- Review job results
(You should be able to identify from the prow job log, if the failure is related to OpenShift CI or tests)
- Cluster is provisioned and tests have been run?
- No
- Review log
- Could be related to OpenShift CI itself: no cluster from cluster pool, job failed to provision cluster, quay.io outage..
- OpenShift CI failures are usually on channels: #forum-testplatform, #4-dev-triag, #announce-testplatform
- Restart the run
- (in case of OpenShift CI outage - it will not help, but in case of a high workload on OpenShift CI it could help - typically in case no clusters in cluster pool)
- Review log
- Yes, you can see the test results
- No
- Cluster is provisioned and tests have been run?
- Review test results:
- Some of the tests failed
- Review tests logs
- Review, if these failures can be related to your PR
- Review issues marked with label ci-fail
- You can get these issues with Jira filter
- The failure could be a known and already reported issue
- You can look at the stacktrace and source code to determine, which component/part of the test failed
- Investigate OpenShift CI Cluster logs
- Review tests logs
- Some of the tests failed
- Investigate OpenShift CI Cluster logs
- Every Prow job executed by the CI system generates an artifacts directory containing information about that execution and its results.
- Open a link to prow job from your PR -> Open Artifacts link
- Review logs from folders:
- redhat-appstudio_e2e-tests/redhat-appstudio-e2e/
- Store xunit files related to appstudio e2e-tests.
- /artifacts/appstudio-e2e-tests/redhat-appstudio-gather/artifacts
- Contains information about pipelineruns, pipelines, operators, configuration, Stonesoup Kube APIs informations, components, application, environment..
- /artifacts/appstudio-e2e-tests/redhat-appstudio-hypershift-gather/artifacts/
- Contains information about PVC, roles, bindings, configmaps…
- Contains also folder pods. This folder contains logs from all pods and running services.
- For example there is log from application-service named like: application-service_application-service-application-service-controller-manager
- This artifacts are present only with hypershift installer.
- redhat-appstudio_e2e-tests/gather-extra/
- Stores all cluster pods logs, events, configmaps etc.
- This artifacts are present only when we don't use hypershift.
- More details on all artifacts can be found in OpenShift CI documentation
- redhat-appstudio_e2e-tests/redhat-appstudio-e2e/
- Create JIRA issue
Please report the issue in the STONEBUGS JIRA project with label ci-fail and quality in case you don't know the correct component/service. In case you know which component is responsible for the failure, use components project and also use the label ci-fail.
The QE team will get a notification, when a new issue is created with this label.
Please include:
- Link to the prow job
- Failure message
- Relevant logs
- (+ could be helpful to also include Slack thread conversation link in the ticket)
- Post this issue in #forum-konflux-qe(ping @ic-appstudio-qe) channel and relevant component channel.
- You can also raise this issue on #forum-konflux-developer channel and your lead can raise this issue on SoS call(and PM call and architects call, if this is necessary).