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base repository: jvergar2/FEM-Notes
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base: master
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head repository: jacojvr/FEM-Notes
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compare: master
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Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged.
Showing with 28,114 additions and 629 deletions.
  1. +335 −7 .gitignore
  2. +842 −272 FEM-notes-refs.bib
  3. BIN FEM-notes.pdf
  4. +36 −0 FEM-notes.tex
  5. 0 LICENSE →
  6. +8 −1
  7. BIN img/Computational/localdof.pdf
  8. BIN img/Computational/mesh2.pdf
  9. BIN img/Computational/sparse_storage.pdf
  10. BIN img/Local_definition_4-node_element.pdf
  11. BIN img/Mesh_4_elements_example.pdf
  12. BIN img/TheFEM/Bathe3.15.pdf
  13. BIN img/TheFEM/dcl_mass.pdf
  14. BIN img/TheFEM/deriv2.pdf
  15. BIN img/TheFEM/element.pdf
  16. BIN img/{ → TheFEM}/figure1.pdf
  17. BIN img/{ → TheFEM}/figure2.pdf
  18. BIN img/{ → TheFEM}/figure3.pdf
  19. BIN img/{ → TheFEM}/figure4.pdf
  20. BIN img/TheFEM/firstder.pdf
  21. BIN img/TheFEM/func.pdf
  22. BIN img/TheFEM/ibc.png
  23. BIN img/TheFEM/inter1D.pdf
  24. BIN img/TheFEM/interlin.pdf
  25. BIN img/TheFEM/interqua.pdf
  26. BIN img/TheFEM/intertri.pdf
  27. BIN img/TheFEM/lado2h.pdf
  28. BIN img/TheFEM/lineal.pdf
  29. BIN img/TheFEM/localfirst.pdf
  30. BIN img/TheFEM/localfun.pdf
  31. BIN img/TheFEM/localone.pdf
  32. BIN img/TheFEM/quadra.pdf
  33. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-4-nodes-1.pdf
  34. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-4-nodes-2.pdf
  35. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-4-nodes-3.pdf
  36. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-4-nodes-4.pdf
  37. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-1.pdf
  38. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-2.pdf
  39. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-3.pdf
  40. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-4.pdf
  41. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-5.pdf
  42. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-6.pdf
  43. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-7.pdf
  44. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-8.pdf
  45. BIN img/TheFEM/shape_func-9-nodes-9.pdf
  46. BIN img/TheFEM/spring_system.pdf
  47. BIN img/TheFEM/springel.pdf
  48. BIN img/TheFEM/third.pdf
  49. BIN img/TheFEM/wedge.pdf
  50. BIN img/element_transform.pdf
  51. BIN img/figure1_2.pdf
  52. BIN img/figure5.pdf
  53. BIN img/figure6.pdf
  54. BIN img/figure7_0.pdf
  55. BIN img/figure7_1.pdf
  56. BIN img/indices.pdf
  57. BIN img/interpol1.pdf
  58. BIN img/interpol2.pdf
  59. BIN img/{figure1_1.pdf → intro/index_notation.pdf}
  60. BIN img/lagr.pdf
  61. BIN img/newton1d.pdf
  62. BIN img_src/4node_element_enumeration.png
  63. +183 −0 img_src/4node_element_enumeration.svg
  64. +42 −0 img_src/Computational/
  65. +409 −0 img_src/Equilibrium_equation_body.svg
  66. BIN {img → img_src}/FIGURAS 1.pptx
  67. BIN {img → img_src}/FIGURAS 2.pptx
  68. +2,140 −0 img_src/Local_definition_4-node_element.svg
  69. +2,546 −0 img_src/Mesh_4_elements_example.svg
  70. +1,789 −0 img_src/TheFEM/Bathe3.15.svg
  71. +49 −0 img_src/TheFEM/
  72. +46 −0 img_src/TheFEM/
  73. BIN img_src/TheFEM/bathe.pdf
  74. +664 −0 img_src/TheFEM/dcl_mass.svg
  75. BIN img_src/TheFEM/dclmass_juan.pdf
  76. +488 −0 img_src/TheFEM/element.svg
  77. BIN img_src/TheFEM/ibc.png
  78. +260 −0 img_src/TheFEM/indices.svg
  79. +327 −0 img_src/TheFEM/inter1D.svg
  80. +1,393 −0 img_src/TheFEM/spring_system.svg
  81. +237 −0 img_src/TheFEM/springel.svg
  82. BIN img_src/TheFEM/springel_juan.pdf
  83. +354 −0 img_src/element_transform.svg
  84. BIN img_src/ibc.png
  85. BIN main.pdf
  86. +0 −80 main.tex
  87. +2,755 −0 notebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/Gauss_Integration-checkpoint.ipynb
  88. +1,850 −0 notebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/LAGRANGE1D-checkpoint.ipynb
  89. +626 −0 notebooks/.ipynb_checkpoints/Ritz_method-checkpoint.ipynb
  90. +619 −0 notebooks/4_noded_UEL.ipynb
  91. +471 −0 notebooks/4_noded_square.ipynb
  92. +2,755 −0 notebooks/gauss_integration.ipynb
  93. BIN notebooks/img/Picture1.png
  94. BIN notebooks/img/figure1.pdf
  95. BIN notebooks/img/lado2h.png
  96. +2,859 −0 notebooks/lagrange_interpolation.ipynb
  97. +626 −0 notebooks/ritz_method.ipynb
  98. +92 −0 scripts/
  99. +108 −0 scripts/
  100. BIN scripts/SPRINGS/Archivo
  101. +4 −0 scripts/SPRINGS/eles.txt
  102. +16 −0 scripts/SPRINGS/
  103. +3 −0 scripts/SPRINGS/loads.txt
  104. +2 −0 scripts/SPRINGS/mater.txt
  105. +4 −0 scripts/SPRINGS/nodes.txt
  106. +180 −0 scripts/SPRINGS/
  107. +57 −0 scripts/
  108. +2 −4 src/{resumen.tex → appendix.tex}
  109. +710 −0 src/bvp.tex
  110. +141 −0 src/computational.tex
  111. +25 −0 src/cover.tex
  112. +107 −0 src/elem_matrices.tex
  113. +0 −174 src/elemat.tex
  114. +58 −0 src/
  115. 0 src/equilibrium.tex
  116. 0 src/explicit.tex
  117. +0 −11 src/gendes.tex
  118. +94 −0 src/header.tex
  119. +31 −33 src/intro.tex
  120. +0 −11 src/nonlindes.tex
  121. +0 −11 src/nonlinscal.tex
  122. +0 −25 src/portada.tex
  123. +7 −0 src/references.tex
  124. +64 −0 src/
  125. +11 −0 src/summary.tex
  126. +1,091 −0 src/thefem.tex
  127. +401 −0 src/wavestime.tex
  128. +85 −0 styles/custom_barba.css
  129. +112 −0 styles/custom_ketch.css