This is the JUSTOKRs application - it's a webapp to help large distributed teams manage & track their progress.
It's has three tiers:
- Ember.js web app
- Node.js APIs
- MySQL database
This README outlines the details of starting to work with this app and collaborating on it.
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
git clone <repository-url>
this repository- change into the new directory
npm install
bower install
- cp -r manual_install/* bower_components
- Set your database up - either
- Create the DB yourself by running /sql/1create.sql & 2views.sql
- Load the sample database using MySQLWorkbench
- You can choose to authenticate via Ember Simple Auth - ESA (see or via ADFS. If you don't have an ADFS server to authenticate to then you should use ESA. Ember needs a different set of files for each authentication method - You'll need to run the script with a parameter of either ESA or ADFS - this will copy the files from the /authentication folder to the appropriate Ember folders.
- Set up the following environment variables (e.g. in your .bash_profile)
- export OKR_HOME="/Users/" NB. it's assumed that the OKR source code will sit in a folder called /src/okr under this path
- export OKR_EMBER="https://localhost:4200" - the URL of the Ember server
- export OKR_EMBER="http://localhost:3000" - the URL of the Node server
- export OKR_DB_HOST="localhost"
- export OKR_DB_DB="okr"
- export OKR_DB_USER="okr"
- export OKR_DB_PASS="somethingHardToGuess"
- export OKR_AUTH_METHOD=Method used for Authentication - can be either ESA (Ember Simple Auth) or ADFS (Microsoft AD)
- export OKR_AD_REDIRECT=Full URL to redirect to after login
- export OKR_JIRA=URL to your JIRA install (if you have one)
- create a /log folder
ember server
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate
for more details
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
(development)ember build --environment production
Specify what it takes to deploy your app.