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About SSH

  • Secure Shell
  • Networking Protocol
  • Allows secure communications
  • Can secure any network server
  • Use to connect to server

To connect to the server with ssh ssh username@serverhost

sample of serverhost:


SSH store on your .ssh folder

To create a new ssh use ssh-keygen -t rsa command.

To use the created ssh public key on server use ssh-copy-id root@serverhost command.

To setup ssh on your server

  • on your local machine/host you need to create ssh with ssh-keygen -t rsa command
  • copy the
  • Theres 2 alternative way to copy the ssh
    1. You can use ssh-copy-id user@serverhost
    2. Store the on server ~/.ssh/authorized_keys folder then use the command: cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh [email protected] "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  • Then your already setup!. You can connect to your server without password by using ssh that you generated!

Some tips:

  • Copy file on your local host into your server with scp /path-to-file/sample.txt user@serverhost:/path-where-to-save/ sample: scp /test.txt [email protected]:/Document

  • When you have new server on digitalOcean

    1. make sure to update the packages and software with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    2. create user with adduser command or check learn-user-groups-permission.txt file for more information. sample: adduser jerald
    3. Add/modify the created user on group sudo by usermod -aG sample: usermod -aG sudo jerald
    4. Try to connect on the server with ssh user:serverhost still failed because the stored authorized_keys is named/user was root not the created user
    5. Connect again as root on serverhost and mkdir .ssh and create authorized_keys file with mkdir .ssh && touch authorized_keys command.
    6. Paste again the id_rsa_do from localhost to serverhost .ssh/authorized_keys file
    7. try to connect the created user on serverhost. ssh jerald:
    8. (Optional, but required) sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config, then change yes to no the PermitRootLogin. (to avoid brute force attack)
    9. sudo systemctl reload sshd command to restart the sshd

    -Optional Step to connect to Github for cloning

    1. (Optional, but required) sudo chown -R jerald:jerald /home/jerald
    2. create ssh for github by ssh-keygen -t rsa command. enter the file path /home/jerald/.ssh/id_rsa_github
    3. copy the to ssh github to access; then ssh-add /home/jerald/.ssh/id_rsa_github command to add the ssh identity
    • after the ssh-add and throws an error Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
    • run the eval ssh-agent -s to activate the ssh-agent
    • run again the ssh-add /home/jerald/.ssh/id_rsa_github command; which return the Identity added: /home/jerald/.ssh/id_rsa_github
    1. you can clone the repo from github
    • Make sure the install nodejs on serverhost
    • To add the react project set to production
      1. run the build command of CRA with npm run build command
      2. remove the index.html on /var/www/html/index.html
      3. move the build react project on /var/www/html by sudo mv -v /home/jerald/sample-react/build/* /var/www/html/
      4. check on your browser with ip only without the port; sample on browser and display the react project
      5. To add domain for the react project; Go to Networking DigitalOcean then make sure add the DNS record like to ns3.digitalocean....
      6. Enter to the hostname just @ and will direct to droplet ubuntu/serverhost that created

Common Issue:

  • When you already set the ssh on the hostserver and still you can't connect Make sure that you run ssh-add command. sample: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa