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Button States

Liam DeBeasi edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 2 revisions

Any component that renders a button should have the following states: activated, disabled, focused, hover. It should also have a Ripple Effect component added for Material Design.

Component Structure


A component that renders a native button should use the following structure:

  <button class="button-native">
    <span class="button-inner">

Any other attributes and classes that are included are irrelevant to the button states, but it's important that this structure is followed and the classes above exist. In some cases they may be named something else that makes more sense, such as in item.


A mixin called button-state() has been added to make it easier to setup the states in each component.

@mixin button-state() {
  @include position(0, 0, 0, 0);

  position: absolute;

  content: "";

  opacity: 0;

The following styles should be set for the CSS to work properly. Note that the button-state() mixin is included in the ::after pseudo element of the native button.

.button-native {
   * All other CSS in this selector is irrelevant to button states
   * but the following are required styles

  position: relative;

  overflow: hidden;

.button-native::after {
  @include button-state();

.button-inner {
   * All other CSS in this selector is irrelevant to button states
   * but the following are required styles

  position: relative;

  z-index: 1;


The activated state should be enabled for elements with actions on "press". It usually changes the opacity or background of an element.

Make sure the component has the correct component structure before continuing.


The ion-activatable class needs to be set on an element that can be activated:

render() {
  return (
    <Host class='ion-activatable'>

Once that is done, the element will get the ion-activated class added on press.

In addition to setting that class, ion-activatable-instant can be set in order to have an instant press with no delay:

<Host class='ion-activatable ion-activatable-instant'>


   * @prop --color-activated: Color of the button when pressed
   * @prop --background-activated: Background of the button when pressed
   * @prop --background-activated-opacity: Opacity of the background when pressed

Style the ion-activated class based on the spec for that element:

:host(.ion-activated) .button-native {
  color: var(--color-activated);

  &::after {
    background: var(--background-activated);

    opacity: var(--background-activated-opacity);

Order is important! Activated should be before the focused & hover states.

User Customization

Setting the activated state on the ::after pseudo-element allows the user to customize the activated state without knowing what the default opacity is set at. A user can customize in the following ways to have a solid red background on press, or they can leave out --background-activated-opacity and the button will use the default activated opacity to match the spec.

ion-button {
  --background-activated: red;
  --background-activated-opacity: 1;


The disabled state should be set via prop on all components that render a native button. Setting a disabled state will change the opacity or color of the button and remove click events from firing.


The disabled property should be set on the component:

  * If `true`, the user cannot interact with the button.
@Prop({ reflectToAttr: true }) disabled = false;

Then, the render function should add the aria-disabled role to the host, a class that is the element tag name followed by disabled, and pass the disabled attribute to the native button:

render() {
  const { disabled } = this;

  return (
      aria-disabled={disabled ? 'true' : null}
        'button-disabled': disabled
      <button disabled={disabled}>

Note: if the class being added was for ion-back-button it would be back-button-disabled.


The following CSS at the bare minimum should be added for the disabled class, but it should be styled to match the spec:

:host(.button-disabled) {
  cursor: default;
  opacity: .5;
  pointer-events: none;

User Customization



The focused state should be enabled for elements with actions when tabbed to via the keyboard. This will only work inside of an ion-app. It usually changes the opacity or background of an element.

Make sure the component has the correct component structure before continuing.


The ion-focusable class needs to be set on an element that can be focused:

render() {
  return (
    <Host class='ion-focusable'>

Once that is done, the element will get the ion-focused class added when the element is tabbed to.


Components should be written to include the following focused variables for styling:

   * @prop --color-focused: Color of the button when tabbed to with the keyboard
   * @prop --background-focused: Background of the button when tabbed to with the keyboard
   * @prop --background-focused-opacity: Opacity of the background when tabbed to with the keyboard

Style the ion-focused class based on the spec for that element:

:host(.ion-focused) .button-native {
  color: var(--color-focused);

  &::after {
    background: var(--background-focused);

    opacity: var(--background-focused-opacity);

Order is important! Focused should be after the activated and before the hover state.

User Customization

Setting the focused state on the ::after pseudo-element allows the user to customize the focused state without knowing what the default opacity is set at. A user can customize in the following ways to have a solid red background on focus, or they can leave out --background-focused-opacity and the button will use the default focus opacity to match the spec.

ion-button {
  --background-focused: red;
  --background-focused-opacity: 1;


The hover state happens when a user moves their cursor on top of an element without pressing on it. It should not happen on mobile, only on desktop devices that support hover.

Make sure the component has the correct component structure before continuing.


Components should be written to include the following hover variables for styling:

   * @prop --color-hover: Color of the button on hover
   * @prop --background-hover: Background of the button on hover
   * @prop --background-hover-opacity: Opacity of the background on hover

Style the :hover based on the spec for that element:

@media (any-hover: hover) {
  :host(:hover) .button-native {
    color: var(--color-hover);

    &::after {
      background: var(--background-hover);

      opacity: var(--background-hover-opacity);

Order is important! Hover should be after the activated and focused states.

User Customization

Setting the hover state on the ::after pseudo-element allows the user to customize the hover state without knowing what the default opacity is set at. A user can customize in the following ways to have a solid red background on hover, or they can leave out --background-hover-opacity and the button will use the default hover opacity to match the spec.

ion-button {
  --background-hover: red;
  --background-hover-opacity: 1;

Ripple Effect

The ripple effect should be added to elements for Material Design. It requires the ion-activatable class to be set on the parent element to work, and relative positioning on the parent.

 render() {
  const mode = getIonMode(this);

return (
      'ion-activatable': true,
      {mode === 'md' && <ion-ripple-effect></ion-ripple-effect>}

The ripple effect can also accept a different type. By default it is "bounded" which will expand the ripple effect from the click position outwards. To add a ripple effect that always starts in the center of the element and expands in a circle, set the type to "unbounded". An unbounded ripple will exceed the container, so add overflow: hidden to the parent to prevent this.

Make sure to style the ripple effect for that component to accept a color:

ion-ripple-effect {
  color: var(--ripple-color);

Example Components


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