Keeping these here mostly for personal reference.
TV Model: UE48H6200AW Using to control samsung tv. To Pair:
./samtvcli --server $SAMSUNGTV_IP pair
# Wait for TV to show pin
./samtvcli --server $SAMSUNGTV_IP pair --pin <pincode>
# CLI will print session id and session key, record these
- Samsung smartTV support:
- Open ports: 7676, 8000, 8001, 8080, 8443
Learned about v2 from here: Ape/samsungctl#22
# TV off
$ curl -I -m 2 http://$SAMSUNGTV_IP:8001/api/v2/
curl: (28) Connection timed out after 2001 milliseconds
# TV on
$ curl -I -m 2 http://$SAMSUNGTV_IP:8001/api/v2/
curl: (7) Failed to connect to $SAMSUNGTV_IP port 8001: Connection refused
export INFLUX_USERNAME="$(vault-get influxdb_admin_user)";export INFLUX_PASSWORD="$(vault-get influxdb_admin_password)"; export INFLUX_HOST="$HASS_IP";
influx -ssl --unsafeSsl -username "$INFLUX_USERNAME" -password "$INFLUX_PASSWORD"
# Examples
show users;
show grants for "<example user>";
use mydatabase;
show series; # recall, influx doesn't have tables, it has timeseries
influx -ssl --unsafeSsl -username "$INFLUX_USERNAME" -password "$INFLUX_PASSWORD" -execute "show databases"
influx -ssl --unsafeSsl -username "$INFLUX_USERNAME" -password "$INFLUX_PASSWORD" -host "$INFLUX_HOST" -execute "show databases"
source /opt/homeassistant/.venv/bin/activate
export NEST_CLIENT_ID=$(grep "nest:" -A 2 /opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml | awk '/client_id/{print $2}')
export NEST_CLIENT_SECRET=$(grep "nest:" -A 2 /opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml | awk '/client_secret/{print $2}')
nest --client-id $NEST_CLIENT_ID --client-secret $NEST_CLIENT_SECRET --token-cache /opt/homeassistant/nest.conf --index 0 camera-show
Using this tool for backups:
Backup restoration:
# 1. Get token from http://casa:3001/org/apikeys
# 2. Update grafana_backups_api_token in casa-data
# 3. Run this:
ansible-playbook -i ~/repos/casa-data/inventory/prod home.yml --tags backups,grafana-restore-backup -e "recreate_containers=no grafana_restore_backup=true"
Note that the exported json files (with extension .dashboard) can not just be imported through the grafana UI, you need to use the same grafana-backup-tool to do the restore, like so:
cd /tmp; git clone
# 1. Get token from http://casa:3001/org/apikeys
# 2. Update grafana_backups_api_token in casa-data
export GRAFANA_URL="http://casa:3001"; export GRAFANA_TOKEN="$(vault-get grafana_backups_api_token)";
python grafana-backup-tool/ ~/Downloads/dashboards/Overview.dashboard
ansible-playbook -i ~/repos/casa-data/inventory/prod home.yml --tags backups
scp -P 2222 -i ~/repos/casa/.vagrant/machines/home/virtualbox/private_key [email protected]:/home/ubuntu/redis.conf .
export HASS_URL=""; export HASS_PASSWORD="$(awk '/api_password: /{print $2}' /opt/homeassistant/configuration.yaml)"
export HASS_URL="http://$HASS_IP:8123"; export HASS_PASSWORD="$(vault-get ' api_password')"; export HASS_TOKEN="$(vault-get 'local_integrations')";
# Getting entity picture
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $HASS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $HASS_URL/api/states/camera.hallway | jq -r ".attributes.entity_picture"
# Error log:
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $HASS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $HASS_URL/api/error_log
# Specific entity state:
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $HASS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" $HASS_URL/api/states/
# Turn on light
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $HASS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"entity_id": ""}' $HASS_URL/api/services/light/turn_on
export INFLUXDB_DB=""
/usr/bin/node /opt/sensu/checks/seshat/dist/duration.js -k --measurement sensor.desk_state --state up --write-duration --host $INFLUXDB_BIND_IP --database $INFLUXDB_DB --username $INFLUXDB_USERNAME --password $INFLUXDB_PASSWORD
6379 -> Redis
1400 -> Homeassistant SoCo API (Sonos)
631 -> IPP Port (Internet Printing Protocol) TODO: Disable/remove CUPS
8088 -> InfluxDB
3030, 3031 -> Sensu-client (Ruby)
5355 -> systemd resolve:
IPv6 traffic?
When Sonos playbar is streaming from tv the /TV Room/state call returns the following. When turning off the TV, this state stays the same, except for the elapsedTime being reset to 0. This does also happen at different occasions (e.g. when switching HDMI inputs, etc), so this doesn't seem to be a reliable way of determining whether the TV is on or off.
curl -s "" | jq
"volume": 24,
"mute": false,
"equalizer": {
"bass": 0,
"treble": 0,
"loudness": true,
"speechEnhancement": false,
"nightMode": false
"currentTrack": {
"duration": 0,
"uri": "x-sonos-htastream:RINCON_B8E93742407C01400:spdif",
"type": "line_in",
"stationName": ""
"nextTrack": {
"artist": "",
"title": "",
"album": "",
"albumArtUri": "",
"duration": 0,
"uri": ""
"trackNo": 1,
"elapsedTime": 74,
"elapsedTimeFormatted": "00:01:14",
"playbackState": "PLAYING",
"playMode": {
"repeat": "none",
"shuffle": false,
"crossfade": false
cd tests # important to be inside the tests directory!
virtualenv .venv
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
source activate .venv # conda env
cd tests # important to be inside the tests directory!
pytest -rw -s --hadashboard-url http://$HASS_IP:5050 --homeassistant-url http://$HASS_IP:8123 --homeassistant-token "$(vault-get 'local_integrations')" tests/
# sanity only
pytest -m sanity -rw -s --hadashboard-url http://$HASS_IP:5050 --homeassistant-url http://$HASS_IP:8123 --homeassistant-token "$(vault-get 'local_integrations')" tests/
Add basic auth through nginx (or envoy?):
Checks to convert:
- Roofcam alive
- Roofcam water detector
- Sonos Error