# visit this link for your `civo-internal` account token https://dashboard.civo.com/security
## verify KUBEFIRST_TEAM_INFO is set in your shell or set it below
## verify CIVO_TOKEN is set in your shell or set it below
# export KUBEFIRST_TEAM_INFO=yourname
# export CIVO_TOKEN=
# inputs
export CIVO_REGION="nyc1"
note: the instance requires 16 CPU and 32 GB ram for the vagrant ecosystem so adjust your instance size accordingly
note: the ssh key is required to be added in civo cloud. you can manage this with `civo ssh` and update the below accordingly
civo instance create \
--size g4s.2xlarge \
--sshkey jedwards \
--diskimage ubuntu-jammy \
--script ./scripts/cloud-init \
--initialuser root colony-$KUBEFIRST_TEAM_INFO \
# ssh onto new vm
git clone https://github.com/konstructio/colony
# enter github username
# enter github PAT
note: the user data script is running as soon as the vm is provisioned
and might take a minute before vagrant
is available to run
cd /root/colony/vagrant-dc/
vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
vagrant up spine01 leaf01 exit laptop
first connect to laptop from the data center vm
vagrant ssh laptop
all laptop hosts
🌻 improve the runlist: https://github.com/konstructio/colony/issues/84
echo "alias k=kubectl" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
sudo snap install --classic kubectx
sudo snap install --classic go
# this clones the colony repository inside `laptop`
git clone https://github.com/konstructio/colony
# enter github username
# enter github PAT
# verify all pods are Completed or Running
kubens tink-system
kubectl get pods
download-hook-q6bk9 0/1 Completed 0 113s
download-ubuntu-jammy-xll2j 0/1 Completed 0 88s
cd /home/vagrant/colony
export COLONY_API_KEY=<REPLACE WITH YOUR KEY FROM COLONY UI FROM https://colony-ui.mgmt-24.konstruct.io>
kubectl -n tink-system create secret generic laptop-kubeconfig --from-file=kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config
colony init
# proxy mode
/home/vagrant/manifests/helm-upgrade.sh /home/vagrant/manifests/proxy-values.yaml
kubens tink-system
kubectl get pods
if all pods are healthy, you can run exit to return to the datacenter vm
# from datacenter vm
cd /root/colony/
cd vagrant-dc
colony power-on
Within 60 seconds, you should see the machines discover in the colony UI on the assets page
in the colony user interface, go to the assets page to view the discovered hardware.
check the checkbox for the available hardware and select the ubuntu-focal template.
apply the template.
open a new isolated terminal on your laptop
replace the values for the below two export commands, and run this to open a tunnel
export DC_VM_IP= # get this value from civo console
export MACHINE_PORT=5905 # get this value from vagrant up output. look for `==> machine1: -- Graphics Port:`
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 root@${DC_VM_IP} -L ${MACHINE_PORT}:${MACHINE_PORT}
then go to another terminal and run
export MACHINE_PORT=5901
open vnc://$MACHINE_PORT
Notes to iterate demo from this point:
- vagrant destroy machine1
- vagrant ssh laptop
- k delete wf --all
- k delete hw --all
- exit back to datacenter
- connect to cockroach from local
- delete workflows and hardwares where account_id=xxx
- check ui, assets are empty
- return to step 10 when demoing