Day 1: December 16, 2017 First day of my challenge was to get it started, learning git, github and reading throw the rules. Im not 100% sure I got it right. I will however continue doing like this and if im doing something wrong, I hope someone will inform me. This challenge is going to be learning python thrue youtube,, and various pages like so. I am going to upload what im going thrue and update journal daily. I hope i find 1 hour per day to do this, consider I have a 3 year old and wife :) Today I did a couple of tutorials on youtube... they will be uploaded... Cheers!
Day2: December 17, 2017 Second day of my challenge I turned to kivy in python and tried to understand by makeing the game pong. Im halfway throu and will be continue later today.. Finished of my pong game, so now its playable. next step in this project is make a winner text "PLAYER# IS THE WINNER" and some graphical colors!
Day7: December 23, 2017 The last week I havent updated my log file, but I have been working on my game project, Im following a youtube tutorial where I learn to code a game, Im following it step by step but the end goal is to be able to start over and reference back to that code later. Its real fun, and pretty easy to understand