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Data and code to analyze the direct and indirect effects of forest structure and snow cover on wildfire burn severity

This Repository contains data and code for the manuscript:

  • Snow dynamics and forest structure interact to increase wildfire burn severity in the boreal forest

The authors request that you cite the above article and the data when using these data or modified code to prepare a publication.

The files contained by this repository are numbered sequentially in the order they appear in our data analysis and figure generation workflow, each of which is described below.

To use our code, you will need to install R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21) or later

Packages needed to reproduce these analyses are:

pkgs <- c("tidyverse", "piecewiseSEM", "ggplot2", "nlme", "patchwork")


Repository organization

code folder contains analysis scripts and has two subfolders:

  • functions which contains functions required to reproduce analysis.
  • gee_scripts contains novel data acquisition scripts for google earth engine

data folder contains cleaned data used in the analysis.

File description


These are the cleaned data that are used to generate all analyses and figures in the paper. These data represent wildfires that burned between 2001 and 2019 in the boreal shield of Ontario. For methodology see article.

Variable Description
Fire_ID Unique name identifyer for each fire
Fire_Year Year that the fire burned (YYYY)
Fire_Start Date that fire started to burn as reported by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (YYYY-MM-DD)
BurnDay Julian day of burn as identified using Google Earth Engine
sdd Snow-free date as indentified using Google Earth Engine
tssm Snow-free duration calculated as difference between sdd and BurnDay
avgBio mean total aboveground biomass (t/ ha)
cc mean canopy closure (%)
age mean stand age (YY)
tri mean terrain ruggedness index
RBR_median median relativized burn ratio
RBR_quant 90th percentile relativized burn ration
RBR_cv coefficent of variation of relativized burn ratio
FIRE_FINAL final fire size (ha) as reported by Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
size_class fire size class 1 = small < 500 ha, 2 = medium <= 500 ha & < 10,000 ha, 3 = large >= 10,000 ha
dc drought code as interpolated to the centroid of the fire perimeter
pyroregion east or west broeal shield. 1 = west, 0 = east


Code to analyze entire boreal shield (689 fires). This code runs a structural equation model for both median and extreme severity. It calculates the indirect effects using a custom function.


Code to analyze east and west boreal shield. This code runs four separate structural equation models for both median and extreme severity, one for each ecoregion. It then calcualtes the indirect effects using a custom function.


Code to analyze difference between indirect pathways for east and west ecoregion using a multigroup analysis. This code requires the outputs of 1_sem_entire_boreal_shield.R. It calculates the indirect effects and combines them into a dataframe before plotting the results.


Code to analyze within-fire variability in burn severity for fires > 500 ha. This code runs a single structural equation model. It then calculates the indirect effects and plots the results.