This repository contains Cognito custom authentication challenge lamda triggers and an example script for Email MFA.
Please refer to the official documentation for Custom authentication challenge Lambda triggers.
You may also refer to the blog post.
- Python 3
- boto3
- Amazon Simple Email Service for sending OTP codes
When you run the example script, you need to install the following:
Run the following in your shell.
sam build
sam deploy --parameter-overrides EmailSender=<YOUR_SES_EMAIL_SENDER>
When completed, the following AWS resources are created in your AWS environment.
Logical ID | Type |
CognitoUserPool | AWS::Cognito::UserPool |
CognitoUserPoolClient | AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient |
LambdaLayer | AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion |
CreateAuthChallenge | AWS::Lambda::Function |
DefineAuthChallenge | AWS::Lambda::Function |
VerifyAuthChallenge | AWS::Lambda::Function |
CreateAuthChallengeCognitoPermission | AWS::Lambda::Permission |
DefineAuthChallengeCognitoPermission | AWS::Lambda::Permission |
VerifyAuthChallengeCognitoPermission | AWS::Lambda::Permission |
CreateAuthChallengeRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
DefineAuthChallengeRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
VerifyAuthChallengeRole | AWS::IAM::Role |
First of all, please create a Cognito user for testing by running the following command.
# Add a Cognito user.
aws cognito-idp admin-create-user \
--user-pool-id $POOL_ID \
--username $EMAIL
# Make the user confirmation status "Confirmed"
echo -n 'Password: '
read password
aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password \
--user-pool-id $POOL_ID \
--username $EMAIL \
--password $password \
Run the example script using the following command.
cd src/example
pip install -r requirements.txt
python \
--pool-id <YOUR_USER_POOL_ID> \
--client-id <YOUR_CLIENT_ID> \
--username <YOUR_EMAIL> \
--password <YOUR_PASSWORD>
Run the following in your shell.
sam delete
Run the following in your shell.
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/src:$(pwd)/src/layers/python
pytest -vv