Order | Area | TOCTitle | ContentId | PageTitle | DateApproved | MetaDescription |
6 |
extensionapi |
API complex commands |
A010AEDF-EF37-406E-96F5-E129408FFDE1 |
Visual Studio Code Commands API Reference |
4/14/2016 |
Visual Studio Code extensions (plug-ins) complex commands API Reference. |
This document lists a set of complex commands that we consider stable. They are called complex commands because they require parameters and often return a value. You can use the commands in conjunction with the executeCommand
The following is a sample of how to preview a HTML document:
let uri = Uri.parse('file:///some/path/to/file.html');
let success = await commands.executeCommand('vscode.previewHtml', uri);
- Execute all workspace symbol provider.
- query Search string
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of SymbolInformation-instances.
- Execute all definition provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position of a symbol
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of Location-instances.
- Execute all hover provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position of a symbol
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of Hover-instances.
- Execute document highlight provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position in a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of DocumentHighlight-instances.
- Execute reference provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position in a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of Location-instances.
- Execute rename provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position in a text document
- newName The new symbol name
- (returns) A promise that resolves to a WorkspaceEdit.
- Execute signature help provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position in a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to SignatureHelp.
- Execute document symbol provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of SymbolInformation-instances.
- Execute completion item provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position in a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to a CompletionList-instance.
- Execute code action provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- range Range in a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of CompletionItem-instances.
- Execute completion item provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of Commands.
- Execute document format provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- options Formatting options
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of TextEdits.
- Execute range format provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- range Range in a text document
- options Formatting options
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of TextEdits.
- Execute document format provider.
- uri Uri of a text document
- position Position in a text document
- ch Character that got typed
- options Formatting options
- (returns) A promise that resolves to an array of TextEdits.
- Preview an html document.
- uri Uri of the document to preview.
- column (optional) Column in which to preview.
- Show references at a position in a file
- uri The text document in which to show references
- position The position at which to show
- locations An array of locations.