**Note:** Shortcuts can be customized using [keymap presets](Keymaps.md). # Global keyboard shortcuts # | cursor keys | move around/change values | |:------------|:--------------------------| | TAB | change focused element (where applicable) | | F2 | pattern editor | | Shift+F2 | wavetable editor | | F3 | instrument editor | | Shift+F3 | effect editor | | F4 | sequence editor | | Shift+F4 | classic editor | | F5 | play | | F6 | play from cursor | | Shift+F6 | loop patterns at cursor | | F8 | stop | | F9/F10 | octave down/up | | Ctrl+0..9 | Set edit jump (number of rows pattern editor advances when data is entered) | | CTRL+n | new song | | CTRL+s/o | save/open song | | CTRL+c/v / CTRL+ins/SHIFT+ins | copy/paste | | CTRL+j | join paste | | CTRL+a | select all | | CTRL+d | select nothing | | CTRL+b | begin selection at cursor | | CTRL+e | end selection at cursor | | SHIFT+Up/Down| select block | | CTRL+m | Unmute all channels | | keypad plus/minus | select instrument | | CTRL+keypad plus/minus | change song speed | | ALT+keypad plus/minus | change second song speed the two speeds mean the first speed is used for even steps and the other for odd steps. e.g. 8+4 will have a distinct shuffle in the tempo. | | CTRL+F9/F10 | change song player rate (i.e. 50 Hz means every second 50 frames are processed, which would translate to 50/6 steps per second for the default speeds) | | SHIFT+CTRL+F9/F10 | change time signature (only has a visual effect, the spacing of the different colored pattern steps changes) | | CTRL+R | Change screen scaling | | CTRL+Z | Undo | | CTRL+Y | Redo | # Pattern editor # | Return | jump to sequence editor | |:-------|:------------------------| | ALT+insert/delete | change pattern length | | Cursor keys/pg up/pg dn | move cursor | | Ctrl+left/right || Single pattern edit: change current| pattern
Multiple pattern edit: Jump to neighboring channel
Ctrl+Shift+left/right Jump to the same parameter column in neighboring channel
Ctrl+up/down Move sequence editor position
Ctrl+I Interpolate selection
Ctrl+K Clone pattern
Ctrl+U Jump to an unused pattern
1 Note colum: Note-off
0/1 Set legato etc. bits
Insert/delete/backspace do what you would expect
Shift + Delete Empty the whole pattern row (In Protracker mode)
. no note/no instrument number etc.
most other keys enter note
Ctrl+Shift+E Expand pattern x2

Sequence editor

0-9, a-z, Shift+a-z enter pattern
Return edit currently selected pattern in the pattern editor (actually edits all patterns on the current sequence position)
Period Set current pattern to none
ALT+up/down adjust transpose for current pattern
CTRL+U Add unused pattern at cursor
CTRL+K Clone pattern at cursor
CTRL+down/up edit song length
CTRL+left/right edit sequence editor pattern step
insert/delete/backspace do what you would expect

Instrument editor

Up/down select parameter
Left/right/return Modify parameter
Tab switch between the program and the parameters

Program editor

Return Edit program command
Space Combine/detach currently selected command to the command below