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fdcfe80 · Jul 30, 2016


This branch is 2608 commits behind octobercms/october:3.x.


Plugin testing

Plugin unit tests can be performed by running phpunit in the base plugin directory.

Creating plugin tests

Plugins can be tested by creating a creating a file called phpunit.xml in the base directory with the following content, for example, in a file /plugins/acme/blog/phpunit.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit backupGlobals="false"
        <testsuite name="Plugin Unit Test Suite">
        <env name="APP_ENV" value="testing"/>
        <env name="CACHE_DRIVER" value="array"/>
        <env name="SESSION_DRIVER" value="array"/>

Then a tests/ directory can be created to contain the test classes. The file structure should mimic the base directory with classes having a Test suffix. Using a namespace for the class is also recommended.

<?php namespace Acme\Blog\Tests\Models;

use Acme\Blog\Models\Post;
use PluginTestCase;

class PostTest extends PluginTestCase
    public function testCreateFirstPost()
        $post = Post::create(['title' => 'Hi!']);
        $this->assertEquals(1, $post->id);

The test class should extend the base class PluginTestCase and this is a special class that will set up the October database stored in memory, as part of the setUp() method. It will also refresh the plugin being testing, along with any of the defined dependencies in the plugin registration file. This is the equivalent of running the following before each test:

php artisan october:up
php artisan plugin:refresh Acme.Blog
[php artisan plugin:refresh <dependency>, ...]

System testing

Unit tests

Unit tests can be performed by running phpunit in the root directory or inside /tests/unit.

Functional tests

Functional tests can be performed by running phpunit in the /tests/functional directory. Ensure the following configuration is met:

  • Active theme is demo
  • Language preference is en

Selenium set up

  1. Download latest Java SE from and install
  2. Download a distribution archive of Selenium Server.
  3. Unzip the distribution archive and copy selenium-server-standalone-2.42.2.jar (check the version suffix) to /usr/local/bin, for instance.
  4. Start the Selenium Server server by running java -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone-2.42.2.jar.

Selenium configuration

Create a new file selenium.php in the root directory, add the following content:


// Selenium server details
define('TEST_SELENIUM_HOST', '');
define('TEST_SELENIUM_PORT', 4444);
define('TEST_SELENIUM_BROWSER', '*firefox');

// Back-end URL
define('TEST_SELENIUM_URL', 'http://localhost/backend/');

// Active Theme
define('TEST_SELENIUM_THEME', 'demo');

// Back-end credentials
define('TEST_SELENIUM_USER', 'admin');
define('TEST_SELENIUM_PASS', 'admin');