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File metadata and controls

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This is the JUSTOKRs application - it's a webapp to help large distributed teams manage & track their progress.

It's has three tiers:

  • Ember.js web app
  • Node.js APIs
  • MySQL database

This README outlines the details of starting to work with this app and collaborating on it.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • npm install
  • bower install
  • cp -r manual_install/* bower_components
  • Set your database up - either
    • Create the DB yourself by running /sql/1create.sql & 2views.sql
    • Load the sample database using MySQLWorkbench

Running / Development

  • You can choose to authenticate via Ember Simple Auth - ESA (see or via ADFS. If you don't have an ADFS server to authenticate to then you should use ESA. Ember needs a different set of files for each authentication method - You'll need to run the script with a parameter of either ESA or ADFS - this will copy the files from the /authentication folder to the appropriate Ember folders.
  • Set up the following environment variables (e.g. in your .bash_profile)
    • export OKR_HOME="/Users/" NB. it's assumed that the OKR source code will sit in a folder called /src/okr under this path
    • export OKR_EMBER="https://localhost:4200" - the URL of the Ember server
    • export OKR_EMBER="http://localhost:3000" - the URL of the Node server
    • export OKR_DB_HOST="localhost"
    • export OKR_DB_DB="okr"
    • export OKR_DB_USER="okr"
    • export OKR_DB_PASS="somethingHardToGuess"
    • export OKR_AUTH_METHOD=Method used for Authentication - can be either ESA (Ember Simple Auth) or ADFS (Microsoft AD)
    • export OKR_AD_REDIRECT=Full URL to redirect to after login
    • export OKR_JIRA=URL to your JIRA install (if you have one)
  • create a /log folder
  • ember server
  • Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build (development)
  • ember build --environment production (production)


Specify what it takes to deploy your app.

Further Reading / Useful Links