more of arrays, pointers and strings in c programming.
Files | Description |
0-strcat.c | Concatenates two strings. |
1-strncat.c | Concatenates two strings. |
2-strncpy.c | Copies a string. |
3-strcmp.c | Compares two strings. |
4-rev_array.c | Reverses the content of an array of integers. |
5-string_toupper.c | Changes all lowercase letters of a string to uppercase. |
6-cap_string.c | Capitalizes all words of a string. |
7-leet.c | Encodes a string into 1337. |
100-rot13.c | encodes a string using rot13. |
101-print_number.c | prints an integer. |
102-magic.c | prints a[2] = 98. |
103-infinite_add.c | Adds two numbers. |
104-print_buffer.c | prints a buffer. |
Joseph kakai
Email: [email protected]