Unpackaged original: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Users/johnca/morph.html
By Guido Minnen, John Carroll, and Darren Pearce, as described in:
- Minnen, G., J. Carroll and D. Pearce (2001) Applied morphological processing of English, Natural Language Engineering, 7(3). 207-223.
A morphological analyser / lemmatiser for English based on finite-state techniques. Given a word form (and its part of speech if available) it returns the lemma and suffix.
It covers the English productive suffixes:
- -s : plural of nouns, 3rd sing pres of verbs
- -ed : past tense
- -en : past participle
- -ing : progressive of verbs
See: doc/README for the original README
To build and install the 'morpha' executable, make sure that git, Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool are installed on your system, and:
- Clone this repository and reconfigure automake for the local system:
$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/jerogee/morpha
$ cd morpha/
$ sh autogen.sh
- Configure, compile, and install system wide:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
An example with STDIN and STDOUT:
$ echo "Students_NNS were_VBD writing_VBG letters_NNS" | morpha -act
Student+s_NNS be+ed_VBD write+ing_VBG letter+s_NNS
See doc/doc.txt for the original details.