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Python Implementation for Signed Random Walk with Restart (SRWR)

This repository aims to implement Signed Random Walk with Restart (SRWR) model which was proposed by the following paper:

The following materials (slides, matlab codes, and datasets) can be useful.

  • You can download the slides for the paper here.
  • The MATLAB version used in the paper can be downloaded here.
  • The datasets used in the paper are available at here.


To install python packages used in this repository, type the followings:

cd srwr
pip install -r requirements.txt


We provide the following simple command line usage:

python -m srwr --input-path data/sample.tsv --output-path output/scores.tsv --output-type rd --seed 3942

This command will compute the SRWR score vector w.r.t. the seed node given by --seed in the input graph specified by --input-path, and write the result vector into the target file in --output-path.

Input and Output Format

Input Format

The default input of srwr represents the edge list of a graph with the following format (tab separated):

# format: source (int) \t target (int) \t sign (int)
1	2   +1
1	4   -1
2	3   +1

Although we assume the sign is +1 or -1, any real number can be used as a signed weight of an edge in the input.

Output Format

The default output of srwr contains an SRWR score vector (--output-type is among rp, rn, and rd) w.r.t. the given seed node as follows:

# format : an SRWR score of i-th node

When --output-type is both, then the output consists of rp and rn as follows:

# format : a positive SRWR score \t a negative SRWR score of i-th node
0.1232e-3   0.2322e-9
0.0349e-9   0.2939e-4

How to Use srwr in My Codes?

The following example shows how to import srwr and compute an SRWR query.

from srwr.srwr import SRWR
srwr = SRWR()
srwr.read_graph(input_path) # read graph from input_path
srwr.normalize() # do semi row-normalization
rd, rp, rn, residuals = srwr.query(seed, c, epsilon, beta, gamma, max_iters, handles_deadend) # compute an SRWR query w.r.t. seed

Note that rp is a positive SRWR score vector, rn is a negative SRWR score vector, and rd is called a relative trusthworthiness score vector (i.e., rd = rp - rn) indicating that the negative rd score of node u means seed considers node u as enemy while the positive one means seed considers node u as friend.

Arguments of srwr

We summarize the input arguments of srwr in the following table:

Arguments Explanation Default
input-path Input path for a graph None
output-path Output path for storing a query result None
output-type Type of output vector {rd, rp, rn, both} None
seed A single seed (query) node id None
c Restart probablity 0.15
beta Balance attenuation factor 0.5
gamma Balance attenuation factor 0.5
epsilon Error tolerance for power iteration 1e-9
max-iters Maximum number of iterations for power iteration 100
handles-deadend If true, handles the deadend issue True
verbose If true, it will show a progress bar over iterations True

Note the followings:

  • For directed graphs, there might be deadend nodes whose outdegree is zero. In this case, a naive power iteration would incur leaking out scores. handles_deadend exists for such issue handling deadend nodes. With handles_deadend, you can guarantee that the sum of rp + rn vector is 1. Otherwise, the sum would less than 1 in directed graphs. The strategy srwr exploits is that whenever a random surfer visits a deadend node, go back to a seed node (or one of seed nodes), and restart.

How to test this repository?

We add a simple script to test codes in this repository.

python3 -m unittest test.srwr_test

This command will test the codes on two testcases located in data/testcases-*, and show the below messages if it passes the tests.

Ran 2 tests in 0.186s



  author    = {Jinhong Jung and
               Woojeong Jin and
               Lee Sael and
               U. Kang},
  title     = {Personalized Ranking in Signed Networks Using Signed Random Walk with
  booktitle = {{IEEE} 16th International Conference on Data Mining, {ICDM} 2016,
               December 12-15, 2016, Barcelona, Spain},
  pages     = {973--978},
  year      = {2016},


  • Add a notebook for SRWR tutorial
  • Add an option for global ranking of SRWR
  • Add a link for describing the SRWR's global ranking
  • Add a link for describing the deadend issue