Show JoomlaX with basic article component [1] to serve as the proof of concept for the JoomlaX architecture. This proof of concept is meant as an example for education, to show the workings and to discuss.
The concept will cover
- Universal content types
- Rendering
- Storage
- Workflow
- Command bus
Abstract definitions of content. The majority of UCT's will be defined by the UX working group. For milestone purposes 2 to 4 UCT's will be defined by ARCH to show the working of the renderer.
Render the Content tree ( CT ) with a limited number of UCT's `
Plain HTML, without JS. The plain HTML renderer can serve as a base for people with more JS skills.
Outset for experimenting
System glue to storage layer. doctrine dbal
- Published
- UnPublished
- Archived
- Trashed
The workflow will be implemented as an example of a horizontal component. The article component as vertical will "get" the horizontals functionality automatically
- Joomla! PHP
tactician ( or something else as we decide to use libraries ) ????
Terms like ORM are the best aproximation of inteded functionality, in this example ORM does not mean a full fledged ORM as we might know it.