diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index bcba211060..f1cbd0320b 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -4,6 +4,13 @@ orbs:
aws-s3: circleci/aws-s3@2.0.0
+ trigger:
+ type: enum
+ enum: [none, deploy-as-artifacts]
+ default: none
version: 2
@@ -69,6 +76,15 @@ workflows:
only: /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$/
+ trigger:
+ when:
+ equal: [ deploy-as-artifacts, << pipeline.parameters.trigger >> ]
+ jobs:
+ - build
+ - build-nightly:
+ requires:
+ - build
@@ -123,6 +139,27 @@ jobs:
- store_artifacts:
path: ./build/
+ build-nightly:
+ environment:
+ DOCKER_TAG: chronograf-20240919
+ machine:
+ image: ubuntu-2204:current
+ steps:
+ - attach_workspace:
+ at: /home/circleci
+ - run: |
+ ./etc/scripts/docker/run.sh \
+ --debug \
+ --clean \
+ --package \
+ --platform all \
+ --arch all \
+ --nightly \
+ --version=${CIRCLE_SHA1:0:7}
+ - store_artifacts:
+ path: ./build/
DOCKER_TAG: chronograf-20240919
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 30bb8d26b1..425fbf5ddc 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
### Bug Fixes
1. [#6103](https://github.com/influxdata/chronograf/pull/6103): Set active database for InfluxQL meta queries.
+1. [#6111](https://github.com/influxdata/chronograf/pull/6111): Fix loading Hosts page for large number of hosts.
### Other
diff --git a/docs/images/testing-builds-pipeline.png b/docs/images/testing-builds-pipeline.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c1c4a1dfe
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/testing-builds-pipeline.png differ
diff --git a/docs/images/testing-builds-result.png b/docs/images/testing-builds-result.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02f8936e85
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/images/testing-builds-result.png differ
diff --git a/docs/release.md b/docs/release.md
index 97ac904a9e..5faf6bac23 100644
--- a/docs/release.md
+++ b/docs/release.md
@@ -50,4 +50,19 @@ git push --tags
* OS X
* amd64
* Windows
- * amd64
\ No newline at end of file
+ * amd64
+## Testing builds
+The test builds are stored as artifacts on the CircleCI build page. If you want to create a test build, you can do it by triggering a pipeline on CircleCI.
+During the trigger of the pipeline, you should specify the `trigger` parameter with the value `deploy-as-artifacts`:
+The resulting artifacts will be available on the CircleCI build page for `build-nightly` Job:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ui/src/hosts/apis/index.ts b/ui/src/hosts/apis/index.ts
index 16e9b2080d..0e3b13903d 100644
--- a/ui/src/hosts/apis/index.ts
+++ b/ui/src/hosts/apis/index.ts
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@ export const getCpuAndLoadForHosts = async (
tempVars: Template[]
): Promise => {
const query = replaceTemplate(
- `SELECT mean("usage_user") FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"cpu\" WHERE "cpu" = 'cpu-total' AND time > now() - 10m GROUP BY host;
+ `SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "host" WHERE TIME > now() - 10m;
+ SELECT mean("usage_user") FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"cpu\" WHERE "cpu" = 'cpu-total' AND time > now() - 10m GROUP BY host;
SELECT mean("load1") FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > now() - 10m GROUP BY host;
SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(uptime)) AS deltaUptime FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"system\" WHERE time > now() - ${telegrafSystemInterval} * 10 GROUP BY host, time(${telegrafSystemInterval}) fill(0);
SELECT mean("Percent_Processor_Time") FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_cpu\" WHERE time > now() - 10m GROUP BY host;
SELECT mean("Processor_Queue_Length") FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_system\" WHERE time > now() - 10m GROUP BY host;
- SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean("System_Up_Time")) AS winDeltaUptime FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_system\" WHERE time > now() - ${telegrafSystemInterval} * 10 GROUP BY host, time(${telegrafSystemInterval}) fill(0);
- SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "host" WHERE TIME > now() - 10m;`,
+ SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean("System_Up_Time")) AS winDeltaUptime FROM \":db:\".\":rp:\".\"win_system\" WHERE time > now() - ${telegrafSystemInterval} * 10 GROUP BY host, time(${telegrafSystemInterval}) fill(0);`,
@@ -65,15 +65,19 @@ export const getCpuAndLoadForHosts = async (
db: telegrafDB,
+ return parseHostsObject(data)
+export const parseHostsObject = (data: any): HostsObject => {
const hosts: HostsObject = {}
const precision = 100
- const cpuSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[0].series', [])
- const loadSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[1].series', [])
- const uptimeSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[2].series', [])
- const winCPUSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[3].series', [])
- const winLoadSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[4].series', [])
- const winUptimeSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[5].series', [])
- const allHostsSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[6].series', [])
+ const allHostsSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[0].series', [])
+ const cpuSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[1].series', [])
+ const loadSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[2].series', [])
+ const uptimeSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[3].series', [])
+ const winCPUSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[4].series', [])
+ const winLoadSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[5].series', [])
+ const winUptimeSeries = getDeep(data, 'results.[6].series', [])
allHostsSeries.forEach(s => {
const hostnameIndex = s.columns.findIndex(col => col === 'value')
diff --git a/ui/test/hosts/containers/HostsPage.test.tsx b/ui/test/hosts/containers/HostsPage.test.tsx
index 75a47af9d6..4222abdc85 100644
--- a/ui/test/hosts/containers/HostsPage.test.tsx
+++ b/ui/test/hosts/containers/HostsPage.test.tsx
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ jest.mock('src/hosts/apis', () => require('mocks/hosts/apis'))
jest.mock('src/shared/apis/env', () => require('mocks/shared/apis/env'))
import {getCpuAndLoadForHosts} from 'src/hosts/apis'
+const {parseHostsObject} = jest.requireActual('src/hosts/apis')
const setup = (override = {}) => {
const props = {
@@ -64,3 +65,168 @@ describe('Hosts.Containers.HostsPage', () => {
+describe('Parsing HostsObject', () => {
+ let cpu_load_hosts
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ cpu_load_hosts = {
+ results: [
+ {
+ statement_id: 0,
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'cpu',
+ columns: ['key', 'value'],
+ values: [['host', 'my-host1']],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'db_query',
+ columns: ['key', 'value'],
+ values: [['host', 'my-host2']],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ statement_id: 1,
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'cpu',
+ tags: {host: 'my-host1'},
+ columns: ['time', 'mean'],
+ values: [[1718874564091, 2.2943182130124]],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'cpu',
+ tags: {host: 'my-host2'},
+ columns: ['time', 'mean'],
+ values: [[1718874564092, 4.2943182130124]],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ statement_id: 2,
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'system',
+ tags: {host: 'my-host1'},
+ columns: ['time', 'mean'],
+ values: [[1718874564111, 1.5699999999999]],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'system',
+ tags: {host: 'my-host2'},
+ columns: ['time', 'mean'],
+ values: [[1718874564112, 2.5699999999999]],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ statement_id: 3,
+ series: [
+ {
+ name: 'system',
+ tags: {host: 'my-host1'},
+ columns: ['time', 'deltaUptime'],
+ values: [
+ [1718874540001, 753231],
+ [1718874600001, 60],
+ [1718874660001, 60],
+ [1718874720001, 60],
+ [1718874780001, 60],
+ [1718874840001, 60],
+ [1718874900001, 60],
+ [1718874960001, 60],
+ [1718875020001, 60],
+ [1718875080001, 60],
+ [1718875140001, 60],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'system',
+ tags: {host: 'my-host2'},
+ columns: ['time', 'deltaUptime'],
+ values: [
+ [2718874540002, 753232],
+ [2718874600002, 60],
+ [2718874660002, 60],
+ [2718874720002, 60],
+ [2718874780002, 60],
+ [2718874840002, 60],
+ [2718874900002, 60],
+ [2718874960002, 60],
+ [2718875020002, 60],
+ [2718875080002, 60],
+ [2718875140002, 70],
+ ],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {statement_id: 4},
+ {statement_id: 5},
+ {statement_id: 6},
+ ],
+ uuid: '123456789',
+ }
+ })
+ it('parse', () => {
+ const hosts = parseHostsObject(cpu_load_hosts)
+ expect(hosts['my-host1']).toStrictEqual({
+ name: 'my-host1',
+ cpu: 2.29,
+ load: 1.57,
+ deltaUptime: 60,
+ apps: [],
+ })
+ expect(hosts['my-host2']).toStrictEqual({
+ name: 'my-host2',
+ cpu: 4.29,
+ load: 2.57,
+ deltaUptime: 70,
+ apps: [],
+ })
+ expect(hosts['my-host3']).toBeUndefined()
+ })
+ it('missing in cpu', () => {
+ cpu_load_hosts.results[1].series = [cpu_load_hosts.results[1].series[0]]
+ const hosts = parseHostsObject(cpu_load_hosts)
+ expect(hosts['my-host1']).toBeDefined()
+ expect(hosts['my-host1']).toStrictEqual({
+ name: 'my-host1',
+ cpu: 2.29,
+ load: 1.57,
+ deltaUptime: 60,
+ apps: [],
+ })
+ expect(hosts['my-host2']).toStrictEqual({
+ name: 'my-host2',
+ cpu: 0,
+ load: 2.57,
+ deltaUptime: 70,
+ apps: [],
+ })
+ expect(hosts['my-host3']).toBeUndefined()
+ })
+ it('missing in host', () => {
+ const series = cpu_load_hosts.results[0].series[0]
+ cpu_load_hosts.results[0].series = [series]
+ const hosts = parseHostsObject(cpu_load_hosts)
+ expect(hosts['my-host1']).toBeDefined()
+ expect(hosts['my-host1']).toStrictEqual({
+ name: 'my-host1',
+ cpu: 2.29,
+ load: 1.57,
+ deltaUptime: 60,
+ apps: [],
+ })
+ expect(hosts['my-host2']).toStrictEqual({
+ name: 'my-host2',
+ cpu: 4.29,
+ load: 2.57,
+ deltaUptime: 70,
+ apps: [],
+ })
+ expect(hosts['my-host3']).toBeUndefined()
+ })