rosrun roseus roseus `rospack find jsk_interactive`/euslisp/move-joint-interface-robot.l
roslaunch jsk_pr2_startup pr2_teleop_robot.launch
The latter includes the former and other nodes for teleoperation.
roslaunch jsk_interactive_marker jsk_interactive_marker_controller_remote.launch
roslaunch jsk_pr2_startup pr2_teleop_remote.launch
The latter includes the former and other nodes for teleoperation.
roslaunch jsk_teleop_joy pr2_remote.launch DEV:=/dev/input/js0
Click robot interactive marker in rviz and move joint.
Move hand interactive marker in rviz.
When "Move" is selected with mouse or joystick, sensor_msgs/JointState is send to move-joint-interface.l .
move-joint-interface.l controls a real robot.
Control hand pose with 6-DOF interactive marker.
Make interactive marker from urdf.