Releases: ivantcholakov/starter-public-edition-3
Releases · ivantcholakov/starter-public-edition-3
- Twig has been upgraded, v3.2.1. Changes are made in templates for covering syntax changes accordingly.
- UTF8: The Kohana implementation has been replaced with "voku/portable-utf8" package.
- Composer: The package "oomphinc/composer-installers-extender" has been added for supporting web-assets installation.
- jQuery has been updated, v3.5.1.
- Modernizr has been updated, v3.5.0.
- function safe_mailto(): Pure PHP implementation has been made, not so safe obfuscation, for avoiding JavaScript's function document.write() calls.
- The CSS framework has been upgraded: Semantic UI - 2.4.2 -> Fomantic UI - 2.8.6.
- The CSS animate.css has been updated, v4.1.1.
- Sweetalert JavaScript has been replaced with Sweetalert2.
- CKEditor 4 has been updated, v4.15.1.
- Various minor fixes and updates have been made.
- composer update
- assets:compile feature from Starter 5 has been backported here. The command is php cli.php assets compile . The configuration file is platform/common/config/assets_compile.php . The old less compile and scss compile commands and their corresponding configuration have been removed.
- Lessjs: Corrections about obsolete options have been made.
- Cssmin: tubalmartin/cssmin has been removed, Cssnano is the default implementation as of now.
- Twig: v1.42.5 still supports PHP 5.6, so upgrades would be hold till PHP 5.6 is supported.
- Fatnes has been removed - mostly CSS and fonts.
- Lex parser has been removed.
- The newly introduced highlight.js script replaces Google code-prettify.
- Error reporting on production: Errors under CLI are visible.
- Playground: Some non-essetial pages have been removed.
- CodeIgniter 3.1.11+ has been updated to its current last commit.
- Links to CodeIgniter's user manual within source have been updated.
- The common windows-detection constant does its job in the same way as in other places, not significant.
- Parsers, some comand-line processes: There was a default timeout of 60s, that is not ehough when for example a huge bunch of less-files is to be compiled. This timeout has been increased to 3600s.
- Less parser (Lessjs implementation): The command-line options have been revised and updated.
- Minimally required PHP version is 5.6.0 as of now, versions of Composer-distributed packages are tuned up to satisfy this requirement. No abandoned packages are used.
- Classes Lessjs_Parser, Cssnano_Parser, Autoprefixer_Parser have been reworked slightly for making their code more understandable. For this purpose symfony/process package has been added.
- Code of REST-server has been altered to its PHP 5.4-style version.
- The landing page of the Playground was slightly visually improved.