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Releases: jhannes/logevents

Security advisories fixes

17 Feb 22:47
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Test dependencies postgresql and h2 had several security advisories and have been upgraded.

🚨 DatabaseLogEventObserver renames log_events_mdc.value to log_events_mdc.mdc_value to avoid reserved keyword in H2

In addition, the following minor improvements:

🚨Package reorganization

17 Dec 10:05
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I reviewed the package structure and architecture documentation of logevents. This upgrade will have compile breakages of dependencies and import statements will have to be replaced.

  • As NullLogEventObserver is moved org.logevents.{observers => core} you can no longer do observer.null=NullLogEventObserver. But as a compensation, a NullEventObserver named null is available by default, so you don't have to
  • 🐞 BUGFIX: ConsoleJsonLogEventFormatter reads default configuration to setup applicationName and hostname

Support for slf4j 2.0

17 Dec 09:59
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Support for slf4j 2.0.0-alpha5

HOTFIX: Bug with case-insensitivity of logger names

22 Nov 18:12
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Logger names are being treated as case-insensitive. However, we want e.g. org.example.App (class name), (package name) and ORG.EXAMPLE.APP (environment variable) to always have the same configuration, even if log events should have different logger names. Before this fix, initial configurations would have the same configuration, but if a logger is changed runtime, aliased loggers are not refreshed.

More flexible filtering + HumioLogEventObserver

18 Nov 12:44
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  • Support LogEventFilter for filtered observers. E.g.
  • Support decreasing logging for a specified filter, e.g.
  • Support threshold NONE in LogEventFilter, e.g.
  • Humio support. Hat tip @norrs


18 Nov 12:40
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  • JsonLogEventFormatter now support arbitrary extra properties in log messages
  • Support for threshold NONE
  • BUGFIX: Loggers configured from environment should not have UPPER CASE names
  • BUGFIX: Observers configured from environment must have case insensitive names

Bugs and documentation

17 Sep 19:02
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  • 🐛 BUGFIX: LOGEVENTS_STATUS value was not read from environment variables
  • 🐛 BUGFIX: Deduplicate duplicate observers
  • 🐛 BUGFIX: NullPointerException in SlakcLogEventObserver when MDC has null value
  • Refactor: Move internal org.logevents.web package to org.logevents.observers.web
  • Reorganization of org.logevents.config.Configuration to reduce duplication and order methods more logical
  • More javadoc

Global environment variables

19 Aug 17:46
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  • Global environment variables should be prefixed with LOGEVENTS_, not observer.*
  • Default threshold varies for different observers

More flexible filtering of loggers and observers

21 Apr 23:07
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The structure from LoggerDelegator (Logger-implementation) to LogEventGenerators to LogObservers have been restructured, replacing LoggerDelegator.threshold with a more flexible filter-concept. This allows for filtering loggers based on markers and MDCs. At the same time, support for filtering observers on MDC has been added.

Example configuration:,DEBUG@mdc:user=superuser|admin|tester fileObserver,foo,DEBUG@mdc:user=tester&marker=PERFORMANCE

In this case, DEBUG messages from will be logged to fileObserver if the user on the MDC is superuser, admin or tester and additionally to the observer "foo" if they contain the marker HTTP, but not the marker HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, but only if the user is tester and the requestPath is not /status

Similarly, messages to the logger will only be logged if the user is tester and the marker is additionally PERFORMANCE.

Filters on loggers are applied before creating the LogEvent, providing a performance gain.

Fix to Markers

12 Apr 07:47
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  • Containment-logic for markers was reversed
  • Support observer.console.showMarker configuration
  • Support includedMdcKeys and excludedMdcKeys on PatternLogEventFormatter