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420 lines (299 loc) · 16.6 KB

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420 lines (299 loc) · 16.6 KB

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.7.6 and 0.7.7

  • Updated cmake/packaging scripts to support the Ubuntu 18.04 toolchain
  • Disabled FindXMLRPC CMake module when cross compiling. This fixes a build failure when cross compiling for the O3D303 with CMake 3.10.2 on Ubuntu 18.04)
  • Backported PR#180 from ifm3d to handle spurious wakeups in WaitForFrame

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.7.5 and 0.7.6

  • Makes unit tests pass for the 1.23.1522 firmware (json dumps still do not expose the new parameters).

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.7.4 and 0.7.5

  • Added timestamp support for images grabbed with the oem module

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.7.3 and 0.7.4

  • Updated XMLRPC protocol for 1.20.x firmwares
  • Made framegrabber robust to exhausted PCIC connections and async messages.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.7.2 and 0.7.3

  • Merged @graugans PR120: o3d3xx-trace

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.7.1 and 0.7.2

  • Merged @graugans PR117: Add support for the result data time stamp

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.6.0 and 0.7.1

  • Merged @stefan-kuhn PR101: Deadlock bug fix

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.6.0 and 0.7.0

  • Merged @stefan-kuhn PR95: Pcicclient async messages integration
  • Merged @stefan-kuhn PR96: Integrate illu temp

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.5.0 and 0.6.0

  • Merged @cfreundl PR89: Integration of resultsync 0.2
  • Merged @stefan-kuhn PR91: Implementation of PCIC client

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.9 and 0.5.0

  • Introduced the oem module to enable optimized functionality for OEM's developing on-camera algorithms.
  • Integrated ifm's Results Synchronization Library with the oem module to allow for (near) zero-copy framegrabbing. There is still a single copy that needs to be made to pull data out of the ifm buffers and populate the OpenCV data structures.
  • Added a new command-line program (as part of the oem module) called o3d3xx-oem-jitter. Can be used to collect data on the resultsync-based framegrabber's latency jitter.
  • Brought library compatibility up-to-date with ifm 1.6.2114 firmware. NOTE: 0.4.9 and 0.5.0 are ahead of the public ifm firmwares, so, I am disabling the unit tests for setting temporary application parameters and registering the exposure times to the image buffer. These will be re-enabled with a version of the ifm firmware.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.8 and 0.4.9

  • Added new device config parameter EthernetFieldBusEndianness
  • Added new imager config parameter UseSimpleBinning
  • Added new program ex-cartesian_compare.cpp in the examples module. This is to allow for checking, visually, an off-board computed cloud vs. an on-board computed cloud.
  • Fixed memory access bug
  • Updated to support (in a backward compatible fashion) image chunk header version 2.
  • Framegrabber now supports streaming back exposure times in-line with the pixel data. See o3d3xx-schema for new schema mask and the JSON sent over PCIC to the camera.
  • ImageBuffer allows for accessing exposure times registered to the current image frame (assuming the schema mask set on the FrameGrabber specifies the streaming of exposure times).
  • Camera now provides an interface for setting ExposureTime and ExposureTimeRatio on the fly while streaming in pixel data.
  • A new program ex-exposure_times.cpp in the examples module has been added to illustrate setting on-the-fly exposure times.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.6 and 0.4.8

  • NOTE: 0.4.7 was a testing branch and never made it to a release.
  • FrameGrabber ctor will not throw exceptions explicitly. This is achived by,
    1. not introspecting the current trigger mode, 2) not explicitly setting the camera into RUN mode, 3) Not throwing an error if we cannot discern the PCIC TCP port. The intent is to make the software more stable to volatility in the hardware being present or not (be it at start up or during operation).
  • Software Triggering while in FREE_RUN mode will not cause the frame grabber to throw and exception.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.5 and 0.4.6

  • Updates to XML-RPC protocol for FW 1.6.x
  • Provided mutators on the DeviceConfig value object so that when fetching data from the camera (e.g., in o3d3xx-dump), it will reflect the true state of the camera. See: #63
  • Removed tests against the 100k pixel imager -- this firmware seems to deprecate this feature.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.4 and 0.4.5

  • Added support for multiple PCIC connections under software triggering. See also: #58
  • Adapted build scripts to be able to cross-compile to the camera

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.3 and 0.4.4

  • Firmware files moved to new o3d3xx-firmware repository
  • Deb files have been renamed to include ubuntu version string in filename
  • FrameGrabber has been refactored and now supports S/W triggering
  • o3d3xx-hz now supports a --sw argument indicating that you want it to do a S/W trigger prior to fetching the image data -- if you set up your applications correctly on the camera, you can benchmark a free-running camera vs. a software triggering setup.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.2 and 0.4.3

  • Updated build scripts to support Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
  • Updated build scripts to deal with parallel installations of OpenCV 3 and OpenCV 2.4. This is important for our ROS users.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.1 and 0.4.2

  • Updated unit tests to properly validate Extrinsics

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.4.0 and 0.4.1

  • Updates to XML-RPC protocol for FW 1.4.x. See JSON schema diff in docs/json.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.3.0 and 0.4.0

Modularization of libo3d3xx

  • The project has been broken up into three separate sub-projects or modules. They are:

    • libo3d3xx-camera: Implements the XML-RPC protocol
    • libo3d3xx-framegrabber: Streams image data from camera
    • libo3d3xx-image: Organizes the image data utilizing OpenCV and PCL data structures.
  • The main README page contains updated build instructions for the new code structure.

ByteBuffer interface

  • Introduced a new ByteBuffer interface. This is a class intended to be subclassed and would allow developers to use only the camera and framegrabber modules and supply their own image/cloud data structures. This effectively makes the usage of OpenCV and PCL optional. ByteBuffer is bundled as part of the framegrabber module.


  • Added a pseudo-module called examples as a place to collect simple programs that demonstrate a particular concept. Initial concrete examples include: ex-100k, ex-cartesian, and ex-file_io. The README in the examples directory for more information.


  • Removed hist1 function from util.hpp. This has already been taken out of usage by o3d3xx-ros which to the best of my knowledge, was the only consumer of this interface. The function is simple enough to implement for users that need it.

  • Removed some old documentation that no longer applies: custom_builds and using. They have been moved to doc/attic.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.2.0 and 0.3.0

XML-RPC Protocol

  • Compatible to the 1.3.x IFM firmware release.


  • The default install location is now /usr. This removes the need for setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH and having a setup.bash file.

Custom/Pluggable PCIC Schemas

  • The FrameGrabber now supports parsing return data from custom schemas based on a mask. This feature has been implemented so that user of low bandwidth or noisy (e.g., WiFi) networks can configure the camera to return only the data they need and to not consume unnecessary bandwith. The aforementioned goal is only partially achieved with this feature. See the addition of the Extrinsics() and UnitVectors() calls below to complete this feature.

  • The introduction of this feature also brought about the introduction of a new environment variable called O3D3XX_MASK which can be used to set the schema mask manually. For example: $ O3D3XX_MASK=15 o3d3xx-viewer The value of the variable is interrpeted as a uint16_t. If the passed in value causes an error during conversion, the default mask is used -- i.e., the mask returned by running o3d3xx-schema with no arguments.


  • Has a new method Extrinsics() to return the camera extrinsics as reported by the O3D. This is provided to assist in reconstructing the Cartesian data from the radial distance image and the unit vectors.

  • Has a new method UnitVectors() to return the rotated unit vectors that can be used, together with the radial distance image and extrinsics, to compute the cartesian data off-board the camera. An example of effectively using this can be found in the ImageBuffers_Tests.ComputeCartesian unit test in o3d3xx-image-tests.cpp.


  • New tool used for testing and building custom PCIC schemas


  • Added the -r flag to allow for rebooting the sensor into recovery mode. This is useful for updating the sensor firmware w/o having to boot Windows.


  • Support for EnableFastFrequency, Resolution, and ClippingCuboid parameters


  • Changed default for the ServiceReportFailedBuffer and ServiceReportPassedBuffer default values from 5 to 15. This is an un-doing of the change from 0.1.11 to 0.2.0 (see below), but the new 1.2.x firmware restores these old defaults so we will do the same here.

  • Support for EvaluationFinishedMinHoldTime and SaveRestoreStatsOnApplSwitch parameters.

100K Imager

  • As of the 1.2.x firmware, 100K images are officially supported by IFM. So, we have implemented that support into this library and have removed the backdoor methods for doing it.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.1.11 and 0.2.0

Added cross-compilation support

A new directory called cmake/toolchains has been added to allow for setting up a cross-compilation toolchain. Additonally, a convenience deploy target has been added that assumes, you are deploying the deb files created from the package target and that you will deploy via scp. These deployment assumptions will likely need to be revisited to make them more generally useful, however, in the near-term, lets consider them a proof-of-concept for automating the deployment of cross-compiled code. The following cmake variables can be set on the command line to control how the deploy occurs:

  • TARGET_IP (ip address of your embedded system)
  • TARGET_USER (user to login to the embedded system as)
  • TARGET_DIR (directory on the embedded system to copy the debs to)

Currently cross compiling makes the assumption you are deploying to an embedded Linux system (i.e., not cross compiling for Windows or Mac) and to that end, turns off the building of o3d3xx-viewer.

It should also be noted that when cross compiling, unit tests are still built (by default) but you cannot run make check. You can deploy the code and run the unit tests as an executeable on the embedded system.

Initial cross-compilers tested include Linaro and ELDK from Denx.

Refactored and Modularized Build Process

Options to conditionally build parts of the code have been added:


These are all turned ON by default but can be switched off on the cmake command line. For example: $ cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=OFF ..

Static libraries (in addition to the shared libraries) are being built by default. Provisions have been made to compile the library code once then link twice (shared and static).

See also:

Raw Amplitude

The raw amplitude data is now available on the ImageBuffer object via the RawAmplitudeImage() accessor. This is the non-normalized (wrt the exposure time) amplitude data.


The bottom right image on the 2D image window has the raw amplitude image replace what was historically the amplitude histogram.


The o3d3xx::Camera::FromJSON(...) function is fundamental to how tools like o3d3xx-config work. This function, including the ones on which it depends (namely the FromJSON() calls on the XXXConfig value objects), has been overhauled in this release. The idea was to allow for better "one-liners" (i.e., partial JSON configurations) to be specified on the command line.

See also:

Device config default values changed

Changed default for the ServiceReportFailedBuffer and ServiceReportPassedBuffer default values from 15 to 5. For reasoning, please see:

Setting NetConfig tries to avoid unnecessary reboots

The handling of setting the camera's network configuration has been modified to try to avoid reboots where possible. For example, please see:

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.1.10 and 0.1.11


Fixed a bug in how the OpenCV image encoding was specified for the XYZImage.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.1.9 and 0.1.10

ImageBuffer now makes point cloud data available as cv::Mat

A new XYZImage is avialable on the ImageBuffer class via the XYZImage() accessor. This image is a 3-channel OpenCV image encoding of the point cloud where the three channels are spatial planes (x, y, z). It should be noted that while this encoding of the point cloud contains the same data as the PCL encoded point cloud the data are kept in mm (as opposed to meters) and the data type is int16_t as opposed to float. This was motivated by efficiency needs on embedded systems. However, the coord frame for this point cloud data is consistent with the coord frame on the PCL point cloud.

See also:

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.1.8 and 0.1.9

Updates to schema-aware FrameGrabber

The 0.1.8 frame grabber had issues when run in connection with the ROS code in o3d3xx-ros. Retrieving, mutating, and restoring the TCP result schema via the XML-RPC interface proved to be fragile. Per suggestion by @graugans (IFM) we now use the c command on the PCIC interface.

See comments/discussion at the end of this commit


The implementation of FromJSON was very fragile due to how 0.1.8 made changes to JSON comparisons. This fragility caused problems with heavily used command line tools like o3d3xx-config. This release has better error trapping while maintaining the network efficiency intentions of the 0.1.8 FromJSON(..) implementation.

Changes between libo3d3xx 0.1.7 and 0.1.8

Schema-aware FrameGrabber


Per suggestion by @graugans (IFM), the FrameGrabber will now apply a known schema at runtime in the event the configured schema for the active application is different than what is expected. Additionally, the configured schema gets restored once the FrameGrabber is destroyed. This allows for compatibility with other computing environments that may expect the configured schema to be returned.

Interoperability with IFM's Vision Assistant

IFM's software provides the means to import/export applications to/from the camera where the files have an IFM-specific serialization (zip-compressed JSON as of this writing). o3d3xx::Camera now has an ImportIFMApp and ExportIFMApp method to enable passing data to/from the camera in a way that is compatible with Vision Assistant. Additionally, two new command line tools have been provided (o3d3xx-ifm-import and o3d3xx-ifm-export) that exploits the new camera methods to move data to/from files employing the IFM serialization scheme.

Initial support for 100K pixel images

Unlocking the 100K pixel support on the O3D303 is not yet (as of this writing) officially supported by IFM and you should only use this feature at your own risk. However, if you like to live on the edge, you can play with this feature now. We have provided an application, test/data/100k.o3d3xxapp, that unlocks this feature into a new application on your camera. You can import this application using o3d3xx-ifm-import and then mark it active using o3d3xx-config.

The initial release of libo3d3xx was 0.1.7