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WiFiNINA_Generic ( Library for WiFiNINA modules/shields to support many more boards )

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Table of Contents


Releases v1.8.15-1

  1. Using new WiFi101_Generic library to permit sending larger data than total 4K when using MKR1000 or MKRWiFi1010 with ATMEL WINC1500 WiFi
  2. Modify examples for new features

Releases v1.8.15-0

  1. Fix severe limitation to permit sending much larger data than total 4K. Check server.send buffer size limited to 4k #23
  2. Add examples WiFiWebServer_BigData to demo how to send much larger data than total 4K
  3. Optimize code
  4. Clean up

Releases v1.8.14-7

  1. Modify WiFiWebServer example to avoid analogRead() crash in arduino-pico core. Check WiFi.localIP() hangs in Nano RP2040 Connect with Arduino-Pico core (EarlePhilhower) #24
  2. Use allman astyle and add utils
  3. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.14-6

  1. Add support to Teensy 4.x using Adafruit Airlift Featherwing Co-Processor
  2. Fix WiFiStorageFile.flush() linker error in some platform. Check Flush method not implemented #22
  3. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.14-5

  1. Fix bug causing data lost when sending large files. Check Thread: Teensy 4.1 - Adafruit Airlift Featherwing Co-Processor FTP Server not opening Port 21. This is just a kludge for temporary use, waiting for better and final fix, dealing with SPI driver, from Arduino.
  2. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.14-4

  1. Fix bugs by using some unmerged PRs from original WiFiNINA, such as:
  1. Add many WiFiMulti-related examples in WiFiMulti
  2. Update examples
  3. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.14-3

  1. Fix issue with UDP for Nano_RP2040_Connect using arduino-pico core. Check UDP not running with WiFiNINA library (Example WiFiUdpSendReceiveString) #376

Releases v1.8.14-2

  1. Add support to Nano_RP2040_Connect using arduino-pico core. Check Problem with WiFiNINA library for Arduino Nano Connect (__has_include directive) #373 and how i can run Example "ConnectWithWPA" #375
  2. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.14-1

  1. Fix examples to support ATmega4809 such as UNO_WIFI_REV2 and NANO_EVERY
  2. Add support to generic __SAMD21E1xA__, __SAMD21G1xA__ and __SAMD21J1xA__
  3. Add headers in library.json for PIO
  4. Update
  5. Remove debug leftovers. Check Debug text comes out of the serial port when listening for UDP connections #15

Releases v1.8.13

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.13.
  • Update latest available nina-fw to v1.4.8

Releases v1.8.12

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.12.
  • Update latest available nina-fw to v1.4.7
  1. Add support to many AVR (328P, 32U4, 16U4, etc.) boards. Check Add support to Arduino UNO board #9

Releases v1.8.11

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.11.
  • RP2040 - adapt NinaPins to be used as class
  • Provide clean API for passing watchdog function
  • Update latest available nina-fw to v1.4.6
  1. Permit nina-fw version overridden to use whenever WiFi101-FirmwareUpdater-Plugin is not sync'ed with nina-fw version

Releases v1.8.10-1

  1. Fix PinStatus-related compile error for some platforms

Releases v1.8.10

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.10.
  1. Add support to RP2040-based boards, such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Earle Philhower's arduino-pico v1.5.1+ core.
  2. Add support to RP2040-based boards, such as RASPBERRY_PI_PICO, ADAFRUIT_FEATHER_RP2040 and GENERIC_RP2040, using Arduino-mbed RP2040 v2.1.0+ core.
  3. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.5

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.5. Bugfix: Feed watchdog within busy-wait-loop within connectBearSSL to prevent a premature reset.
  2. Update Packages' Patches

Releases v1.8.2

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.2. Using the latest WiFiNINA FW v1.4.3 in WiFi101-FirmwareUpdater-Plugin v0.10.13
  2. Add possibility to resend data if lwip_send fails.

Releases v1.8.0

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.8.0. Using the latest WiFiNINA FW v1.4.2 in WiFi101-FirmwareUpdater-Plugin v0.10.13
  2. Limit the maximum length of the download URL for the OTA binary since the receive buffer on the nina firmware can't hold more than 128 bytes.
  3. Introduce WiFiBearSSLClient (offloaded to Nina)

Releases v1.7.2

  1. Add support to Adafruit Airlift M4 boards: METRO_M4_AIRLIFT_LITE, PYBADGE_AIRLIFT_M4. Thanks to Gerard Moorcroft to report issue WiFi Hangs when attempting to start WiFi (Adafruit M4 Express Airlift Lite board) leading to this new version.

Releases v1.7.1

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.7.1. Using the latest WiFiNINA FW v1.4.1 in WiFi101-FirmwareUpdater-Plugin v0.10.12

Releases v1.7.0

  1. Sync with Arduino WiFiNINA Library v1.7.0. See Add 'downloadOTA' command to download OTA file and verify length/CRC
  2. Add Arduino SAMD Packages_Patches to fix Arduino SAMD compiler error when using STL. See Improve Arduino compatibility with the STL (min and max macro)

Releases v1.6.2

  1. Fix WiFiStorage bug introduced from v1.6.0 resulting compile error.
  2. Add example for WiFiStorage.

Releases v1.6.1

  1. Add support to all STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1
  2. Add support to **Seeeduino SAMD21/SAMD51 boards **
  3. Fix bug introduced to v1.6.0 resulting nRF52 compile error.

Releases v1.6.0

  1. Sync'ed with latest WiFiNINA Library v1.6.0.
  2. New features include WiFiStorage and update to NINA Firmware v1.4.0 from v1.3.0

Releases v1.5.3

  1. Add function to support new WebSockets2_Generic Library
  2. Update default pin-outs for nRF52 boards, especially NINA_112_ublox.

Releases v1.5.2

  1. Port FirmwareUpdater to permit nRF52, Teensy, SAMD21, SAMD51, etc. boards to update WiFiNINA W101/W102 firmware and SSL certificates using Arduino IDE WiFi101/WiFiNINA Firmware Updater.
  2. Update default pin-outs for nRF52 boards, especially NINA_B302_ublox.

Again with credits of Miguel Alexandre Wisintainer.

Releases v1.5.1

  1. Add support to nRF52 boards, such as AdaFruit Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, Clue nRF52840, Nordic nRF52840DK, Particle Xenon, etc. Raytac MDBT50Q-RX Dongle is not supported.
  2. Add support to NINA_B302_ublox running as nRF52840. Thanks to great work of Miguel Alexandre Wisintainer for initiating, inspriring, working with, developing, debugging and testing. See u-blox nina b

Releases v1.5.0

  1. The original Arduino WiFiNINA library only supports very limited boards, such as: the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010, Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000 and Arduino UNO WiFi Rev.2. This library is based on and modified from Arduino WiFiNINA library to provide support for many more boards, such as SAM DUE, SAMD21, SAMD51, Teensy, AVR Mega, STM32, etc.