All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Prior to version 6.0.0, this project used MCVERSION-MAJORMOD.MAJORAPI.MINOR.PATCH.
- Updated to SpectreLib 0.13.14
- [Fabric] Requires Fabric Loader >=0.14.23
- Fixed configuration crashes #68
- Added in-game configuration GUI
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.1
- Configuration options have been renamed with new updated comments
- Added Quilt support
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19.4
- Updated to SpectreLib 0.12.4+1.19.2
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19.2
- [Forge] Updated to Forge 43+
- [Fabric] Updated to Fabric API 0.59.0+
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19.1
- [Forge] Updated to Forge 42+
- [Forge] Updated to Caelus 1.19.1-
- [Fabric] Updated to Fabric API 0.58.5+
- [Forge] Updated to and requires Forge 41.0.94 or above
- Updated to SpectreLib 0.8.1+1.19
- Configuration file has been relocated to the
folder - Configuration file in the
folder will be copied to theconfig
folder upon initialization - Local configuration file has been relocated to the
folder in the game directory
- Merged Forge and Fabric versions of the project together using the MultiLoader template
- Configuration system is now provided by SpectreLib
- Configuration file is now located in the root folder's defaultconfigs folder
- Changed to Semantic Versioning
- Updated to Minecraft 1.19
- [Forge] Updated to Forge 41+
- [Fabric] Updated to Fabric API 0.55.2+
- Fixed compatibility with Cyclic's Multi-Jump enchantment #55
- Fixed crash when equipping chestplate with elytra #54
- Updated to Minecraft 1.18.1
- Updated to Forge 38.0+
- Updated to Minecraft 1.17.1
- Updated to Forge 37.0+
- Improved Mending behavior (thanks YukkuriC!) #47
- Added German localization (thanks muffinbarde!) #43
- Updated Aether integration (thanks bconlon1!) #45
- Added Aether integration
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.4
- Inner elytra stacks will no longer retain damage/cost data when attaching to chestplates in Unison/Perfect mode #38
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.3
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.2
- Tooltips now display custom names when applicable
- Fixed unison setting using elytra durability instead of chestplate
- Ported to 1.16.1 Forge
- Ported to 1.15.2 Forge
Warning: This update has a small possibility of voiding your existing elytra attachments. As a precaution, it's advised to detach colytras if possible before updating.
- Fixed desyncing issues on dedicated servers #31
- Fixed some irregularities with elytras breaking while attached to chestplates
- Updated to Forge RB 28.1.0
- Updated to Caelus 1.14.4-1.0
- Chinese localization (thank you tian0501011)
- Fixed chestplates being able to fly without elytras when using Unison or Perfect modes
- Updated to Forge 1.14.4-28.0.45
- Ported to 1.14.4
- Fixed Colytra not working on unbreakable chestplates
- Config option for colytra flight energy usage
- Ported to 1.13.2 Forge
- Colytra behavior has been condensed into a single config option "Colytra Mode" which handles durability, merging behavior, etc.
- Removed Bauble Elytra - Feature split into Curious Elytra
- Removed coremodding and colytra toggle keybinding - Features split into Caelus API
- Updated required Forge to 23.5.2779. This has been required since the last update, but now it will explicitly tell you rather than just crash.
- Fixed crashes related to reflection helpers
- Fixed elytra bauble not rendering with tags
- Fixed colytra not working when sharing durability with an unbreakable chestplate
- Restricted scope of colytra capability to players only
- Added config option for separating colytra in crafting table #15
- Added toggle feature for bauble elytras #17
- Added Chinese localization files (thank you tian051011)
- Added message over hotbar when toggling colytras on/off #18
- Fixed NPE crash when trying to attach elytras to chestplates using some modded anvils #19
- Fixed duplication bug when equipping bauble elytra through offhand #16
- Textures now use the updated, more vibrant Quark Dyed Elytra textures when applicable
Warning: Delete your config file and regenerate it when updating to this version
- Blacklist and whitelist config options have been collapsed into a single item list
- Updated to Forge
- Astral Sorcery Vicio Mantle not working when loaded with Colytra #16
- Added two new configuration options:
- Permission Mode: "Blacklist" or "Whitelist" - Sets how to determine which chestplates are eligible for elytra attachments
- Disable Bauble - If Baubles is installed, lets you disable the elytra bauble
- Modified tooltip coding so that "Elytra" on colytras now translates to the client language
- Elytra baubles now auto-equip when you right click them in your hand
- Fixed Mending enchantment incorrectly calculating elytra durability
- Fixed cape rendering issues
- Added config options for colytra durability usage: Normal, Infinite, Chestplate
- Colytras now uses RF/Forge Energy from a chestplate if "Chestplate" is selected (at a rate of 1000 RF/sec)
- Fixed backwards compatibility with 1.12.1
- Fixed Mending enchantment not working for elytras in the bauble body slot
- Elytra bauble tooltips now show Quark dye information properly
- Initial release