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Sketch a Single Motif

Jinhan Choi edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 8 revisions

Nemo takes a simple motif sketch to create a graph query for finding motif instances in a massive connectomics database. Nemo supports two ways of sketching a motif; sketch from scratch and import from JSON.

Sketch from scratch


Nemo provides sketch tools to draw a motif on an empty canvas.

Sketch tools

Tool name Description
Draw Node Add a node to the sketch
Draw Edge Add an edge to indicate a connection between nodes
Edit Properties Click node or edge to add properties that become constraints, such as weight and type, or delete the selected node or edge
Move Move the position of the selected node
Node Info Shows the properties assigned to the node
Clear Sketch Delete all the nodes and edges
Import Motif Import previously exported sketch
Export Motif Export the sketch to JSON file

Import from JSON


Nemo enables importing a JSON file that was previously exported from the interface.

Edit Properties