- Please refer MSF4J Interceptors - Common for writing request and response interceptors
- Please refer MSF4J Interceptor Service - Fat Jar mode for using interceptors in fat jar mode
- Please refer MSF4J Interceptor Service - Deployable Jar mode for using interceptors in deployable jar mode
- Please refer MSF4J Interceptor Service - OSGi mode for using interceptors in OSGi mode
- Please refer MSF4J Interceptors with MSF4J Spring - Fat Jar mode for using interceptors with MSF4J Spring in fat jar mode
- Global request interceptors
- Class level annotated request interceptors
- Method level annotated request interceptors
- Resource method execution
- Sub-resource class level annotated request interceptors
- Sub-resource method level annotated request interceptors
- Sub-resource execution
- Sub-resource method level annotated response interceptors
- Sub-resource class level annotated response interceptors
- Method level annotated response interceptors
- Class level annotated response interceptors
- Global response interceptors
Priority of the interceptors in the global level will be exactly the order in which they are registered (order in which they are written)
Priority for resource / sub-resource interceptors will be the order in which they are written inside the @RequestInterceptor / @ResponseInterceptor annotation.
- The performance hit in fat jar at the service start time would be significant (when scanning request and response interceptors at the start time)
- The developer has to write annotations for each different request or response filter he/she introduces.
- Not fail safe when introducing global interceptors (humans are error prone)