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Plugin Compatibility with Pipeline

(formerly known as Pipeline plugin). This document captures the status of features to be compatible or incompatible.

  • JIRA Issue Parameter supported
  • JIRA Version Parameter supported
  • JiraChangeLogAnnotator supported
  • JiraIssueUpdater supported
  • JiraIssueUpdateBuilder supported
  • JiraCreateReleaseNotes supported
  • JiraCreateIssueNotifier never supported
  • JiraIssueMigrator never supported
  • JiraReleaseVersionUpdater never supported
  • JiraReleaseVersionUpdaterBuilder supported
  • JiraVersionCreator never supported
  • JiraEnvironmentVariableBuilder not supported (workaround exists)

JiraIssueUpdater usage example

You need keep reference to used scm. As an example, you can write a flow:

node {
    def gitScm = git url: '[email protected]:jenkinsci/jira-plugin.git', branch: 'master'
    sh 'make something'
    step([$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.JiraIssueUpdater', 
            issueSelector: [$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.selector.DefaultIssueSelector'], 
            scm: gitScm])            
    gitScm = null

Note that a pointer to scm class should be better cleared to not serialize scm object between steps.

You can add some labels to issue in jira:

    step([$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.JiraIssueUpdater', 
            issueSelector: [$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.selector.DefaultIssueSelector'], 
            scm: gitScm,
            labels: [ "$version", "jenkins" ]])            

JiraIssueUpdateBuilder usage example

node {
    step([$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.JiraIssueUpdateBuilder', 
            jqlSearch: "project = EX and labels = 'jenkins' and labels = '${version}'",
            workflowActionName: 'Resolve Issue',
            comment: 'comment'])

JiraCreateReleaseNotes usage example

node {
    wrap([$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.JiraCreateReleaseNotes', jiraProjectKey: 'TST', 
    jiraRelease: '1.1.1', jiraEnvironmentVariable: 'notes', jiraFilter: 'status in (Resolved, Closed)']) 
        //do some useful here
        //release notes can be found in environment variable jiraEnvironmentVariable
        print env.notes

JiraReleaseVersionUpdaterBuilder usage example

node {
    step([$class: 'hudson.plugins.jira.JiraReleaseVersionUpdaterBuilder', 
            jiraProjectKey: 'TEST', 
            jiraRelease: '1.1.1'])            


Custom pipeline step (see step-api) that allow to search by jql query directly from workflow.


node {
    List<String> issueKeys = jiraSearch(jql: "project = EX and labels = 'jenkins' and labels = '${version}'")	


Interface for Pipeline job types that simply want to post a comment e.g.:

node {
    jiraComment(issueKey: "EX-111", body: "Job '${env.JOB_NAME}' (${env.BUILD_NUMBER}) builded. Please go to ${env.BUILD_URL}.")


Not supported in Pipeline. You can get current jira url (if you are not using the Groovy sandbox):

import hudson.plugins.jira.JiraSite;

node {
    String jiraUrl = JiraSite.get(currentBuild.rawBuild).name    	
    env.JIRA_URL = jiraUrl

To replace JIRA_ISSUES env variable, you can use pipeline step jiraIssueSelector:

    List<String> issueKeys = jiraIssueSelector()

or if you use custom issue selector:

    List<String> issueKeys = jiraIssueSelector(new CustomIssueSelector())

Other features

Some features are currently not supported in pipeline. If you are adding new features please make sure that they support Jenkins pipeline Plugin. See here for some information. See here for more information how core jenkins steps integrate with workflow jobs.

Running a notifiers is trickier since normally a flow in progress has no status yet, unlike a freestyle project whose status is determined before the notifier is called (never supported). So notifiers will never be implemented as you can use the catchError step and run jira action manually. I'm going to create a special pipeline steps to replace this notifiers in future.