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Clojure Cheatsheet for Emacs

The incredibly handy Clojure Cheatsheet, updated for Clojure 1.7.0 and packaged into an easy, fast, searchable, offline form:



Ready to use. Based on Clojure 1.7.0.


If you’re hooked up to MELPA:

M-x package-refresh-contents
M-x package-install RET clojure-cheatsheet

Alternatively just grab the single clojure-cheatsheet.el file and install that in your preferred way.


The cheatsheet doesn’t ship with keybindings - people tend to have strong opinions on them. As a reminder, here’s how to define custom clojure-mode keybindings in your own .emacs config:

Regular Emacs

(eval-after-load 'clojure-mode
     (define-key clojure-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-h") #'clojure-cheatsheet)))

Evil Users

(evil-define-key 'normal
  clojure-mode-map "H" 'clojure-cheatsheet)

Basic Usage

Call M-x clojure-cheatsheet and the cheatsheet will appear. Type in some terms (space separated) to narrow down the list. For example, try typing in sort map to see some functions that deal with sorting maps.


C-nNext item.
C-pPrevious item.
C-oNext section.
RETJump to the Clojure docs for the current selection.
C-zJump to the Clojure docs for the current selection without closing the cheatsheet.
C-eJump to the Clojure src for the current selection.
C-h mFull list of keyboard shortcuts.

Advanced Usage

This package stands on top of Helm. The variable helm-source-clojure-cheatsheet is available if you want to mix it in as a Helm source.

See Also

If you like this, and you like org-mode, then you’ll probably like helm-orgcard too…


The constant clojure-cheatsheet-hierarchy defines the contents of the cheatsheet. See the docstring of that constant for a full description of the format.

There is a test suite in clojure-cheatsheet-tests.el that checks that every symbol defined in the cheatsheet is valid, and that every symbol defined by Clojure is in the sheet (with a few explicit exceptions).

To run the test suite:

  • Clone the project.
  • Open clojure-cheatsheet-tests.el and eval the whole file.
  • Call M-x cider-jack-in to start a Clojure REPL.
  • Call M-x ert <RET> to run the test suite.
  • Optional: Marvel at Emacs’ support for test suites.