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Ambient and action sounds for Adventure Map objects

Branikolog edited this page Feb 4, 2023 · 23 revisions

This document contains information about ambient sounds of Adventure Map objects. These sounds appear when a hero or town is located nearby the objects. Most of these objects have an extra action (or even more than 1) sound upon interacting with them.

All sounds in the game are 8-bit Mono (1 channel) with frequency of 22050 Hz. The format is WAV RIFF.

Object name Ambient sound ID
Buoy 00
Shipwreck 01
Derelict Ship 01
Rock +
Sirens -
Mermaid -
Whirlpool -
Shipwreck survivor -
Magellan's maps -
Coast 02
Oracle 03
Stoneliths 04
Volcano (unused for now) 05
Lava Pool 06
Alchemist Lab 07
??? 08
Water Wheel 09
Campfire 10
Windmill 11
Artesian Spring 12
Fountain 12
Water Lake 13
Watering Hole 13
River stream 14
Mines 15
Sawmill 16
Daemon Cave 17
Shrine (level 1) 18
Shrine (level 2) 18
Shrine (level 3) 18
Stones (tile Id 200, object index 183) 19
??? 20
Tarpit 21
Trading Post 22
??? 23
Ruins 24
Peasant Hut 25
Dwarf Cottage 25
Archer House 25
Freeman's Foundry 26
Volcano 27
Tree of Knowledge -
Watch Tower -
Tree House -
Dragon City -
Lighthouse -
Standing Stones -
Idol -
Sign N.A.
Mercenary Camp -
Witch Hut -
Observation Tower -
Gazebo -
Fort -
Wagon Camp -
Magic Well -
Obelisk -
Graveyard -
Alchemist's Tower -
Tree City -
Halfling Hole -
Barrow Mounds -
Faerie Ring -
Earth Summoning Altar -
Air Summoning Altar -
Water Summoning Altar -
Fire Summoning Altar -
Tent -
Barrier -
Stables -
Jail -
Hut of the Magi -
Eye of the Magi -
Cave -
Lean-To -
Sphinx -
Oasis -
Wagon -
Troll Bridge -
City of the dead -
Excavation -
Pyramid -
Temple -
Xanadu -
Hill fort -
Object name Action Sound Comment
Buoy +
Shipwreck +
Derelict Ship +
Rock NA
Sirens +
Mermaid +
Whirlpool +
Shipwreck survivor +
Magellan's maps +
Coast NA
Oracle +
Stoneliths +
Volcano (unused for now) NA
Lava Pool NA
Alchemist Lab - Capturing sound [1]
Water Wheel +
Campfire -
Windmill +
Artesian Spring +
Fountain +
Water Lake NA
Watering Hole +
River stream NA
Mines - Capturing sound [1]
Sawmill - Capturing sound [1]
Daemon Cave +
Shrine (level 1) +
Shrine (level 2) +
Shrine (level 3) +
Stones (tile Id 200, object index 183) NA
Tarpit NA
Trading Post -
Ruins -
Peasant Hut +
Dwarf Cottage +
Archer House +
Freeman's Foundry -
Volcano NA
Tree of Knowledge +
Watch Tower +
Tree House +
Dragon City +
Lighthouse +
Standing Stones +
Idol +
Sign -
Mercenary Camp +
Witch Doctor's Hut +
Observation Tower +
Gazebo +
Fort -
Wagon Camp +
Magic Well +
Obelisk +
Graveyard +
Alchemist's Tower -
Tree City +
Halfling Hole +
Barrow Mounds -
Faerie Ring +
Earth Summoning Altar -
Air Summoning Altar -
Water Summoning Altar -
Fire Summoning Altar -
Tent +
Barrier -
Stables +
Jail +
Hut of the Magi -
Eye of the Magi -
Cave +
Lean-To +
Sphinx +
Oasis +
Wagon +
Troll Bridge +
City of the dead +
Excavation +
Pyramid +
Temple +
Xanadu +
Hill fort -