- Install your local server
- Or install your local development server using maven cargo
- Alternatively SERVER_DEV_SETUP.md could be used (at this time not recommended)
- Install Git for your OS
- Recommended: Install a Git client such as TortoiseGit if you don't want to handle version control from the command line or separately for the Eclipse and Android Studio projects
- Open the Git Bash and execute the command
git config --global branch.development.rebase true
(which ensures that rebase is used when pulling rather than merge)
- Download and install the Java 11 JDK (not JRE) for your operating system. We suggest using the Zulu OpenJDK.
- Linux:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv-keys 0xB1998361219BD9C9 sudo apt-add-repository 'deb https://repos.azul.com/zulu/deb/ stable main' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install zulu11
- Windows: For testing and development environments we suggest to download and run the installer of the Java 11 JDK for 32 or 64 bit client systems (depending on your system).
- Linux:
- Install the latest Eclipse version, best fit is Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers.
- Set the default JRE of Eclipse to the installed Zulu Java SDK: Assigning the default JRE for the workbench
- Clone the SORMAS-Open repository and import the projects to Eclipse
- If you're using Eclipse to clone, choose "File -> Import -> Git -> Projects from Git" and continue until you're asked to create a new project from the cloned repository; click cancel instead and use "File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects" to import the separate projects into your workspace
- If you've cloned the repository from the command line or a Git client, you obviously only need to perform the last step
- Install Payara Tools
- Install the Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse (no need to install the commercial UI designer)
- Add a Payara server to Eclipse and enter the credentials you specified when setting up the server
- Configure automatic code formatting ("Window -> Preferences"):
- Go to "Java -> Code Style -> Formatter", import
and apply. - Go to "Java -> Code Style -> Organize Imports", import
, "Number of imports needed for ." =99
, "Number of static imports needed for ." =99
, "Do not create import for types starting with a lowercase letter" =checked
and apply. - Go to "Java -> Editor -> Save Actions", activate "Perform the selected actions on save", "Format source code" with "Format all lines", "Organize imports" and apply.
- Go to "Java -> Code Style -> Formatter", import
- Make a copy of "build.properties.example" contained in "sormas-base", rename it to "build.properties" and set "glassfish.domain.root" to the location of the sormas domain located in the "glassfish/domains" folder inside your payara installation
- Drag the "build.xml" file contained in "sormas-base" into the Ant view in Eclipse
- Either: Run "Maven install" on the sormas-base project
- Or: Execute the "install [default]" ant script (this needs a maven installation on your system with the M2_HOME variable set)
- Then: Execute the "deploy-serverlibs" ant script
- Highlight all Eclipse projects and choose "Maven -> Update Project" from the right click menu; perform the update for all projects
- Start the Glassfish server and deploy "sormas-ear", "sormas-rest" and "sormas-ui" by dragging the respective projects onto it, or use the "Add and Remove..."-function by right clicking on the server.
- Open your browser and type in "http://localhost:6080/sormas-ui" or "https://localhost:6081/sormas-ui" to test whether everything has been set up correctly (and to use the application)
- Install the latest Ultimate edition IntelliJ
- Set the project SDK to use the installed Zulu Java 8 SDK
- Clone the SORMAS-Project repository and open the project in IntelliJ
- make sure the under "File -> Project Structure -> Modules" all the modules (except the android app - this should not be added) are recognized, if not add the modules with +
- Make sure under "File -> Settings -> Plugins" Glassfish & Ant integrations are enabled (look into the "Installed" tab)
- Install the Vaadin plugin (not the Vaadin Designer plugin!)
- Make a copy of "build.properties.example" contained in "sormas-base", rename it to "build.properties" and set "glassfish.domain.root" to the location of the sormas domain located in the "glassfish/domains" folder inside your payara installation
- Run "Maven install" on the sormas-base project
- Add a Payara server to IntelliJ:
- go to "Run -> Edit configurations"
- add new configuration and choose from the templates Glassfish server
- select the payara5 directory for application server - and name the application server field Payara5
- specify server domain and credentials from the server setup
- add "http://localhost:6080/sormas-ui" under open browser section and check After launch checkbox
- under Deployment tab add the artifacts "sormas-ear", "sormas-rest" and "sormas-ui"
- under Logs tab add new log with location pointing to the domain log (e.g.: payara5\glassfish\domains\sormas\logs\server.log)
- under Startup/Connection tab make sure you do not pass environment variables (it's a currently open bug in intellij) - ignore warning about debug config not being correct
- edit your domain config ..\payara5\glassfish\domains\sormas\config\domain.xml and make sure the java-config node contains:
<java-config classpath-suffix="" debug-enabled="true" debug-options="-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=6009,server=n,suspend=y" ...
- Open the Ant window, click on the "+" icon and select the build.xml file from the sormas-base project
- Execute the "install" and "deploy-serverlibs" scripts in this order
- Set the default working directory for run configurations: Run -> Edit Configurations -> Templates -> Application -> set the value for Working directory to
- Configure code formatting:
- disable "Optimize imports on the fly" (Editor -> General -> Auto Import)
- install Eclipse Code Formatter for IntelliJ (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6546-eclipse-code-formatter)
- open the plugin settings (Other Settings -> Eclipse Code Formatter) and select "Use the Eclipse Code Formatter"
- under "Eclipse Formatter config file", select
- check optimize imports and, for "Import order", select
- Important: select "Do not format other file types by IntelliJ formatter"
- go to Settings -> Editor -> Code style -> Java -> Imports: set class and static names counts for import with * to 99
- for IntelliJ, code formatting is usually done with Ctrl+Alt+L. For automatic formatting, it's recommended to use the plugin Save Actions and check the first three checkboxes in "General" and the first two checkboxes in "Formatting Actions" (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7642-save-actions)
**Note: This is only needed for development of the SORMAS Android app
- Install the latest Android Studio version (to avoid errors, start the installation with admin rights)
- Start the application
- To avoid errors, ensure that the path for the Android SDK contains no whitespaces
- The path could be edited at
Tools -> SDK Manager -> Android SDK Location
- The path could be edited at
- Open Android Studio and import the "sormas-app" module from SORMAS-Project
- Create a keystore.properties file in sormas-app (see keystore.properties.example for reference - needed only for app deployment).
- Build the Android Studio project by executing the gradle build (this may be done automatically)
- Add an emulator with SDK version between the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion properties from build.gradle
- On first start of the application enter the Sormas rest service URL for the server URL: (see: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-networking)
- Configure code formatting:
- install Eclipse Code Formatter for Android studio (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6546-eclipse-code-formatter)
- open the plugin settings (Other Settings -> Eclipse Code Formatter) and select "Use the Eclipse Code Formatter"
- under "Eclipse Formatter config file", select
- check optimize imports and, for "Iport order", select
- Important: select "Do not format other file types by IntelliJ formatter"
- go to Preferences -> Editor -> Code style -> Java : set class and static names counts for import with * to 99
- for Android Studio, code formatting is usually done with Ctrl+Alt+L. For automatic formatting, it's recommended to use the plugin Save Actions (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7642-save-actions)