Releases: joelittlejohn/jsonschema2pojo
Releases · joelittlejohn/jsonschema2pojo
- Support "required" keyword draft04 array-style when generating constuctors (#599)
- Add feature to allow comments in schema files (#589)
- javaType with generics does not apply correct imports when "type": "object" is omitted (#582)
- Add @JsonPropertyDescription when "description" property present (#571)
- Constructors are incompatible with extends keyword (#555)
- Force lower camel case fields when using JSON (#563)
- Fix broken embedded refs (#560)
- Added file extensions config parameter (#548)
- Overridden builders are not added to empty child class (#538)
- Wrong default value for BigDecimal (#535)
- Add Moshi 1.x annotation style (#529)
- Add serializable as an optional/configurable option (#404)
- Regression: when a extending a schema with a redefinition of the same field, with methods should be generated only once (#507)
- Unnecessary @SuppressWarnings java warnings after upgrade (#498)
- Improved Android support via Gradle plugin (NOTE: Changes behaviour regarding output directory) (#495)
- Add javaName schema property (#499)
- Declare an enum without that "static" (#496)
- includeDynamicAccessors should default to false (don't include dynamic accessors by default) (#482)
- Inflector - incorrect for word "specimen" (#479)
- Allow JSON to be passed as a String to SchemaMapper (#475)
- Prefix / Suffix support when javaType is not specified (#465)
- Use minimum and maximum value of an integer property to determine java type long (#434)
- Fix path to jar in windows script for the case it is run not from home dir (#432)
- Make the quick lookup map 'final' (#428)
- "extends" schema resolution assumes current schema is at root of file (#425)
- Recursive $ref failed (#250)
- $ref doesn't work when ref'ed message also has extends (#408)
- Support direct class inheritance with 'extendsJavaType', without using 'extends' (#402)
- additionalProperties java.util.Map is not generated by default when embedding this library and extending DefaultGenerationConfig (#398)
- If a schema sits inside a directory with a hyphen in its name, plugin will generate an invalid Java package name (#383)
- Allow get/set methods to be disabled, use public fields instead (#355)