- Blue 2.8in Oled Newhaven Display
- Sparkfun 8ch Level Shifter
- TI TXS0108E breakout board
- Testing w/ Arduino nano
- Default orientation: Top of display = pins at bottom
will rotate 180 / pins at top
- Display coords (?) (@ orientation 0)
- Box 0, 0, 0, 0:
- 0-256 Left horizontal line start/end
- 0-64 Top verticle line start/end
- 0-256 Right horizontal line start/end
- 0-64 Bottom verticle line start/end
- Text 0, 0
- 0-255 Depends on string length (~42 char)
- Default font starts getting cut off at 6 so... 7-64
- Circle (weird)
- min: x 0, y 0, rad 0 is one pixel in the top left corner
- Box 0, 0, 0, 0: