Welcome to the syllabus for the master elective course ID5417 Artificial Intelligence and Society. {: .text-alpha }
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used by various organizations in ways that impact society at scale. This 6 EC master elective course aims to equip students with tools and methods for the responsible design of public AI. During seven weeks, students attend a full-day session of lectures and workshops. Students collaborate on a group design project throughout. At the end, students individually deliver a short paper.
This site archives the majority of the course syllabus. It contains:
- Course information: a more extensive description, including learning objectives, course structure, assessment, and workload.
- Course materials: assigned readings related to design, AI, and ethics.
- Course activities: weekly schedules, self-guided learning activities, and final assignment.
This course was developed over several iterations by Kars Alfrink under the supervision of Gerd Kortuem. The version documented on this site ran in Q3 of the 2023/2024 academic year at TU Delft’s Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. It was offered to master students of all TU Delft programs. Previous versions were taught in 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, and 2022/2023. We thank our students for engaging with the material and helping us improve it, and our collaborators over the years for their contributions: Denis Bulygin, Diana Epureanu, Evangelos Niforatos, Hiram Rodriguez, James Broadhead, Sebastian Davrieux, Sem Nouws, Tessa Steenkamp, and Thijs Turel.