A run-able script that will read resource data from the game screen and parse it in such as way that it can be directly loaded to GalaxyHarvester.
Ensure connection to GalaxyHarvester. -
Pull auth token -
Store authToken locally. This is needed for Phase II.
Get data from the screen. -
Parse data. -
Save to a text file. -
Validate data.
Format output string for submitting to GH. -
Post resource manually using formatted string. -
Post to Galaxy Harvester. - Delayed.
- Planet name does not show on compass when you first log in, need to travel/switch planets. This will break utils/planet_coords
- --> Planet name should come from chat trigger, coords can come from screen data?
Posting to Discord works if provided with an webhook. - Need to implement some for of feedback for success/failure to post to GH.
- Read chatlog for information and text triggers.
- C:\SWG Restoration III\profiles\>user name<\Restoration\
- This does not work as the chat log is only stored on logout, area transition, or turning off the log.
- Debug log
- Webhook addresses should be passed in if more than one.(discordposter.py)
Phase IV - Create an EXE:
- convert python to distributable exe.