RAG is the art of stitching together Retrieval and Generation to ground the latter. The retrieval comes from [[Information Retrieval]] while the LLM handles the generation.
A typical method is called a [[Bi-Encoder]] approach which combines the use of a single embedding model to embed documents and queries. Cosine similarity is then used to determine the relevance a specific document with respect to the query
This is a good approach because it is computationally efficient. In order to run inference, all we need is to encode a single query instead of re-encoding all of the documents. However, this comes along with retrieval performance tradeoffs.
A more accurate but computationally expensive way is to use a [[Cross Encoder]] which computes a query-aware document representation. A Cross Encoder is fundamentally a binary classifier which outputs a probability of the document being relevant to the query.
Another method is called a [[Reranker]] which uses a simple idea - leveraging a powerful but computationally expensive model to score only a subset of your documents, previously retrieved by a more efficient model.
However, semantic search via embeddings will result in information loss. A few reasons are
- Embeddings learn to represent information that is useful to their training queries. This will never be fully representative of your query or dataset
- Compressing information from hundreds of tokens to a single vector is bound to lose information
- Humans love to use keywords such as certain acronyms, domain-specific words etc
We can utilise [[BM25]] which is a variant of the [[TF-IDF]] representation. It is specifically strong because it deals well with domain-specific jargon.
If we're fine-tuning our Bi-Encoder and Cross Encoder, ideally we'd like our Bi-Encoder to be more coarse grained and our Cross Encoder to be more specific
Documents do not exist in a vacuum. There's a lot of metadata around them, some of which can be very informative. (Eg. A query for a specific document for a time period Q4)
The model needs to represent all of the main request. If we provide it a lot of irrelevant financial reports to your LLM, it might not work great.
Therefore we just need an entity detection model such as [[GliNER]] which can do zero-shot entity detection.
We can also utilise query/document sparse expansion such as [[SPLADE]].
We can also usemulti-vector representations such as [[ColBERT]] in order to improve the efficiency of individual retrieval pipelines.
We can use [[Topic Modelling]] as a way to identify clusters in our user queries that we can then process idependently.
This will involve
- Selecting a subset of queries
- Using [[t-SNE]] to understand how the data distribution looks like
- Using a [[Gensim]] [[Coherence Model]] to determine the best number of topics and clusters
- Then using [[LDA]] to cluster topics. Ideally we can start with a higher value of
and then work towards finding better representations