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| :--- | :--- | :--- | | Aicher, Otl: Typografie; in: Eisele, Naegele: Texte zur Typografie | Zürich, Niggli | | Archer, Ben: Eric Gill Got It Wrong; a re-evaluation of Gill Sans | typothe­­ticles/re-evaluation_of_gill_sans | 15.07.2018 | | Assheuer, Thomas: Unser inneres Afrika | | 28.03.2018 | | Deck, Barry: Coke Light | | 16.12.2018 | | Bauer, Konrad: Friedrich Die Zukunft der Schrift; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie, Zürich, Niggli | | Bauhaus100 Weimar | | 14.02.2019 | | Behrens, Peter: Von der Entwicklung der Schrift; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie, Zürich, Niggli | | Bierut, Michael 13 Ways of Looking at a ­Typeface |­michael-bierut-now-you-see-it-and-other-essays-on-design-publication-061117 | 5.4.2018 | | Biľak, Peter ­Concept­ual Type? | conceptual_type | 13.06.2018 | | Biľak, Peter: Type design in the 1990s, Demystification and re-mystification |­tion | 15.07.2018 | | Biľak, Peter: We don’t need new fonts … | | 15.07.2018 | | Bollwage, Max: Buchstabengeschichte(n): Wie Das Alphabet Entstand Und Warum Unsere Buchstaben so Aussehen | Graz, Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt | | Bosshard, Hans: Rudolf Max Bill Kontra Jan Tschichold: Der Typografiestreit Der Moderne | Sulgen [u. a.], Niggli | | Bringhurst, Robert: The Elements of Typographic Style | Seattle, Wash., Hartley & Marks | | Britannica Geoffroy Tory britanni­ | 14.02.2019 | | Båtevik, Arve; Rappo, François: Subtle Expression in Typography |­cois-rappo.html | 12.06.2018 | | Cinamon, Gerald: Rudolf Koch: Letterer, Type Designer, Teacher | US, Oak Knoll Press | | Colizzi, Alessandro: The final act at Nebiolo: the quest for a universal ­typeface artic­­­los-last-efforts-to-produce-a-universal-typefac-aa965dc0bb9f | 16.07.2018 | | Cordoba, Ricardo: Designing Books and Modern Typography |­graphy-books/book-review-recent-hyphen-­reprints | 14.02.2019 | | Debray, Régis: Socialism: A Life-Cycle | regis-debray-socia­lism-a-life-cycle | 14.02.2019 | | Designhistory Deconstruction de­­truction.html | 14.02.2019 | | Designtagebuch Die neue Hausschrift von Volks­wagen | | 14.02.2019 | | Dutch Type Library Twitter | | 14.02.2019 | | Eisele, Petra; Naegele, Isabel Texte zur Typografie, Zürich, Niggli | | Emigre Keedy | | 14.02.2019 | | Ewen, Stuart: All Consuming Images, United States of America, Basic Books | 1999 | | Fenton, Kevin: The New Typographer Muttering In Your Ear; in: Bierut, Drenttel, Heller, Holland Looking Closer 2, New York, Allworth Press | | Frutiger, Adrian: Der Mensch und seine Zeichen, Wiesbaden, fourier | 2001 | | Gerstner, Karl: Kompendium für Alphabeten; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie | Zürich, Niggli | | Gill, Eric: An Essay On Typography, Boston, Godine |
| Hamilton, Mark The ad that changed advertising. | | 14.02.2019 | | Heller, Steven; ­ Cassandre, A. M. The Meanings of Type | | 12.06.2018 | | Hoeks, Henk; Lentjes, Ewan The Triumph of Typography, Arnhem, ArtEZ Press | | Ip, Helen: Twitter twitter.­com/herroherren/status/847651762811027458 | 14.02.2019 | | Huygen, Frederike: The Debate in Context; in: Crouwel – van Toorn: The Debate, Einhoven NL, The Monacelli Press | | Interview in Frische Schriften/Fresh Type, Zürich, Edition Museum für Gestaltung | | Cass, Jacob: Designer’s Most Hated & Loved Fonts | just­­ners-most-hated-loved-fonts | 14.02.2019 | | Janser, Andres: Mehr Schrift! in: Frische Schriften/ Fresh Type, Zürich, Edition Museum für Gestaltung | | Johnston, Edward: Schreibschrift, Zierschrift und angewandte Schrift; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie, Zürich, Niggli | | Kupferschmid, Indra: Twitter | | 14.02.2019 | | Laudenbach, Peter; Franck, Georg Wir erleben einen emotionalen Klimawandel |­schaftsmagazin/2017/marketing/wir-erleben-einen-emotionalen-klimawandel | 08.04.2018 | | Lupton, Ellen: Mit Schrift Denken: Ein Kritischer Ratgeber Für Grafiker, Autoren, Lektoren und Studenten, New York, Princeton Architectural Press | | MacCarthy, Fiona: William Morris – beauty and anarchy in the UK theguardi­­ris-beauty-and-anarchy-uk | 16.07.2018 | | Mario Rampone Type Talks Interview, Fall 1989 |­views/1989-Type-Talks-interview.html | 14.02.2019 | | McNeil, Paul: The Visual History of Type | | 12.06.2018 | | Meggs, Philip: Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, US, Wiley | | Meggs, Philip: The Politics of Style; in: Bierut, Drenttel, Heller, Holland Looking Closer 2, New York, Allworth Press | Müller, Lars Homage to a Typeface­ce | 14.02.2019 | | Naegele, Isabel; Eisele, Petra; Ludwig, Annette Neue Schriften. New Typefaces, Sulgen, Niggli | | Pamminger, Walter: Konzeptionelles Buchgestalten, Göttingen, Wallstein | | Porchez, Jean: François Nation­ality and Type Design typo­­ality-­and-type-design | 12.06.2018 | | Poynor, Rick: Anarchie der Zeichen: Grafik-Design von den Achtzigern bis Heute, Basel, Birkhäuser | | Poynor, Rick: Foreword; in: Crouwel – van Toorn: The Debate | Einhoven NL, The Monacelli Press | | Poynor, Rick: Type and Deconstruction in the Digital Era; in: Typography Now: The Next Wave, London, Booth-Clibborn Editions | Purvis, Alston A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles Vol. 2, US, Taschen | | Rappo, François: Schreib’s auf, verdammt, schreib’s auf! in: Frische Schriften/Fresh Type | Zürich, Edition Museum für Gestaltung | | Renner, Paul: Die Schrift unserer Zeit; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie | Zürich, Niggli | | Righthand, Jess: Postmodernisms New Typography |­postmodernisms-new-typogra­phy-77489071 | 12.06.2018 | | Rock, Michael: Beyond Typography | beyond-typography | 12.06.2018 | | Rock, Michael: Fuck Content | | 24.07.2018 | | Saturday Night Live Papyrus - SNL | watch?v=jVhlJNJopOQ | 14.02.2019 | | Shaw, Paul: The Digital Past: When Typefaces Were Experimental |­mental | 12.06.2018 | | Smeijers, Fred: Counterpunch, London, Hyphen Press | | Sowersby, Chris: Why We Need New Typefaces | @klim­typefoundry/­why-we-need-new-typefaces-a5741f3f427d | 14.02.2019 | | Spiekermann, Erik: Bauhaus-Schriften | bauhaus-schriften-sie- wollten-buchstaben- aus-quadrat-dreieck-und-kreis-1.4109050 | 14.02.2019 | | Spiekermann, Erik: Twitter | | 14.02.2019 | | Spiekermann, Erik ÜberSchrift, Mainz, Schmidt | | Stiff, Paul: Look At Me! Look At Me!; in: Bierut, Drenttel, Heller, Holland Looking Closer 2, New York, Allworth Press | | Stössinger, Nina Twitter |­ger/status/1007399705343610880 | 14.02.2019 | | Taschen Verlag FUSE 1–20 |­at­alogue/graphic_design/all/06768/facts.fuse_120.htm | 14.02.2019 | | Thieleke, Constanze; Barnbrook, Jonathan Doctrine/A New Typeface From VirusFont |­ne | 12.06.2018 | | Transcript, in: Crouwel – van Toorn: The Debate, Einhoven, NL, The Monacelli Press | | Tschichold, Jan: Die neue Typografie, Berlin, Brinkmann und Bose | Tschichold, Jan Die neue Typografie; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie, Zürich, Niggli | | Tschichold, Jan: Noch eine Schrift; in: Eisele, Naegele Texte zur Typografie, Zürich, Niggli | | Type Directors Club Massimo Vignelli, Our Typographic Conscience |­science | 12.06.2018 | | Typolexikon Jan Tschichold | | 14.02.2019 | | Typotalks Interview mit Philipp Neumeyer | typo­­er | 14.02.2019 | | UCSB Art The Crystal Goblet |­/­reese/­classes/artistsbooks/­Beatrice %20Warde,%20The%20Crystal %20Goblet.pdf | 14.02.2019 | | Ulrich, Ferdinand: A brief overview of developments in digital type design |­lopments-in-digital-type-design-561d9e63a122 | 24.07.2018 | | Vignelli, Massimo: Exhibition Opening Invitation, School of Visual Arts, New York | Voelker, Jean Ulysses; Glaab, Peter Read+Play, Mainz, Designlabor Gutenberg | | Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft Underground: 100 Years of Edward Johnston’s Lettering for London | years-of-edward-johnston- lettering-for-london | 12.04.2019 | | London Transport Museum Edward Johnston |­johnston | 12.04.2019 | | You Work For Them What is a Humanist Typeface? |­ce | 16.07.2018 |

Table of Figures

| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | unknown | Kapr, Albert/­Fischer, Hans: ­typoart typenkunst, Leipzig 1973 | | © Bauer Types | http://­www.ff­­img/­history/­Futura.jpg | | © Bauer Types | The Monotype Corporation | Gutenberg Museum, Mainz | www.werbe­­medien/­bilder/­Artikel/­aus_der_branche/­futura/­futura3.jpg | | unknown | https:/­/­­­B%C3%BCcher/Verlag-f%C3%BCr-Schrift­kunst-Heintze-Blanckertz-Hrsg+­Die-zeitgem­%C3%­A4%­C3%9­Fe-Schrift-Juli-1929-Heft-­9/­id/­­A02a9ZZ­t01ZZ­?­z­­­­id­a8­99bc­d64411bdcb311f­­1c16154a49c8 | | © Edward Fella | http:/­/­­search/­detail/­edan­mdm:­chndm_2002-8-11?q=­record_­ID%3­­Achndm_­2002-8-­11&­­record=1&hlterm=record_ID%3Achndm_2002-8-11&­­inline=true | | © Rudolf Koch | Klingspor Museum Offenbach | https:/­/­­3/­uploads/­monthly_10_2013/­ccs-1-0-87394000-1382634600_thumb.gif | | unknown | Waldhaus Dolder | https:/­/­­­assets/­images/­f/­20389d­fe­-08b0-47cd-bacb-266­bb6fdc­212-e5517bef.jpeg | | unknown | Public ­Domain | ­Wikimedia Commons | https:/­/­­wiki/­Datei:Inschrift_der_­Trajanss%C3%A4ule.jpg | | unknown | Public Domain | Wikimedia ­Commons | https://­fr.m.­­wiki/­Fichier:­Piranesi­-­6033.jpg | | unknown | Public Domain | Wikimedia Commons | https:­/­/­commons.­wikimedia­.org/­wiki/­File:­Pieter_Neefs_­I_and_­David_Teniers_­II_­(Attr.)_-­Interior_­of_a_­Gothic_­cathedral_­with_figures.jpg | | unknown | Public Domain | Rare Books Division, Special Collections, J. Willard ­Marriott Library, University of Utah | https:/­/­­2012/­12/­31/­book-of-the-week-a-leaf-­­from-the-gutenberg-bible/­­#jp-carousel-331 | | unknown | Public ­Domain | Wikimedia Commons | https:/­/­commons.­­wiki/­File:The_­Caxton_Celebration-­William_­Caxton_showing_­specimens_­of_his_printing_to_King_­Edward_IV_and_his_Queen.jpg | | Marcantonio Raimondi | Public Domain | The Metro­politan Museum of Art | https:/­/­www.metmuseum.­org/­toah/­images/­hb/­hb_19.74.1.jpg | | unknown | Public Domain | Wikimedia Commons, André Castelot | https:/­/­­wiki/­File:­FrancisIFrance.jpg | | Geoffroy Tory | ­Public Domain | ­Wikimedia ­Commons | https://­­­­wiki/­File:Champ_­fleury_f46v_cropped.jpg#/­media/­File:Champ_fleury_­f46v.jpg | | unknown | The ­Monotype Corporation | http://­146.­66.­71.30/­~­paulshaw/wp­-­­content­/­uploads/­2014/­06/­Linotype-Garamond-­Series-lores.jpg | | © Didier Descouens | CC-BY-SA-4.0 | ­Wikimedia Commons | https:/­/­­wiki/­Palazzo_­Grimani#/­media/­Datei:Palazzo_­Grimani_di_San_Luca_­(Venice).jpg | | unknown | Public Domain | http:/­/­­RomainDuRoi-1692G.png | | Isaac de Caus | Public Domain | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | https:/­/­www.metmuseum.­org/­art/­collection/­search­/­347243 | | Hyacinthe Rigaud | ­Public Domain | Wikimedia ­Commons | https:/­/­­­wiki/­File:­Louis_­XIV_of_France.jpg | | © James Puckett | CC-BY-2.0 | Wikimedia ­Commons | https:/­/­­­wiki/­File:­Baskerville_Type_Specimen(8224316062).jpg | | Giambattista ­Bodoni | ­http:/­/­­Giambattista­Bodoni-Manuale­Tipografica-1818yy.jpg | | Jan Tschichold | https:/­/­­historyImages/­didot/­didot_tschichold_750.png | | unknown | http:/­/­­Content/­What_Is_Neoclassicism/­ | | unknown | https:/­/­­gallery/­IwdPl | | Hamilton | http:/­/­­extensions/­LFA_beta/­item.html?­workID=­lfa_type_0080 | | unknown | Public ­Domain | Wikimedia Commons | https://­­commons.­­wiki/­File:Bild_Maschinen­halle_Escher_Wyss_1875.jpg | | Hamilton | Public Domain | University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center | Hamilton Type Specimen | http:/­/­­cgi-bin/­SilverBuckle/­SilverBuckle-­idx?­type=­article­&­did=­SilverBuckle.HamiltonWood.i0004&id=­SilverBuckle.HamiltonWood­&isize=M&pview=hide | | William Morris | https:/­/­www.ketterer­­kunst/­kd/­details.php?obnr=411700977&­anummer=456&detail=1 | | William Morris | © Jürgen Huber (Supertype) | from own archive | | unknown | Open ­Data Zürich | https:/­/­data.stadt­zuerich­.ch/­dataset/­sozial­archiv-wandervogel | | © Johann Adam Meisenbach | https:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­2018/­11/­2.jpg | | Otto Eckmann | ­University of Texas Architecture and Planning Library | https:/­/­­apl­highlights/­wp-content/­uploads/­sites/­13/­neue-formen-01.jpg | | Otto Eckmann | https:/­/­­pin/­529102656208408721/­ | | Peter Behrens | https:/­/­­com/­albumarchive­/­114630083066969872545/album/­AF1QipNDzvg­Ehmf3­qmGD-H5dsdzK33LPGf77­MEjk5GJY/­AF1QipOVjxZNN­f1nEK3Y7I3RXUflnNsvkfAJF­­­VurW16Y | | unknown | AEG ­Turbine ­Factory by Peter ­Behrens, 1909-10 | https:/­/­cdn.ka­static.­org/­ka-­perseus-­images/­ebebd6f2­d7d3e13c32­00f710f807c2de185b4­d76.jpg | | Edward Johnston | https://­­cdn.­­2013/­johnstonearly.jpg | | unknown | Public ­Domain | Wikimedia Commons | https:/­/­­wiki/­United_States_­campaigns_in_World_War_I#/­media/­File:At_close_grips2.jpg | | unknown | CC-BY-SA 3.0 | © Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1972-062-01 | https:/­/­­wiki/­Datei:Bundesarchiv_Bild_146-1972-062-01,_Berlin,_bettelnder_Kriegsinvalide.jpg | | unknown | © Ferdinand Ulrich | An early ad for ­Erbar-­Grotesk in Archiv für Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchsgraphik, vol. 64, no. 2, Leipzig 1927 | Archiv für Buchgewerbe und Gebrauchsgraphik, Ausg. 64, Nr. 2, Leipzig 1927, S. 105, aus der Sammlung von p98a, Berlin | | unknown | Public ­Domain | Wikimedia Commons | ­https:/­/­de.wikipedia­.org/­wiki/­Datei:StaatlichesBauhausTitelseite.jpg | | unknown | CC-BY-SA-4.0 | Wikimedia Commons | https://­­wiki/­Plan_Voisin#/­media/­File:Plan_­Voisin_model.jpg | | © Jan Tschichold | https:/­/­­tschichold-jan/­typografische-mitteilungen-elementare-typografie/­ | | © A.M. Cassandre | https:/­/­­lotfinder/­Lot/­am-cassandre-1901-1968-nord-express-5720299-details.aspx | | © Herbert Bayer | bloomsburydesignlibrary.­com/­encyclopedia-­chapter­?­docid=b-­97­814­742­46217­&pdf­id­=­97814­74246­­002.pdf&tocid=b-­978147­4246­217-­chapter21 | | Paul Renner | https:/­/­­journal/­2018/­8/­6/­the-typeface-for-our-time-paul-renner | | © Beatrice Warde | Public Domain | Wikimedia Commons | https:/­/­­wiki/­File:This_is_a_­Printing_Office.jpg | | Eric Gill | The ­Monotype Corporation | https:/­/­d3at­s­f­3­­content/­uploads/­2015/­10/­In-1930-Gill-investigated-another-weight-of-the-Titling-Caps-by-drawing-over-a-proof-set-a-few-months-earlier-1002x1252.jpg | | Erich Meyer, D. Stempel AG | © Ilja Wanka | https:/­/­www.typo­grafie­.info­/­3/­topic/­34408-schriftmuster-tannenberg/­ | | Charles Russell | ­Public ­Domain | Wikimedia ­Commons | https:/­/­de.­wiki­pedia­.org­/wiki/­Datei:­Reichsparteitag_1935_Gro%C3%9Fer_Appell_­28-1121M_original.jpg | | unknown | https:/­/­www.­­movies/­triumph-des-willens | | Armin Hofmann | ­Public ­Domain | Wikimedia ­Commons | https:/­/­­wiki/­File:­Form_­Farbe_­Gewerbe­museum_­­Winterthur_1951.jpg | | © Max Miedinger | ­Helvetica | from own archive | | unknown | © Mark ­Mathosian | CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 | https:/­/­­photos/­markgregory/­7651774934/­ | | © Nebiolo, Aldo ­Novarese | http:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­Aldo-Novarese-Forma-Nebiolo-1968.jpg | | © Wim Crouwel | © Ben Sutherland | CC BY 2.0 | https:/­/­­photos/­bensutherland/­36487596733 | | © Herbert Kapitzki | HfG-Archiv, Museum Ulm | https:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­2018/­05/­Pressefoto-1-Mai-1968-Studenten-und-Dozenten-der-HfG-demonstrieren-vor-dem-Stuttgarter-Landtag-f%C3%BCr-den-Erhalt-der-HfG-Foto-Herbert-Kapitzki-HfG-Archiv-Ulm.jpg | | © Diana Davies | https:/­/­­article/­shes-beautiful-when-shes-angry-reveals-radical-ordinary-women-1960s-feminism/­ | | © Herb Lubalin | https:/­/­­uses/­21625/­avant-garde-magazine-13 | | © Dan Friedman | https:/­/­­artwork/­dan-friedman-typografie | | © Jan van Toorn | http:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­Jan-Van-Toorn-P.-Struycken-affiche-1974.jpg | | © Jamie Reid | from own archive | | © Jamie Reid | http://­­wp-content/­uploads/­2015/­04/­%D0%A0icture-11.-Jamie-Reid.-Concert-tour-flyer-of-Anarchy-group-travelling-UK.-London-1977..jpg | | © April Greiman | https://­www.britannica.­com/­biography/­April-Greiman/­media/­1080159/­67511 | | © April Greiman | http:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­april-greiman-sci-arc-affiche-19852.jpg | | © Norman Seff | https:/­/­­s/­files/­1/­0168/­6168/­collections/­SusanKare_by_Norman_Seeff_3b58495d-8548-4729-935f-8e59843cadd5.jpg?v=1524169115 | | © Emigre | Letterform Archive | http:/­/­­extensions/­LFA_beta/­item.html?workID­=lfa_emigre_0011 | | © Barry Deck | from own archive | | © Emigre | Letterform ­Archive | https:/­/­assets.fontsinuse.­com/­static/­use-media-items­/­56/­55704/­upto-700x­auto/5980cf08/­Rudy_­Vanderlands_Emigre15_1990.jpeg?resolution=0 | | © David Carson | https:/­/­­2016/­02/­10/­david-carson-interview/­ | | © David Carson | ­Letterform Archive | https://­­media/­DfV5a2qVAAAi6w4.jpg | | unknown | Seattle Public https:/­/­­iv/­detail/­?s=5692225&i=­200706%2F27%2F51%2F­d0079151_1292177.jpg | | © Neville Brody | from own archive | | © Letterror | from own archive | | © Frank Heine | https:/­/­documents.­­eforms/­courseware/­coursegraphics/­fundoftype_images/­2011/­remedy.jpg | | © Neville Brody | Autotrace Specimen | from own archive | | © Zuzana Ličko | https://­­3/­Schriften/­fonts.html/­base-9-amp-12-r563/­ | | © Erik Spiekermann | Meta Sketch | https:/­/­­3/­uploads/­2ffdfa31100efb7­ee539b52629124542.jpg | | unknown | from own archive | | © Luc de Groot | from own archive | | © Elliott Earls | https:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­2015/­01/­DysphasiaPosterByElliottEarls-1-644x1024.jpg | | © Melanie Laccohee | CC BY-SA 4.0 | Wikimedia | https:/­/­­wiki/­Datei:Spice_Girls_live_West_MacLaren_1997.jpg | | © Jonathan Barnbrook | https:/­/­­Typography-Now-Two-Rick-Poynor/­/­dp/­1873968612 | | © Berton Hasebe (Commercial Type) | https:/­/­­wp-content/­uploads/­2015/­01/­1-Druk-Collection-Overview.png | | © Michael Bierut and Jessica Svendsen | https://­­pin/­220465344237537668/­?lp=true | | © Michael Bierut and Laitsz Ho | https:/­/­­system/­files/­082016/­57bc08da7fa44ce577000098/­images_slice_large/­Yale-School-of-Architecture-posters-Michael-Bierut_pink-full.jpg?1471940913 | | © Ludovic Balland | from own archive | | © Lamm & Kirch | http:/­/­­wordpress/­wp-content/­uploads/­2017/­02/­Lamm-Kirch_HowToFindTrueLove-Poster-­840x1200.jpg | | © Balmer Hählen | https://­­wp-content/­uploads/­bh-image-site-soiree-graphique-2.jpg | | © Crystal Zapata | Fonts in Use, Benoît Bodhuin | https:/­/­­uses/­20619/­bricktown-sound-dance-party |