Name | Type | Default | Nullable | Children | Parents | Comment |
id | uuid | uuid_generate_v4() | false | |||
bucket_id | text | true | storage.buckets | |||
name | text | true | ||||
owner | uuid | true | auth.users | |||
created_at | timestamp with time zone | now() | true | |||
updated_at | timestamp with time zone | now() | true | |||
last_accessed_at | timestamp with time zone | now() | true | |||
metadata | jsonb | true |
Name | Type | Definition |
objects_owner_fkey | FOREIGN KEY | FOREIGN KEY (owner) REFERENCES auth.users(id) |
objects_bucketId_fkey | FOREIGN KEY | FOREIGN KEY (bucket_id) REFERENCES storage.buckets(id) |
objects_pkey | PRIMARY KEY | PRIMARY KEY (id) |
Name | Definition |
objects_pkey | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX objects_pkey ON storage.objects USING btree (id) |
bucketid_objname | CREATE UNIQUE INDEX bucketid_objname ON storage.objects USING btree (bucket_id, name) |
name_prefix_search | CREATE INDEX name_prefix_search ON storage.objects USING btree (name text_pattern_ops) |
Generated by tbls