imagetyperzapi is a super easy to use bypass captcha API wrapper for captcha service
gem "imagetyperzapi", :git => "git://"
git clone
Simply require the module, set the auth details and start using the captcha service:
load "lib/imagetyperzapi.rb"
Set access_token or username and password (legacy) for authentication
access_token = 'access_token_here'
# get access token from:
ita =
# legacy way, will get deprecated at some point
ita.set_user_password('your_username', 'your_password')
Once you've set your authentication details, you can start using the API
Get balance
balance = ita.account_balance
puts "Account balance: #{balance}"
Submit image captcha
captcha_text = ita.solve_captcha('captcha.jpg')
Works with URL instead of captcha image in case of access key authentication
Submit recaptcha details
For recaptcha submission there are two things that are required.
- page_url
- site_key
captcha_id = ita.submit_recaptcha(page_url, sitekey) # submit captcha first, to get ID
This method returns a captchaID. This ID will be used next, to retrieve the g-response, once workers have completed the captcha. This takes somewhere between 10-80 seconds.
Retrieve captcha response
Once you have the captchaID, you check for it's progress, and later on retrieve the gresponse.
The in_progress(captcha_id) method will tell you if captcha is still being decoded by workers. Once it's no longer in progress, you can retrieve the gresponse with retrieve_recaptcha(captcha_id)
while ita.in_progress(captcha_id) # while it"s still in progress
sleep 10 # sleep for 10 seconds
gresponse = ita.retrieve_recaptcha(captcha_id)
Affiliate id
The constructor accepts a 2nd parameter, as the affiliate id.
ita =, 1234)
Requests timeout
As a 3rd parameter in the constructor, you can specify a timeout for the requests (in seconds)
ita =, 123, 60) # sets timeout to 60 seconds
Set proxy for recaptcha submission
If you set a proxy, it will be used for recaptcha submission. The method to use for setting the proxy is set_recaptcha_proxy When this is set, the workers will complete the captcha using the provided proxy/IP.
Proxy with authentication is also supported
We currently support HTTP proxies.
Set captcha bad
When a captcha was solved wrong by our workers, you can notify the server with it's ID, so we know something went wrong.
Check example.rb
API library is licensed under the MIT License
More details about the server-side API can be found here
captcha, bypasscaptcha, decaptcher, decaptcha, 2captcha, deathbycaptcha, anticaptcha, bypassrecaptchav2, bypassnocaptcharecaptcha, bypassinvisiblerecaptcha, captchaservicesforrecaptchav2, recaptchav2captchasolver, googlerecaptchasolver, recaptchasolverpython, recaptchabypassscript