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<BarChart />

===================== import { BarChart } from 'ihme-ui'

<BarChart /> is a composition that can be used for producing normal, grouped, and stacked bar charts, including x- and y-axes, title, and an optional legend.

Property Required Type(s) Default Description
autoFormatAxes bool true auto-calculate chart padding needed for tick/axes labels and whether tick labels need rotation (will only be applied to axes whose scale type is categorical in nature (i.e., 'point', 'ordinal', 'band')).
axisLabels { domain: string, range: string } label text for axes
axisStyle inline styles applied to axis component
align number Alignment of each bar within its band. If there is any padding between bars, this property specifies how that space will be allocated. The value must be in the range [0, 1], where:
- 0 represents left alignment
- 0.5 represents center alignment
- 1 represents right alignment
bandPadding number A convenience for setting the bandInnerPadding and bandOuterPadding to the same value. See:
bandInnerGroupPadding number Padding between the bars of each group, specified as a proportion of the band width (i.e. the space allocated for each group).
bandInnerPadding number Padding between bars, specified as a proportion of the band width (i.e. the space allocated for each bar). The value must be in the range [0, 1], where:
- 0 represents no padding between bars
- 0.5 represents padding of the same width as the bars
- 1 represents all padding, giving bars a width of 0 (probably not very useful)
bandOuterPadding number Padding before the first bar and after the last bar, specified as a proportion (or multiple) of the band width (i.e. the space allocated for each bar). See:
categories true string[] or number[] List of category names used in the bar chart. Categories are arrayed across the domain. For a normal bar chart, each category is represented by a single bar. For stacked bars, each category is represented by a single stack. For grouped bars, each category is represented by a single group.
subcategories true string[] or number[] List of subcategory names used in the bar chart. In a stacked bar chart, each stack contains a layer for each subcategory. In a grouped bar chart, each group contains a bar for each subcategory.
chartClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to the chart element
chartStyle inline styles applied to the chart element
chartHeight number 400 height of the chart in pixels
chartWidth number 600 width of the chart in pixels
className CommonPropTypes.className className applied to outermost container element
data true array of objects Array of datum objects. A datum object can be just about anything. The only restriction is that it must be possible to obtain the category and value (and, for grouped or stacked bar charts, the subcategory) of each datum using the dataAccessors.
dataAccessors true { category: CommonPropTypes.dataAccessor, subcategory: CommonPropTypes.dataAccessor, value: CommonPropTypes.dataAccessor } Accessors on datum objects:
- category: used to determine the bar's category (to plot it on the chart domain). In a stacked bar chart, it represents the stack. In a grouped bar chart, it represents the group.
- subcategory: for a grouped or stacked bar chart, used to determine the bar's subcategory (layer in a stack or member of group)
- value: used to obtain the bar's data value (to plot it on the chart range)
Each accessor can either be a string or function. If a string, it is assumed to be the name of a property on datum objects; full paths to nested properties are supported (e.g. { x: 'values.year', ... }). If a function, it is passed the datum as its first and only argument.
displayLegend bool false display a legend?
fill string or function either a string representing the fill color (in which case the same color is used for all bars) or a function taking the datum and returning a string representing the fill color
focus object the datum object corresponding to the <Bar/> currently focused
focusedClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied if <Bar/> has focus
focusedStyle inline styles applied to focused <Bar/>. If an object, spread into inline styles. If a function, passed underlying datum corresponding to its <Bar/>, and return value is spread into inline styles.
signature: (datum) => obj
legendAccessors if displayLegend { labelKey: CommonPropTypes.dataAccessor, shapeColorKey: CommonPropTypes.dataAccessor, shapeTypeKey: CommonPropTypes.dataAccessor } Accessors to legendItems objects:
- labelKey: used to get the legend item label
- shapeColorKey: used to get the shape color
- shapeTypeKey: used to get the shape type
Required if displayLegend is true.
legendItems if displayLegend object[] Array of objects used to build items in the legend. These objects can be just about anything. The only restriction is that it must be possible to obtain the label, shape color, and shape type for the legend item using the legendAccessors. Required if displayLegend is true.
legendClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to element wrapping the legend
legendStyle inline styles applied to element wrapping the legend
legendListClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to <ul>, which wraps legend items
legendListStyle inline styles applied to <ul>, which wraps legend items; if a function, passed items as argument
legendItemClassName CommonPropTypes.className classname applied to legend item elements
legendItemStyle inline styles applied to legend item elements; if passed an object, will be applied directly inline to the <li>; if passed a function, will be called with the current item obj
minTickLabelSpacing number 4 Minimum spacing (in px) between horizontal axis tick labels. Used to determine the width at which tick labels should rotate.
onClick func selects (or deselects) clicked bars onClick callback applied to each <Bar/>.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseLeave func onMouseLeave callback applied to each <Bar/>.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseMove func onMouseMove callback applied to each <Bar/>.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
onMouseOver func onMouseOver callback applied to each <Bar/>.
signature: (SyntheticEvent, datum, instance) => {...}
orientation 'vertical' or 'horizontal' 'vertical' orientation of bar chart, representing the direction in which bars extend from the domain axis
padding { top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number } padding around the chart contents
rectClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to each <Bar/>
rectStyle inline styles passed to each <Bar/>
selectedClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to <Bar/>s if selected
selectedStyle inline styles applied to selected <Bar/>s. If an object, spread into inline styles. If a function, passed underlying datum corresponding to its <Bar/>, and return value is spread into inline styles. signature: (datum) => obj
selection object or array datum object or array of datum objects corresponding to selected <Bar/>s
style inline styles applied to outermost container element
title string title text for the chart
titleClassName CommonPropTypes.className className applied to element wrapping the title
titleStyle inline styles applied to element wrapping the title
type 'normal', 'stacked', or 'grouped' 'normal' bar chart type