- getProfileLayersGroups(id borehole):
Returns the list of all layers of all primary profiles of a specific borehole to be displayed in the new interactive stratigraphy viewer @ist-supsi/stratigraphy.
We added support for 3 new types of profiles data: casing, instruments and fillings.
getProfile(id profile):
Get the data of a profile. Returned data dependo on the profile kind.
createProfile(id profile, id kind):
Create a new profile. Kinds: stratigraphy (3000), casing (3002), instruments (3003) and fillings (3004).
getProfiles(borehole borehole, id kind):
Fetch all the profiles of a borehole filtered by kind. If the kind is not specified, all profiles are fetched.
getProfileLayers(id profile, withValidation boolean):
Fetches the list of all layers of a specific profile. Return server side validation if the withValidation parameter is set to true.
patchProfile(id profile, field [attribute name], value):
Update the attributes of a single layer by its id, field name and value
createInstrument(id profile, id? casing):
Create a new layer of type "instrument". And, optionally, assign it to the casing if passed.
Added the new export function:
exportDatabaseAsync([ids] workgroups):
Launch an asynchronous full export request
Check the status of the asynchronous export request
Added a new workflow validation function:
Push the validation process to the beginning
Added the new copy borehole function:
copyBorehole(id borehole, id workgroup):
Copy an existing borehole into the given workgroup (editor users only).
Export / Import functions:
exportDatabase(id? workgroup):
Execute a full geopackage export of the database or filtered by workgroup.
exportDatabaseById([ids] boreholes):
Execute a geopackage export of the database based on an array of borehole id.
importDatabaseWorkgroup(id workgroup):
Import an exported database into an existing workgroup for editing.
importDatabaseSupplier(id workgroup):
Import an exported database into an supplier (read only) workgroup.
importDatabaseNewSupplier(id workgroup):
Import an exported database into an new supplier (read only) workgroup, created on the fly.
User reload:
Reload the current user configurations.
Workgroups / Suppliers:
Get the list of suppliers only.
Added login screen text management REST API implementation:
Promote the draft of the login screen text to go public (admin users only).
Get the current of the login screen text.
Get the current draft of the login screen text (admin users only).
Update the current draft of the login screen text (admin users only).
Create a new identifier for each language
updateIdentifier(id identifiers)
Update the identifier for each language
Added new service-bdms related new REST API implementation:
Promote the draft of terms of service to go public (admin users only).
Get the current terms of service.
Get the current draft terms of service (admin users only).
Admins can update the current terms of service flagging it as draft (admin users only).
The user accepts the current terms of service of service
fetch the list of files attached to a borehole by its id (for VIEWERs)
fetch the list of files attached to a borehole by its id (for EDITORs)
uploadBoreholeAttachment(id, file):
upload and attach a new file to the given borehole id
detachFile(id, file_id):
detach a file from a borehole.
patchFile(bid, fid, field, value):
Update files extra attribute (description, visibility).
Execute the download of borehole attachments.
patchSettings(tree, value, key=null):
To handle guest user, when settings patch is launched, only local state is updated.
- uploadBoreholeList became importBoreholeList and the action attribute UPLOAD became IMPORTCSV