- Create mapping definitions for color theme and 'intents' in tailwind.config.js to make swapping out a base color theme and color system easier.
- Tests! Playwright and unit tests, and configure Playwright tests to run during Github deploy action
- Implement i18n and L10n - likely via https://sergiodxa.com/articles/localizing-remix-apps-with-i18next and https://github.com/sergiodxa/remix-i18next
- A11y audit
- Configure server logger with Pino
- Consider form error handling where after receiving server errors, any changes in values of the form reset server errors, and only client form errors are display
- Meta - implmement meta v2, and experimental mergeMeta helper util
- Button: add 'busy' state and loader indicator (as in sign-in.tsx)
- Pager: implement general purpose pager component
- Table: implement sortable columns and filter / search
- Menu: extract and create MenuItem component to DRY-up main-menu.tsx
- Input: consider implementing variants for Inputs
- Toast:
- props for position, intent and icon
- finer grain style configuration for entrance direction, swipe direction, and exit direction