@@ @@@@FILTERS
This code and disclaimer are REQUIRED as part of FILTERS; especially important where (new_lang in [ntv.lang] ) translators exist.
Logic fori := (filter: ::: :%| metastruct :: : :%| ); notes about the meta STRUCT
0: A $disagreer that the ¨system¨ was overly generous to the oligarchs who touted ¨religion¨ (reformed or not) is probably an oligarch. Test with ¨years on RCT¨ in ancestry, and look for ancestry records prized by descendants of the 13 original colonies.
2: A $disagreer should have migration logic to at least their indexed 3gGP, which will show the incorrect PATHS of their ancestors´ migration logic thru treaty violations. Eliminate the grazing of cattle on BLM land
3: Previous learning as ¨GROUND TRUTH¨ >>> there no such thing as valid colonial
3 gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP 32
// each disagreer has 32 third-generation gGP) ||| 32@ 3gGP
2 gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP | gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP gGP ... 16
//each disagreer has 16 second-generation gGP) ||| 16@ 2gGP
1 gGP gGP gGP gGP | gGP gGP gGP gGP 8
//each disagreer has 8 first-generation gGP) 8@ 1gGP ||| 8@ 1gGP
0 gGP gGP | gGP gGP 4
// each disagreer has 4 gGP :abbr:`gGP (genetic GrandParents)` ||| 4@ 0gGP
\ 2
Parent | Parent
//each disagreer @index has two genetic Parents)
disagreer 1