+ #
+ deb:
+ # Assemblers require a name.
+ #
+ app:
+ # Enables or disables the assembler.
+ # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
+ # Defaults to `NEVER`.
+ #
+ active: ALWAYS
+ # Export the assembled artifacts as a matching named distribution.
+ # Defaults to `true`.
+ #
+ exported: true
+ # The stereotype of this assembler.
+ # Supported values are [`NONE`, `CLI`, `DESKTOP`, `WEB`, `MOBILE`].
+ # Defaults to `#{project.stereotype}`.
+ #
+ stereotype: CLI
+ # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ #
+ extraProperties:
+ # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `deb`, i.e, `debFoo`.
+ foo: bar
+ #
+ platform:
+ # Key value pairs.
+ # Keys match a full platform or an os.name, os.arch.
+ # Same rules apply as in Platform.
+ #
+ replacements:
+ osx-x86_64: mac
+ aarch_64: aarch64
+ x86_64: amd64
+ linux_musl: alpine
+ # Name of the executable launcher.
+ # If left undefined, will use `#{assembler.name}`.
+ #
+ executable: app
+ # Target architexture.
+ # Valid values as defined by `dpkg-architecture -L` such as `all`, `aamd64`, etc.
+ #
+ architecture: all
+ # Target path where files will be installed.
+ #
+ installationPath: '/opt/{{packageName}}'
+ # References assembled artifacts from another assembler.
+ #
+ assemblerRef: 'app-archive'
+ # Defines values for control fields
+ # See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
+ #
+ control:
+ # Name of the package.
+ # Defaults to `#{assembler.name}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-package
+ #
+ packageName: app
+ # Package version.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.version}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-version
+ #
+ packageVersion: 1.0.0
+ # Package revision.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.version}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-version
+ #
+ packageRevision: 1
+ # Virtual package name.
+ # Defaults to `#{assembler.name}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#package-interrelationship-fields-depends-pre-depends-recommends-suggests-breaks-conflicts-provides-replaces-enhances
+ #
+ provides: app
+ # The package maintainer’s name and email address.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-maintainer
+ #
+ maintainer: Duke <duke@acme.com>
+ # Specifies an application area into which the package has been classified.
+ # Defaults to `misc`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#section
+ #
+ section: devel
+ # How important it is that the user have the package installed.
+ # Defaults to `optional`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#priority
+ #
+ priority: optional
+ # Is it an essential (non-removable) package or not.
+ # Defaults to `false`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#essential
+ #
+ essential: true
+ # The package's description.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.longDescription}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#description
+ #
+ description: Sample application
+ # The URL of the web site for this package.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.links.website}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#homepage
+ #
+ homepage: https://github.com/duke/app
+ # Additional source packages used to build the binary.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-built-using
+ #
+ builtUsing: 'gcc-4.6 (= 4.6.0-11)'
+ # Dependencies may be defined as a list of packages
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
+ #
+ depends:
+ - foo
+ preDepends:
+ - bar
+ recommends:
+ - foobar
+ suggests:
+ - foobar
+ enhances:
+ - foofy
+ breaks:
+ - foofoo
+ conflicts:
+ - barbar
+ # Directory with file templates used to prepare the assembler.
+ # Defaults to `src/jreleaser/assemblers/#{distribution.name}/deb`.
+ # If specified, path must exist.
+ #
+ templateDirectory: path/to/deb/templates
+ # List of template files to be skipped.
+ # Value may be an exact match or a regex.
+ #
+ skipTemplates:
+ - README.md.tpl
+ # Defines a list of additional files as artifacts.
+ # These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ #
+ artifacts:
+ - path: path/to/file
+ - path: path/to/another_file
+ transform: path/inside/archive
+ - path: path/to/platform/specific/file
+ platform: osx-x86_64
+ # Defines a list of additional files as globs.
+ # These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ #
+ files:
+ # The pattern to use.
+ # May use glob or regex pattern syntax.
+ #
+ - pattern: path/to/**/*.txt
+ #
+ fileSets:
+ # The input directory to copy files from.
+ #
+ - input: path/to/input/directory
+ # The target path inside the archive.
+ # If left undefined, defaults to the root of the archive.
+ #
+ output: path/to/archive/entry
+ # Fail if the given `input` does not exist.
+ # Defaults to `true`.
+ #
+ failOnMissingInput: false
+ # A set of files and directory to include.
+ #
+ includes:
+ - 'name_or_regex'
+ # A set of files and directory to exclude.
+ #
+ excludes:
+ - 'name_or_regex'
+ # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ #
+ extraProperties:
+ # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `artifact`, i.e, `artifactFoo`.
+ foo: bar
# Assemblers require a name.
+ # Enables or disables the assembler.
+ # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
+ # Defaults to `NEVER`.
+ #
+ active = "ALWAYS"
+ # Export the assembled artifacts as a matching named distribution.
+ # Defaults to `true`.
+ #
+ exported = true
+ # The stereotype of this assembler.
+ # Supported values are [`NONE`, `CLI`, `DESKTOP`, `WEB`, `MOBILE`].
+ # Defaults to `#{project.stereotype}`.
+ #
+ stereotype = "CLI"
+ # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ #
+ extraProperties.foo = "bar"
+ # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `deb`, i.e, `debFoo`.
+ # Key value pairs.
+ # Keys match a full platform or an os.name, os.arch.
+ # Same rules apply as in Platform.
+ #
+ [assemble.deb.app.platform.replacements]
+ osx-x86_64 = "mac"
+ aarch_64 = "aarch64"
+ x86_64 = "amd64"
+ linux_musl = "alpine"
+ # Name of the executable launcher.
+ # If left undefined, will use `#{assembler.name}`.
+ #
+ executable = "app"
+ # Target architexture.
+ # Valid values as defined by `dpkg-architecture -L` such as `all`, `aamd64`, etc.
+ #
+ architecture = "all"
+ # Target path where files will be installed.
+ #
+ installationPath = "/opt/{{packageName}}"
+ # References assembled artifacts from another assembler.
+ #
+ assemblerRef = "app-archive"
+ # Defines values for control fields
+ # See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
+ # Name of the package.
+ # Defaults to `#{assembler.name}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-package
+ #
+ control.packageName = "app"
+ # Package version.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.version}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-version
+ #
+ control.packageVersion = "1.0.0"
+ # Package revision.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.version}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-version
+ #
+ control.packageRevision = 1
+ # Virtual package name.
+ # Defaults to `#{assembler.name}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#package-interrelationship-fields-depends-pre-depends-recommends-suggests-breaks-conflicts-provides-replaces-enhances
+ #
+ control.provides = "app"
+ # The package maintainer’s name and email address.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-maintainer
+ #
+ control.maintainer = "Duke <duke@acme.com>"
+ # Specifies an application area into which the package has been classified.
+ # Defaults to `misc`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#section
+ #
+ control.section = "devel"
+ # How important it is that the user have the package installed.
+ # Defaults to `optional`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#priority
+ #
+ control.priority = "optional"
+ # Is it an essential (non-removable) package or not.
+ # Defaults to `false`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#essential
+ #
+ control.essential = true
+ # The package's description.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.longDescription}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#description
+ #
+ control.description = "Sample application"
+ # The URL of the web site for this package.
+ # Defaults to `#{project.links.website}`.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#homepage
+ #
+ control.homepage = "https://github.com/duke/app"
+ # Additional source packages used to build the binary.
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-built-using
+ #
+ control.builtUsing = "gcc-4.6 (= 4.6.0-11)"
+ # Dependencies may be defined as a list of packages
+ # https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-binarydeps
+ #
+ control.depends = ["foo"]
+ control.preDepends = ["bar"]
+ control.recommends = ["foobar"]
+ control.suggests = ["foobar"]
+ control.enhances = ["foofy"]
+ control.breaks = ["foofoo"]
+ control.conflicts = ["barbar"]
+ # Directory with file templates used to prepare the assembler.
+ # Defaults to `src/jreleaser/assemblers/#{distribution.name}/deb`.
+ # If specified, path must exist.
+ #
+ templateDirectory = "path/to/deb/templates"
+ # List of template files to be skipped.
+ # Value may be an exact match or a regex.
+ #
+ skipTemplates = [ "README.md.tpl" ]
+ # Defines a list of additional files as artifacts.
+ # These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ #
+ [[assemble.deb.app.artifacts]]
+ path = "path/to/file"
+ [[assemble.deb.app.artifacts]]
+ path = "path/to/another_file"
+ transform = "path/inside/archive"
+ [[assemble.deb.app.artifacts]]
+ path = "path/to/platform/specific/file"
+ platform = "osx-x86_64"
+ # Defines a list of additional files as globs.
+ # These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ #
+ [[assemble.deb.app.files]]
+ # The pattern to use.
+ # May use glob or regex pattern syntax.
+ #
+ pattern = "path/to/**/*.txt"
+ #
+ [[assemble.deb.app.fileSets]]
+ # The input directory to copy files from.
+ #
+ input = "path/to/input/directory"
+ # The target path inside the archive.
+ # If left undefined, defaults to the root of the archive.
+ #
+ output = "path/to/archive/entry"
+ # Fail if the given `input` does not exist.
+ # Defaults to `true`.
+ #
+ failOnMissingInput = false
+ # A set of files and directory to include.
+ #
+ includes = ["name_or_regex"]
+ # A set of files and directory to exclude.
+ #
+ excludes = ["name_or_regex"]
+ # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ #
+ [[assemble.deb.app.fileSets.extraProperties]]
+ # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `artifact`, i.e, `artifactFoo`.
+ foo: bar
+ //
+ "assemble": {
+ //
+ "deb": {
+ // Assemblers require a name.
+ //
+ "app": {
+ // Enables or disables the assembler.
+ // Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
+ // Defaults to `NEVER`.
+ //
+ "active": "ALWAYS",
+ // Export the assembled artifacts as a matching named distribution.
+ // Defaults to `true`.
+ //
+ "exported": true,
+ // The stereotype of this assembler.
+ // Supported values are [`NONE`, `CLI`, `DESKTOP`, `WEB`, `MOBILE`].
+ // Defaults to `#{project.stereotype}`.
+ //
+ "stereotype": "CLI",
+ // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ //
+ "extraProperties": {
+ // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `deb`, i.e, `debFoo`.
+ "foo": "bar"
+ },
+ //
+ platform: {
+ // Key value pairs.
+ // Keys match a full platform or an os.name, os.arch.
+ // Same rules apply as in Platform.
+ //
+ "replacements": {
+ "osx-x86_64": "mac",
+ "aarch_64": "aarch64",
+ "x86_64": "amd64",
+ "linux_musl": "alpine"
+ }
+ },
+ // Name of the executable launcher.
+ // If left undefined, will use `#{assembler.name}`.
+ //
+ "executable": "app",
+ // Target architexture.
+ // Valid values as defined by `dpkg-architecture -L` such as `all`, `aamd64`, etc.
+ //
+ "architecture": "all",
+ // Target path where files will be installed.
+ //
+ "installationPath": "/opt/{{packageName}}",
+ // References assembled artifacts from another assembler.
+ //
+ "assemblerRef": "app-archive",
+ // Defines values for control fields
+ // See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
+ //
+ "control": {
+ // Name of the package.
+ // Defaults to `//{assembler.name}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-package
+ //
+ "packageName": "app",
+ // Package version.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.version}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-version
+ //
+ "packageVersion": "1.0.0",
+ // Package revision.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.version}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-version
+ //
+ "packageRevision": "1",
+ // Virtual package name.
+ // Defaults to `//{assembler.name}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//package-interrelationship-fields-depends-pre-depends-recommends-suggests-breaks-conflicts-provides-replaces-enhances
+ //
+ "provides": "app",
+ // The package maintainer’s name and email address.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-maintainer
+ //
+ "maintainer": "Duke <duke@acme.com>",
+ // Specifies an application area into which the package has been classified.
+ // Defaults to `misc`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//section
+ //
+ "section": "devel",
+ // How important it is that the user have the package installed.
+ // Defaults to `optional`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//priority
+ //
+ "priority": "optional",
+ // Is it an essential (non-removable) package or not.
+ // Defaults to `false`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//essential
+ //
+ "essential": true,
+ // The package's description.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.longDescription}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//description
+ //
+ "description": "Sample application",
+ // The URL of the web site for this package.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.links.website}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//homepage
+ //
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/duke/app"
+ // Additional source packages used to build the binary.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html//s-built-using
+ //
+ "builtUsing": "gcc-4.6 (= 4.6.0-11)",
+ // Dependencies may be defined as a list of packages
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html//s-binarydeps
+ //
+ "depends": ["foo"],
+ "preDepends": ["bar"],
+ "recommends": ["foobar"],
+ "suggests": ["foobar"],
+ "enhances": ["foofy"],
+ "breaks": ["foofoo"],
+ "conflicts": ["barbar"]
+ },
+ // Directory with file templates used to prepare the assembler.
+ // Defaults to `src/jreleaser/assemblers/#$#{distribution.name}/deb`.
+ // If specified, path must exist.
+ //
+ "templateDirectory": "path/to/deb/templates",
+ // List of template files to be skipped.
+ // Value may be an exact match or a regex.
+ //
+ "skipTemplates": [
+ "README.md.tpl"
+ ],
+ // Defines a list of additional files as artifacts.
+ // These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ //
+ "artifacts": [
+ {
+ "path": "path/to/file"
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "path/to/another_file",
+ "transform": "path/inside/archive"
+ },
+ {
+ "path": "path/to/platform/specific/file",
+ "platform": "osx-x86_64"
+ }
+ ] ,
+ // Defines a list of additional files as globs.
+ // These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ //
+ "files": [
+ {
+ // The pattern to use.
+ // May use glob or regex pattern syntax.
+ //
+ "pattern": "path/to/**/*.txt"
+ }
+ ],
+ //
+ "fileSets": [
+ {
+ // The input directory to copy files from.
+ //
+ "input": "path/to/input/directory",
+ // The target path inside the archive.
+ // If left undefined, defaults to the root of the archive.
+ //
+ "output": "path/to/archive/entry",
+ // Fail if the given `input` does not exist.
+ // Defaults to `true`.
+ //
+ "failOnMissingInput": false,
+ // A set of files and directory to include.
+ //
+ "includes": ["name_or_regex"],
+ // A set of files and directory to exclude.
+ //
+ "excludes": ["name_or_regex"],
+ // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ //
+ "extraProperties": {
+ // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `artifact`, i.e, `artifactFoo`.
+ "foo": "bar"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <assemble>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <deb>
+ <!--
+ Assemblers require a name.
+ -->
+ <app>
+ <!--
+ Enables or disables the distribution.
+ Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
+ Defaults to `ALWAYS`.
+ -->
+ <active>ALWAYS</active>
+ <!--
+ Export the assembled artifacts as a matching named distribution.
+ Defaults to `true`.
+ -->
+ <exported>true</exported>
+ <!--
+ The stereotype of this assembler.
+ Supported values are [`NONE`, `CLI`, `DESKTOP`, `WEB`, `MOBILE`].
+ Defaults to `#{project.stereotype}`.
+ -->
+ <stereotype>CLI</stereotype>
+ <!--
+ Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ -->
+ <extraProperties>
+ <!--
+ Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `deb`, i.e, `debFoo`.
+ -->
+ <foo>bar</foo>
+ </extraProperties>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <platform>
+ <!--
+ Key value pairs.
+ Keys match a full platform or an os.name, os.arch.
+ Same rules apply as in Platform.
+ -->
+ <replacements>
+ <osx-x86_64>mac</osx-x86_64>
+ <aarch_64>aarch64</aarch_64>
+ <x86_64>amd64</x86_64>
+ <linux_musl>alpine</linux_musl>
+ </replacements>
+ </platform>
+ <!--
+ Name of the executable launcher.
+ If left undefined, will use `#{assembler.name}`.
+ -->
+ <executable>app</executable>
+ Target architexture.
+ Valid values as defined by `dpkg-architecture -L` such as `all`, `aamd64`, etc.
+ <architecture>all</architecture>
+ Target path where files will be installed.
+ <installationPath>/opt/{{packageName}}</installationPath>
+ References assembled artifacts from another assembler.
+ <assemblerRef>app-archive</assemblerRef>
+ Defines values for control fields
+ See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
+ <control>
+ Name of the package.
+ Defaults to ` {assembler.name}`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html s-f-package[]
+ <packageName>ap</packageName>
+ Package version.
+ Defaults to ` {project.version}`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html s-f-version[]
+ <packageVersion>1.0.0</packageVersion>
+ Package revision.
+ Defaults to ` {project.version}`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html s-f-version[]
+ <packageRevision>1</packageRevision>
+ Virtual package name.
+ Defaults to ` {assembler.name}`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html package-interrelationship-fields-depends-pre-depends-recommends-suggests-breaks-conflicts-provides-replaces-enhances[]
+ <provides>app</provides>
+ The package maintainer’s name and email address.
+ https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html s-f-maintainer[]
+ <maintainer>Duke <duke@acme.com></maintainer>
+ Specifies an application area into which the package has been classified.
+ Defaults to `misc`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html section[]
+ <section>devel</section>
+ How important it is that the user have the package installed.
+ Defaults to `optional`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html priority[]
+ <priority>optional</priority>
+ Is it an essential (non-removable) package or not.
+ Defaults to `false`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html essential[]
+ <essential>true</essential>
+ The package's description.
+ Defaults to ` {project.longDescription}`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html description[]
+ <description>Sample application</description>
+ The URL of the web site for this package.
+ Defaults to ` {project.links.website}`.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html homepage[]
+ <homepage>https://github.com/duke/app</homepage>
+ Additional source packages used to build the binary.
+ link:https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html s-built-using[]
+ <builtUsing>gcc-4.6 (= 4.6.0-11)</builtUsing>
+ Dependencies may be defined as a list of packages
+ https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html s-binarydeps
+ <depends>
+ <dependency>foo</dependency>
+ </depends>
+ <preDepends>
+ <dependency>bar</dependency>
+ </preDepends>
+ <recommends>
+ <dependency>foobar</dependency>
+ </recommends>
+ <suggests>
+ <dependency>foobar</dependency>
+ </suggests>
+ <enhances>
+ <dependency>foofy</dependency>
+ </enhances>
+ <breaks>
+ <dependency>foofoo</dependency>
+ </breaks>
+ <conflicts>
+ <dependency>barbar</dependency>
+ </conflicts>
+ </control>
+ <!--
+ Directory with file templates used to prepare the assembler.
+ Defaults to `src/jreleaser/assemblers/#{distribution.name}/deb`.
+ If specified, path must exist.
+ -->
+ <templateDirectory>path/to/deb/templates</templateDirectory>
+ <!--
+ List of template files to be skipped.
+ Value may be an exact match or a regex.
+ -->
+ <skipTemplates>
+ <skipTemplate>README.md.tpl</skipTemplate>
+ </skipTemplates>
+ <!--
+ Defines a list of additional files as artifacts.
+ These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ -->
+ <artifacts>
+ <artifact>
+ <path>path/to/file</path>
+ </artifact>
+ <artifact>
+ <path>path/to/another_file</path>
+ <transform>path/inside/archive</transform>
+ </artifact>
+ <artifact>
+ <path>path/to/platform/specific/file</path>
+ <platform>osx-x86_64</platform>
+ </artifact>
+ </artifacts>
+ <!--
+ Defines a list of additional files as globs.
+ These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ -->
+ <files>
+ <file>
+ <!--
+ The pattern to use.
+ May use glob or regex pattern syntax.
+ -->
+ <pattern>path/to/**/*.txt</pattern>
+ </file>
+ </files>
+ <!--
+ -->
+ <fileSets>
+ <fileSet>
+ <!--
+ The input directory to copy files from.
+ -->
+ <input>path/to/input/directory</input>
+ <!--
+ The target path inside the archive.
+ If left undefined, defaults to the root of the archive.
+ -->
+ <output>path/to/archive/entry</output>
+ <!--
+ Fail if the given `input` does not exist.
+ Defaults to `true`.
+ -->
+ <failOnMissingInput>false</failOnMissingInput>
+ <!--
+ A set of files and directory to include.
+ -->
+ <includes>
+ <include>name_or_regex</include>
+ </includes>
+ <!--
+ A set of files and directory to exclude.
+ -->
+ <excludes>
+ <exclude>name_or_regex</exclude>
+ </excludes>
+ <!--
+ Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ -->
+ <extraProperties>
+ <!--
+ Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `artifact`, i.e, `artifactFoo`.
+ -->
+ <foo>bar</foo>
+ </extraProperties>
+ </fileSet>
+ </fileSets>
+ </app>
+ </deb>
+ </assemble>
jreleaser {
+ //
+ assemble {
+ //
+ deb {
+ // Assemblers require a name.
+ //
+ app {
+ // Enables or disables the assembler.
+ // Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
+ // Defaults to `NEVER`.
+ //
+ active = 'ALWAYS'
+ // Export the assembled artifacts as a matching named distribution.
+ // Defaults to `true`.
+ //
+ exported = true
+ // The stereotype of this assembler.
+ // Supported values are [`NONE`, `CLI`, `DESKTOP`, `WEB`, `MOBILE`].
+ // Defaults to `#{project.stereotype}`.
+ //
+ stereotype = 'CLI'
+ // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `deb`, i.e, `debFoo`.
+ //
+ extraProperties.put('foo', 'bar')
+ //
+ platform {
+ // Key value pairs.
+ // Keys match a full platform or an os.name, os.arch.
+ // Same rules apply as in Platform.
+ //
+ replacements = [
+ 'osx-x86_64': 'mac',
+ aarch_64: 'aarch64',
+ x86_64: 'amd64',
+ linux_musl: 'alpine'
+ ]
+ }
+ // Name of the executable launcher.
+ // If left undefined, will use `#{assembler.name}`.
+ //
+ executable = 'app'
+ // Target architexture.
+ // Valid values as defined by `dpkg-architecture -L` such as `all`, `aamd64`, etc.
+ //
+ architecture = 'all'
+ // Target path where files will be installed.
+ //
+ installationPath = '/opt/{{packageName}}'
+ // References assembled artifacts from another assembler.
+ //
+ assemblerRef = 'app-archive'
+ // Defines values for control fields
+ // See https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
+ //
+ control {
+ // Name of the package.
+ // Defaults to `//{assembler.name}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-package
+ //
+ packageName = "app"
+ // Package version.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.version}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-version
+ //
+ packageVersion = '1.0.0'
+ // Package revision.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.version}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-version
+ //
+ packageRevision = 1
+ // Virtual package name.
+ // Defaults to `//{assembler.name}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//package-interrelationship-fields-depends-pre-depends-recommends-suggests-breaks-conflicts-provides-replaces-enhances
+ //
+ provides = 'app'
+ // The package maintainer’s name and email address.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//s-f-maintainer
+ //
+ maintainer = 'Duke <duke@acme.com>'
+ // Specifies an application area into which the package has been classified.
+ // Defaults to `misc`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//section
+ //
+ section = 'devel'
+ // How important it is that the user have the package installed.
+ // Defaults to `optional`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//priority
+ //
+ priority = 'optional'
+ // Is it an essential (non-removable) package or not.
+ // Defaults to `false`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//essential
+ //
+ essential = true
+ // The package's description.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.longDescription}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//description
+ //
+ description = 'Sample application'
+ // The URL of the web site for this package.
+ // Defaults to `//{project.links.website}`.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html//homepage
+ //
+ homepage = 'https://github.com/duke/app'
+ // Additional source packages used to build the binary.
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html//s-built-using
+ //
+ builtUsing = 'gcc-4.6 (= 4.6.0-11)'
+ // Dependencies may be defined as a list of packages
+ // https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html//s-binarydeps
+ //
+ depends = ['foo']
+ preDepends = ['bar']
+ recommends = ['foobar']
+ suggests = ['foobar']
+ enhances = ['foofy']
+ breaks = ['foofoo']
+ conflicts = ['barbar']
+ }
+ // Directory with file templates used to prepare the assembler.
+ // Defaults to `src/jreleaser/assemblers/#{distribution.name}/deb`.
+ // If specified, path must exist.
+ //
+ templateDirectory = 'path/to/deb/templates'
+ // List of template files to be skipped.
+ // Value may be an exact match or a regex.
+ //
+ skipTemplate('README.md.tpl')
+ // Defines a list of additional files as artifacts.
+ // These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ //
+ artifact {
+ path = 'path/to/file'
+ }
+ artifact {
+ path = 'path/to/another_file'
+ transform = 'path/inside/archive'
+ }
+ artifact {
+ path = 'path/to/platform/specific/file'
+ platform = 'osx-x86_64'
+ }
+ // Defines a list of additional files as globs.
+ // These files will be added to the assembled archive.
+ //
+ files {
+ // The pattern to use.
+ // May use glob or regex pattern syntax.
+ //
+ pattern = 'path/to/**/*.txt'
+ }
+ //
+ fileSet {
+ // The input directory to copy files from.
+ //
+ input = 'path/to/input/directory'
+ // The target path inside the archive.
+ // If left undefined, defaults to the root of the archive.
+ //
+ output = 'path/to/archive/entry'
+ // Fail if the given `input` does not exist.
+ // Defaults to `true`.
+ //
+ failOnMissingInput = false
+ // A set of files and directory to include.
+ //
+ includes = ['name_or_regex']
+ // A set of files and directory to exclude.
+ //
+ excludes = ['name_or_regex']
+ // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
+ // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `artifact`, i.e, `artifactFoo`.
+ //
+ extraProperties.put('foo', 'bar')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
When not explicitly set, the value of the following properties may be resolved from an environment variable or a system
+property as shown in the table. The system property takes precedence over the environment variable.
+Substitute ${name} for the value of the named instance.
Space (' '), underscore (_), and dash (-) will be replaced by dot (.) to separate tokens in the System property.
+Space (' '), dash (-), and dot (.) will be replaced by underscore (_) to separate tokens in the environment variable,
+such that:
System Property
Environment Variable
foo bar
The default location for templates is:
The following list shows the filenames that may be used to override default templates:
Any additional files found in the template directories will be copied as is unless their filename ends with .tpl in
+which case Name Templates substitution will take place.
Skip Templates
You may skip any template files by defining a set of skip rules in the skipTemplates property. For example, you may use
+any of these expressions to skip a template named README.md.tpl:
README.md.tpl: matches the full template name
README.md: matches the transformed template name
README.*: matches using a regex
Additional Files
There are several ways to define additional files that may be handled by this assembler.
You may use Name Templates inside the files to be copied.
They retain directory structure that is, a template found at {templateDirectory}/foo.txt.tpl will be copied as
+foo.txt while a template such as {templateDirectory}/docs/bar.md.tpl will be copied to docs/bar.md.
May use globs or regexes to define files to be included from a starting directory.
They retain directory structure.
May rename the target parent directory.
May use globs or regexes to define files to be included from a starting directory.
They do not retain directory structure. Only filenames are copied.
They do not retain directory structure by default. An artifact with path set to bin/launcher.sh will be copied
+to launcher.sh.
May use the transform property to define the target path. An artifact with path set to bin/launcher.sh and transform
+set to bin/{{projectName}} will be copied to bin/app [assuming projectName resolves to app].
May use the platform property to filter files per matching platform. An artifact with platform set to windows-x86_64
+will only be copied when the matching platform is compatible with windows-x86_64.
Artifacts without an explicit platform won’t be filtered.