- Create a menu which says what to install and what has been installed and when
- use a .file in user folder for info
- Add a license for the package
- Create tests for the Bash functions
- Create tests for the recipes also
- Make easily installable on Docker containers - use on my server on digital ocean especially the dotfiles
- Create a self install script from GitHub like Homebrew and others do
- Format and lint the files - install standard.js
- Recreate in Electron and package all binaries in this and just install electron with GUI to install
- Look at the bash options some more - http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/options.html
- Make the script work with installing Zip files and PKG files.
- Create a documentation wiki
- Can I check for network connection through bash
ping -q -w 1 -c 1
ip r | grep default | cut -d ' ' -f 3
> /dev/null && echo ok || echo error - [ ]Store the downloaded files in folder marking the versions specified in options
tmp > packagename
- Try and find out where the terminal exits and what the error is - terminal.log with set -e
- This should be created in a docker container
- Create some standard conf files
- PHP FPM setup
- Change user and group for Apache to ones own. whoami
- Download some common images and store them
- Make sure the cask is updated before download - brew update or others
- Removing files will error on first time as they do not exist - check first
- GitIgnore global errors says no file or directory - removed this - setup again for mac ignore
- ImageMagick Keg is missing - maybe spelling mistake, maybe this is just on the removal - get specific error
- Need to check that the URL returned 200 - Pause Script otherwise
- Check to see if .bashrc and .zshrc exist
- Script uninstalls imagemagick and graphicksmagick then re-installs check first -
- Change file extensions associated to programs
- Apple LaunchCtrl should do the trick here
- Check to see what xcode-select is already set too before running command
- Remove and Add Items from the Dock - can use defaults or plist tools probably
- Check that the OSX file works with Mavericks
- Finish the install script create as a docker container
- Make it work with PHP FPM
- Finish the install script
- Finish of the install script - tidy up
- MySQL sort out the my.cnf caveat - /etc » locate my.cnf
- MySQL run the start from login routines.
- Finish the install script
PearRC caveat for PHP5
if -f ~/.pearrc then sudo mv -f ~/.pearrc ~/.pearrc.bk fi
## Image Optimisation
- Add http://imageoptim.com/ImageOptim.tbz2
- Add jpegoptim
- Add optipng
- Replicate ImageOptim
- Fails as it asks for permissions outside the standard install
- Allow the user to choose the Version of Ruby they want from the Rbenv List - default to latest?
- Check .gem folder exists before trying to remove
- ruby install line 51 no bashrc file
- Ruby gems update looking at older file system not rebenv - need to source the Rbenv before updating Re-running solves this
- Need to add a force so it overwrites the executable feedback
- Asks for username
- Node asks for password - this is probably for NPM login - clarify this addUser
- Need to change the theme / preference if possible to Homebrew, maybe in shell script
The command-line package to do this is p7zip, specifically the 7za command. It's available through MacPorts or Fink. A typical extract command: 7za x archive.7z
To extract all the 7z files under a directory you'd do something like this: find -name "*.7z" -exec 7za x {} ; (where is the top-level directory containing all the archives).