.last_alert_in_israel is primarily designed for historical alert records on the logbook screen. Please be aware that Home Assistant has an internal character limit of 255 characters for text entities. This limitation means that during significant events, like a large-scale attack involving multiple areas or cities, some data may be truncated or lost. Therefore, it is highly discouraged to use the text input entity as a trigger for automations or to create sub-sensors from it.
To ensure that the sensor is functioning correctly, it is recommended to follow these steps after installing the script:
- Access the AppDaemon web interface, which can be found on the main page of the add-on in Home Assistant, located to the right of the "start" button. If you are accessing this page from your local network, you can use the following link: http://homeassistant.local:5050/aui/index.html#/state?tab=apps (If the link is broken, replace "homeassistant.local" with your Home Assistant's IP address).
- Within the state page, you can monitor the sensor to check if it is working as expected.
In case the sensor isn't functioning properly, make sure to review the logs. You can access the logs from the main AppDaemon page on the screen. This will help you identify and resolve any issues or problems that may arise.
You can use any attribue from the sensor. For example, to show the title on lovelace card, use this code syntax:
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'title') }}
Attribute name | Means | Example |
cat | Category number. can be from 1 to 13 | 1 |
title | Attack type in text | ירי רקטות וטילים |
data | List of cities | תל אביב - מרכז העיר |
areas | List of areas | גוש דן |
desc | Explain what to do | היכנסו למרחב המוגן ושהו בו 10 דקות |
duration | How many seconds to be in the safe room | 600 |
id | Id of the alert | 133413399870000000 |
data_count | Number of cities that are attacked | 1 |
emoji | Icon for type of attack | 🚀 |
prev_* | Last data from each attribue | stores the most recent information when the sensor was active. These attributes will become available after the first alert. |
Red Alert Trigger for Cities with Similar Character Patterns, Specific City, and Cities With Multiple Alert Zones
Choosing the right method for binary sensors based on city names and alert zones is crucial. To distinguish similar city names, like "Yavne" and "Gan Yavne", it's better to use the SPLIT function instead of REGEX_SEARCH.
For residents in cities with multiple alert zones: Ashkelon, Beersheba, Ashdod, Herzliya, Hadera, Haifa, Jerusalem, Netanya, Rishon Lezion, Ramat Gan, and Tel Aviv-Yafo - to set up triggers or sensors covering the entire city, it's recommended to use the REGEX_SEARCH function. This ensures they receive alerts for the whole city, even if it has multiple alert zones. This approach provides comprehensive coverage for these cities.
To create a sensor that activates only when an attack occurs in a specific city that has similar character patterns in other city names, you should use the following approach. For example, if you want to create a sensor that activates when only "יבנה" and not "גן יבנה" is attacked, you can use the following code syntax.
{{ "יבנה" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data').split(', ') }}
{{ "אירוס" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data').split(', ')
or "בית חנן" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data').split(', ')
or "גן שורק" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data').split(', ') }}
In cities with multiple zones, relying solely on the SPLIT function won't be effective if you've only defined the city name. If you need a sensor that triggers for all zones within the 11 cities divided into multiple alert zones, it's advisable to utilize the SEARCH_REGEX function instead of splitting the data.
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data') | regex_search("תל אביב") }}
If you want to trigger a specific area, use the SPLIT function and make sure to type the city name and area exactly as they appear in https://www.oref.org.il/12481-he/Pakar.aspx
{{ "תל אביב - מרכז העיר" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data').split(', ') }}
Israel is segmented into 30 metropolitan areas, allowing you to determine the general status of nearby towns without the need to specify each one individually. To achieve this, you can utilize the "areas" attribute. Here's the list of the 30 metropolitan areas in Israel, presented in alphabetical order:
אילת, בקעה, בקעת בית שאן, גוש דן, גליל עליון, גליל תחתון, דרום הגולן, דרום הנגב, הכרמל, המפרץ, העמקים, השפלה, ואדי ערה, יהודה, ים המלח, ירושלים, ירקון, לכיש, מנשה, מערב הנגב, מערב לכיש, מרכז הגליל, מרכז הנגב, עוטף עזה, ערבה, צפון הגולן, קו העימות, שומרון, שפלת יהודה ושרון
{{ "גוש דן" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'areas').split(', ') }}
The 'cat' attribute defines the alert type, with a range from 1 to 13. You have the option to set up a binary sensor for a particular type of alert with or without any city or area of your choice.
Cat (number) | Type of Alert |
1 | Missle Attack |
6 | Unauthorized Aircraft Penetration |
13 | Infiltration of Terrorists |
Trigger for Automation
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'cat') == '6' }}
Sample trigger alert for unauthorized aircraft penetration in Nahal-Oz
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'cat') == '6'
and "נחל עוז" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data').split(', ') }}
You can generate a new binary sensor to monitor your city within the user interface under 'Settings' > 'Devices and Services' > 'Helpers' > 'Create Helper' > 'Template' > 'Template binary sensor'
Ensure that you employ the accurate syntax!
Displays whether there is an alert, the number of active alerts, and their respective locations.
type: markdown
content: >-
<center><h3>{% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 0 %}
כרגע יש {% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 1 %}{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') }} התרעות פעילות{% elif
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') == 1 %} התרעה פעילה אחת{%
endif %}{% else %} אין התרעות פעילות{% endif %}</h3>
{% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 0 %}<h2>{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'emoji') }} {{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'title') }}</h2>
<h3>{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data') }}</h3>
**{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'desc') }}** {% endif %} </center>
title: Red Alert
Using this script, you have the flexibility to include additional information, such as the precise time the alert was triggered.
type: markdown
content: >-
<center><h3>{% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 0 %}
כרגע יש {% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 1 %}{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') }} התרעות פעילות{% elif
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') == 1 %} התרעה פעילה אחת{%
endif %}{% else %} אין התרעות פעילות{% endif %}</h3>
{% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 0 %}<h2>{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'emoji') }} {{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'title') }}</h2> <h3>{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data') }}</h3> **{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'desc') }}** {% endif %}
{% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'last_changed') |
regex_match("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d+$") %}
{% set last_changed_timestamp = state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert',
'last_changed') | as_timestamp %}
{% set current_date = now().date() %}
{% if current_date == (last_changed_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d',
| as_datetime).date() %}
ההתרעה האחרונה נשלחה היום בשעה {{ last_changed_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true) }}
{% else %}התרעה אחרונה נשלחה בתאריך {{ last_changed_timestamp |
timestamp_custom('%d/%m/%Y', true) }}, בשעה {{ last_changed_timestamp |
timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
Another nicer way:
type: markdown
content: >-
<ha-icon icon="{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'icon')
}}"></ha-icon> {% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 0
%}כרגע יש {% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 1 %}{{
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') }} התרעות פעילות{% elif
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') == 1 %} התרעה פעילה אחת{%
endif %}{% else %}אין התרעות פעילות{% endif %}{% if
state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data_count') > 0 %}
<ha-alert alert-type="error" title="{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert',
'title') }}">{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data') }}</ha-alert>
<ha-alert alert-type="warning">{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert',
'desc') }}</ha-alert>
{% endif %}
{% if state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'last_changed') |
regex_match("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d+$") %}
{% set last_changed_timestamp = state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert',
'last_changed') | as_timestamp %}
{% set current_date = now().date() %}{% if current_date ==
(last_changed_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d', true)
| as_datetime).date() %}<ha-alert alert-type="info">ההתרעה האחרונה נשלחה היום בשעה {{ last_changed_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true) }}
{% else %}התרעה אחרונה נשלחה בתאריך {{ last_changed_timestamp |
timestamp_custom('%d/%m/%Y', true) }}, בשעה {{ last_changed_timestamp |
timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true) }}{% endif %}{% endif %}</ha-alert>
You have the flexibility to generate various automated actions triggered by the binary sensor or its subsidiary sensors. As an example, one potential application is to dispatch alert messages to a LED matrix screen (in pic: forwarding all alerts to the Ulanzi Smart Clock, which is based on ESPHome32 and features a screen).
(Change #your phone#
to your entity name)
alias: Notify attack
description: "Real-time Attack Notification"
- platform: state
- binary_sensor.red_alert
from: "off"
to: "on"
condition: []
- service: notify.mobile_app_#your phone#
message: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data') }}"
title: "{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'title') }} ב{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'areas') }}"
mode: single
As another illustration, you can configure your RGB lights to change colors repeatedly while the alert is active.
(Change light.#light-1#
to your entity name)
alias: Alert in TLV
description: "When an alert occurs in Tel Aviv, the lights will cyclically change to red and blue for a duration of 30 seconds, after which they will revert to their previous states"
- platform: template
id: TLV
value_template: >-
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'data') | regex_search("תל אביב") }}
condition: []
- service: scene.create
scene_id: before_red_alert
- light.#light-1#
- light.#light-2#
- light.#light-3#
- repeat:
count: 30
- service: light.turn_on
color_name: blue
- light.#light-1#
- light.#light-2#
- light.#light-3#
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 500
- service: light.turn_on
color_name: red
- light.#light-1#
- light.#light-2#
- light.#light-3#
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 0
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 500
- service: scene.turn_on
data: {}
entity_id: scene.before_red_alert
mode: single
The "desc" attribute provides information on the duration in minutes for staying inside the safe room. This automation will generate a timer based on the data from this attribute. Before implementing this automation, it's essential to create a TIMER helper.
- Create a new TIMER helper. You can generate a new timer entity within the user interface under 'Settings' > 'Devices and Services' > 'Helpers' > 'Create Helper' > 'Timer'
- Name it "Oref Alert".
- Create automation with your desire trigger,
for example: (change
#your phone#
to your entity name)
Alias: Safe to go out
description: "Notify on phone that it's safe to go outside"
mode: single
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{{ "תל אביב - מרכז העיר" in state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert',
'data').split(', ') }}
condition: []
- service: timer.start
duration: >-
{{ state_attr('binary_sensor.red_alert', 'duration') }}
entity_id: timer.red_alert
- service: notify.mobile_app_#your phone#
title: ההתרעה הוסרה
message: אפשר לחזור לשגרה
This entity stores the alert history for viewing on the logbook screen.
You can use this entity as an automation trigger for demonstration purposes. However, it's important to note that it's strongly advised not to rely on this entity for creating sub-sensors or triggers in production scenarios.
To trigger a check for any city, area name or title, you can use the following line of code:
{{ 'אור יהודה' in states('input_text.last_alert_in_israel') }}
Here's an example automation for demonstration purposes:
mode: single
- platform: template
value_template: |
{{ 'אור יהודה' in states('input_text.last_alert_in_israel') }}
condition: []
- service: light.turn_on
flash: long
- 255
- 0
- 0
entity_id: light.#RGB_LIGHT#
To test it, navigate to the Developer Tools State screen and select the "input_text.last_alert_in_israel" entity. Here, you'll find the last historical data. If no alerts have occurred yet, you'll see a demo list of cities.
To trigger your automation, clear the existing data and enter the city, area name or any word from the title you want to use as a trigger. Click SET STATE and the entity data will be updated, subsequently triggering your automation.
It's important to note that while this approach may work for live data when alerts occur and function most of the time, it's not recommended as the primary automation for alerts, as it may not work reliably under all circumstances.
This code is based on and inspired by https://gist.github.com/shahafc84/5e8b62cdaeb03d2dfaaf906a4fad98b9