An application server which exposes resources in a tree.
It's structured as a tree of Nodes and files (as leafs) in a domain (the root), nodes carries properties (like name, ACL, owner, and many more...) and can contain Nodes or files. Each Node is a couchDB document, as well as a object instance in your vm.
A node can be exposed over HTTP, node's instance and method can then be queried via JSON/REST (first), XML-RPC, SOAP (later), or even WEBDAV (and that would be lovely)...
Writing an application for KaraCos will consist of subclassing node or domain object and writing functions.
Mastering javascript, css, and html should be enough to develop webapps, even for server-side code.
nodejs rocks!
Google's V8 vm rocks!
The @bergie 's post finished to convince me about pertinence of javascript, event for server-side scripting.
As we want karacos to be able to run on a desktop, a minimal dependencies deployement would be fair.
As nedis exists, and is a drop replacement for redis, it will allows to have a single nodejs instance for a single user instance.
Once features of the karacos-nodejs impl will reach sufficient level, the KaraCos python impl will stall and certainly die or eventually find a new maintainer...