The Julia package Z3.jl provides and interface to Z3 by exposing its C++ API via CxxWrap.jl. The bindings therefore consist of a C++ part and a Julia part. The C++ part defines the Z3 types/methods which are exposed. The resulting library is loaded in the Julia part via CxxWrap.jl which creates the corresponding Julia types/methods.
In order to build the Julia bindings the build option Z3_BUILD_JULIA_BINDINGS
has to be enabled via CMake and libcxxwrap-julia has to be present. Infos about obtaining the libcxxwrap prefix can be found here.
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DZ3_BUILD_JULIA_BINDINGS=True -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/libcxxwrap-julia-prefix ..
The Z3 binaries are provided to Z3.jl via z3_jll.jl. That is, in order to propagate any C++ changes to the Julia side, one has to:
- Release a new version of Z3.
- Update the corresponding build script to use the new Z3 release.
The binaries are managed via the JLL package z3_jll. To use your own binaries, you need to set up an overrides file, by default at ~/.julia/artifacts/Overrides.toml
with the following content:
z3 = "/path/to/z3/build"