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Server Raspberry Pi

Jonathan edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 61 revisions

Home > Running a Server > Installing on Raspberry Pi

Please ensure you have read the server overview

Jamulus has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 4 2Gb by Jamulus user SIVA Frédéric

  1. Install Raspbian Buster (allow VNC and SSH for comfort, but will ultimately run without VNC for higher speed)

  2. Edit config.txt to enable boot without HDMI by adding hdmi_force_hotplug=0

  3. Install the dependent packages listed for Raspbian here but not libjack-jackd2-dev

  4. Find the latest official tagged release on this list:

  5. Use git to clone the source files to your system:

    git clone, this will download the source to a local folder named jamulus

  6. Checkout the latest release with the git checkout <release_number> command, where release_number is the latest tagged official release. Then compile the source code. Note: compiling with the qmake "CONFIG+=nosound option removes the ability to run Jamulus as a client with Jack audio, use this option if you are planning to only use your Raspberry Pi as a server:

    cd jamulus

    git checkout r3_5_5 Replace r3_5_5 with the latest official release version

    qmake "CONFIG+=nosound"

  7. Run make and then install:

    sudo make install

    which will move the executable to /usr/local/bin/Jamulus

For additional information, read the instructions, and the Linux headless server instructions

Connect Raspberry Pi with Ethernet cable to your router.

Test by starting as follows, and watch GUI on VNC (or HDMI)

./Jamulus -s

If all is well, run in your chosen server mode as follows (or use systemd unit script provided in the Linux guide), for example:

sudo chrt 99 ionice -c1 nice -n -20 ./Jamulus -s -n -e -o "yourServerName;yourCity;[country ID]"&

Please also see this important note on Central Servers.

See also Command Line Options for other parameters you can set.

Upgrade Jamulus on Raspberry Pi

To upgrade Jamulus server, change the version in the git checkout command below to the latest official tagged release.

If you are running Jamulus as a service, stop it sudo systemctl stop jamulus

`cd jamulus/`
`git pull`
`git checkout r3_5_5`
`qmake "CONFIG+=nosound"`
`sudo cp Jamulus /usr/local/bin/Jamulus`

Optionally, instead of make and cp, you can run sudo make install which copies the file for you

If you run Jamulus as a service, restart it sudo systemctl start jamulus

If You Installed Jamulus Using the Old Wiki Instructions

If you installed Jamulus using the old Raspberry Pi Wiki Instructions, with the source files coming from SourceForge and going into a folder named "llcon-jamulus", (the command was git clone llcon-jamulus) use these commands to upgrade.

If you are running Jamulus as a service, stop it sudo systemctl stop jamulus

`cd llcon-jamulus/`
`git pull`
`qmake "CONFIG+=nosound"`
`sudo cp Jamulus /usr/local/bin/Jamulus`

If you run Jamulus as a service, restart it sudo systemctl start jamulus