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File metadata and controls

200 lines (101 loc) · 4.93 KB

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What's new in js-bdms 1.0.13

New functions

  • getProfileLayersGroups(id borehole):

Returns the list of all layers of all primary profiles of a specific borehole to be displayed in the new interactive stratigraphy viewer @ist-supsi/stratigraphy.

What's new in js-bdms 1.0.11

We added support for 3 new types of profiles data: casing, instruments and fillings.

New functions

  • getProfile(id profile):

    Get the data of a profile. Returned data dependo on the profile kind.

  • createProfile(id profile, id kind):

    Create a new profile. Kinds: stratigraphy (3000), casing (3002), instruments (3003) and fillings (3004).

  • getProfiles(borehole borehole, id kind):

    Fetch all the profiles of a borehole filtered by kind. If the kind is not specified, all profiles are fetched.

  • getProfileLayers(id profile, withValidation boolean):

    Fetches the list of all layers of a specific profile. Return server side validation if the withValidation parameter is set to true.

  • patchProfile(id profile, field [attribute name], value):

    Update the attributes of a single layer by its id, field name and value

  • createInstrument(id profile, id? casing):

    Create a new layer of type "instrument". And, optionally, assign it to the casing if passed.

What's new in js-bdms 1.0.10

New functions

Added the new export function:

  • exportDatabaseAsync([ids] workgroups):

    Launch an asynchronous full export request

  • exportDatabaseStatus():

    Check the status of the asynchronous export request

Added a new workflow validation function:

  • resetWorkflow():

    Push the validation process to the beginning

What's new in js-bdms 1.0.9

New functions

Added the new copy borehole function:

  • copyBorehole(id borehole, id workgroup):

    Copy an existing borehole into the given workgroup (editor users only).

Export / Import functions:

  • exportDatabase(id? workgroup):

    Execute a full geopackage export of the database or filtered by workgroup.

  • exportDatabaseById([ids] boreholes):

    Execute a geopackage export of the database based on an array of borehole id.

  • importDatabaseWorkgroup(id workgroup):

    Import an exported database into an existing workgroup for editing.

  • importDatabaseSupplier(id workgroup):

    Import an exported database into an supplier (read only) workgroup.

  • importDatabaseNewSupplier(id workgroup):

    Import an exported database into an new supplier (read only) workgroup, created on the fly.

User reload:

  • reloadUser:

    Reload the current user configurations.

Workgroups / Suppliers:

  • listSuppliers:

    Get the list of suppliers only.

What's new in js-bdms 1.0.8

New functions

Added login screen text management REST API implementation:

  • publishContent():

    Promote the draft of the login screen text to go public (admin users only).

  • getContent():

    Get the current of the login screen text.

  • getContentDraft():

    Get the current draft of the login screen text (admin users only).

  • draftContent():

    Update the current draft of the login screen text (admin users only).

Function changes

  • createIdentifier(identifiers)

    Create a new identifier for each language

  • updateIdentifier(id identifiers)

    Update the identifier for each language

What's new in js-bdms 1.0.7

New functions

Added new service-bdms related new REST API implementation:

  • publishTerms():

    Promote the draft of terms of service to go public (admin users only).

  • getTerms():

    Get the current terms of service.

  • getTermsDraft():

    Get the current draft terms of service (admin users only).

  • draftTerms(terms):

    Admins can update the current terms of service flagging it as draft (admin users only).

  • acceptTerms(idTes):

    The user accepts the current terms of service of service

  • getBoreholeFiles(id):

    fetch the list of files attached to a borehole by its id (for VIEWERs)

  • getEditorBoreholeFiles(id):

    fetch the list of files attached to a borehole by its id (for EDITORs)

  • uploadBoreholeAttachment(id, file):

    upload and attach a new file to the given borehole id

  • detachFile(id, file_id):

    detach a file from a borehole.

  • patchFile(bid, fid, field, value):

    Update files extra attribute (description, visibility).

  • downloadAttachment(params):

    Execute the download of borehole attachments.

Function changes

  • patchSettings(tree, value, key=null):

    To handle guest user, when settings patch is launched, only local state is updated.

Backwards incompatible changes REST API:

  • uploadBoreholeList became importBoreholeList and the action attribute UPLOAD became IMPORTCSV