Download and install
Ubuntu 24.10
either on a physical machine or in a virtual machine if you would like to try it out. Once you have installedUbuntu 24.10
and rebooted back into the OS you will need to installGit
Open the
app.- To do this either click on the icon in the bottom left of the screen and find the terminal app or press the
- To do this either click on the icon in the bottom left of the screen and find the terminal app or press the
In the terminal type the following command.
sudo apt install git -y
Type your password when prompted.
- Now clone the repository to your home directory
git clone https://github.com/jameslinnell/ubuntu_config.git
- Build the base system and base tools and follow the prompts
Once this is complete you will see a display in ascii art saying, oh my zsh ....is now installed!
- type
exit (followed by Return/Enter key)
You are now back in the bash terminal.
- Now we can do some configuration of fonts, colours, keybindings, default apps etc.
- Close the terminal and open a better one, I suggest
although it doesn't seem to play well on Virtual Machines so also tryalacritty
- Now we have the choice to setup a different Window Manager. Once you have opened a terminal, navigate to...
cd ~/ubuntu_config
i3wm is a tiling window manager if you're not used to a TWM it can be confusing at first, but the effort is worth it.
- To install type...
- Once installed. Log out, and on the login screen select i3 and re-login.