Here's a log of all the changes that have happened to this package.
- Added a Heroku class for neatly encapsulating Heroku methods [James Kirby]
- Docblocks for the entire Typekit class [James Kirby]
- Added a changelog [James Kirby]
- Added a license [James Kirby]
- Added a readme file [James Kirby]
- Removed Python compiled files from repository [James Kirby]
- Adding missing EOF new line to the output file [James Kirby]
- Returning boolean responses for the
methods, instead of an object [James Kirby] - Removed new line from output to bring inline with Heroku's styling [James Kirby]
- Unable to catch
for all errors, so removing to be a catch-all [James Kirby]
- Spelling mistake in kit pubished confirmation message [James Kirby]
First stable release of jedkirby/heroku-buildpack-typekit